I don't own digimon.

Chapter 14

Bonus 1: Broken Sincerity

Mimi Tachikawa was afraid.

To some extent, she had every right to be in this situation.

"Answer me, Palmon." the digidestined of sincerity whispered as she held the body of her partner to her chest. "Answer me!"

Yet there was no answer. Hadn't been one for a couple years.

She gazed about her tiny room, searching for any sign of change that could've occurred since her previous check seconds before. Stuffed animals had been invited in and had never left, leaving little actual room for one to make their way around. She managed quite well in that front. In between that and all the piles of rotting food and various of instruments of nastiness she had accumulated in order to protect herself from the various threats that believed that they could pull a fast one on her. Especially after she had learned to the truth behind all of this.

On the roof of a nearby building, a pair of figures silently watch from the shadows. The heat from the august sun had faded away, giving way to the moon and the humidity.

"Let's just get this done with." the first figure whispered and pulled his hood up. "Or do you want to give it an hour or two?"

The other figure gave a shrug and held a hand up their mouth.

"It all boils down to the same result either way." the second figure answered and revealed a smile. "She die at the hands of someone. Whether it's by our hands or her own."

His partner let out a groan, only to head towards the door down. The silence continued its way down, with only the sound of footsteps echoing through down the staircase taking a chance at breaking that down. It failed mind you, but not without trying at least.

The walk over to the other apartment building brought only dread for both of them. While this variable hadn't been part of the grand scheme of their leader. Heck, when the target's video was discovered, they were forced to watch Julie strangle a young girl to death. Usually, it had been one of those cute golden retriever puppies or even worse, a newborn baby. They weren't entirely certain where she got such objects, but chose to keep such thoughts to themselves. Rarely was it a good idea to take on the order. But some people just don't get it.

As was the case of Mimi Tachikawa. She could of taken the easy way within all of this, chosen to get her memory wiped along with her instability cured. But no, she chose to stand alone within her apartment. People can be such confusing things sometimes.

"Here it is." the first figure whispered and watched his partner use some sort of broadsword on the door, knocking it open. They were assaulted by the smell of rotten food and other nasty things that neither person wanted to the know the contents of. Yet, they marched on through to the bedroom. They passed through the hallway, where Mimi had taken the time scratch a message out of some sorts into the left wall. They didn't even take the time to read it and potentially ponder the meaning of it.

"I know you're here!" the digidestined announced as she stood behind her door. "And I won't let you take me alive!"

The thick odors of gasoline emanated from that area as it was followed by a flick of a match. Flames then burst forth, bring with it intense heat and light as the world began to spin around for Mimi. Eventually it all went black, yet she could still feel it around her. Soon, she would be with her partner once more.

Sadly, such a wish would not come true.

In some respects, that was the beauty of having a world-class plastic surgeon. Did it outweigh her tick of conforming of the clothes she wore? Not really, but that was problem to be dealt when one was off the job.

"My, you did quite a number to yourself." a woman whispers and replaces the charred patches of skin. "But I can't deliver you to Shade in such a gnarled state."

"Release me from that table of yours then." Mimi countered, not at all attempting to open her eyes up. Of course, her eyelids had been pulled open with a pair of tweezers just to make sure that they were still intact. Yet within all of that, she could make out a second woman. She was dressed in a green kimono with a vine pattern. A pair of green eyes seemed to take her in, only to have all that focus be taken up by the green lotus tattoo on the side of her neck.

But as quickly as she was granted vision, an injection took it all away.

"Assistant, hand me the next injection." the first woman barked as silence engulfed Mimi once more. Pain came right after that as memories of her former partner flooded back in. They had been the best of friends and sharers of secrets. Mimi had taken the bipedal plant wherever she went and occasionally, Palmon would do the same.

Yet, all it brought was sadness for her.

When her eyes finally did open again, everything felt 'off'. For one, her skin had taken on a green plant like texture while her fingers had turned into purple thorns. She placed a hand on her hand, feeling the petals of some flower up there.

"You're awake."

Mimi sat herself up and took the surrounding room in. Currently she was surrounded in all four walls by white. The only thing that really added contrast was a man with spiky reddish brown hair.

"I am Shade Alkruz, a scientist in the order." the man greeted as he took a step forward. "But you probably know me by one of my other names."

Mimi spat on his shirt.

"The ball was in you court and you chose to bat it away. How pathetic."

He then exited the room and closed the door behind him, bringing back a large glass cage.

"I realize that you might hate me." Shade whispered and let out a sigh. "And I don't blame you. I would hate myself too knowing all that I've done."

He set the cage down in the back corner and stepped away.

"Just die." Mimi muttered and got no answer. And for the longest time, that was how it was. And then it changed.

It had been her annual injection, a guise for 'scientific research'. What exactly he could discern was beyond her. Especially since his own co-workers helped turn her into this.

"Stop this at once." a voice announced as the sound of footsteps echoed throughout the room.

"Says who?" Shade countered and set the syringe down, turning around to face this figure.

"I do." the figure answered while Mimi focused in. It was a girl of sorts, dressed in a cream colored cloak and hood. For some reason, the girl's statement made Shade laugh as a makeshift rapier appeared in her hands. "What so fucking funny, huh?"

"The fact that you truly believe that you're the grand hero in this particular moment." Shade taunted and stepped towards his opponent. "You're nothing more than a villain pretending to do the right thing."

The girl chose to spit on the scientist's shirt.

"Shut. Up."

Mimi watched the rapier swing in Shade's direction, with him just standing there in silence.

"Why? Do you think you're so tough just because you escaped from my friends?" the scientist screamed and pulled out what appeared to be a gun of all things. "Be glad that none of Julie's toy were notified."

He got no answer, with the girl choosing instead to take a deep breath.

"All that truly decides whether I'm a hero or a villain..." for some reason, this was a cue for Shade to crack one of those cocky sort of smiles as the girl's eyes lit up. "Is the color of my heart."

With that, Shade was pushed to the ground and the girl ran over to the glass cage, letting Mimi free.

"Thank you..." Mimi whispered and made her way out of the base. She gave no attention to the bodies of deceased, choosing instead to focus on leaving the place first.

There, she would choose her fate, for better or worse...


The first of two bonus chapters. This one being a full-on rewrite of The Capture of Mimi.

This will hopefully be the first of at least two bonus chapters. The second one will just be the Tri characters and their possible fates/involvement in DA03. Or if I'm extremely lucky, all the additions via Tri will be cancelled at the end by a sudden Deus Ex Machina.