Hey guys! I am SO SORRY about dropping off the face of the earth! I thought this process would be quicker, but apparently not. So here's what I've been up to:

I've been pretty busy lately. I know it probably seems like I dropped this story (and the two I've got for Until Dawn), but when I was formatting the next couple chapters for this and Cold Horrid Certainty, I realized just how little I knew firsthand about the stuff I would be writing about. That hit me pretty hard, honestly. I started reading more about serial killings and mental health books on various disorders (getting in to which ones would be spoilers, so I'll just leave it at that), hell, I even tuned in to Law and Order every couple of nights for something- anything really- that I was missing. I had visited Alcatraz and thoroughly examined the prison life/read everything I could. I even live by a well-known penitentiary and am friends with one of the guards there. But something just felt so incomplete and I was (am) getting more and more dissatisfied by how much I actually know. I know it's just silly fanfiction writing, but someday I want to write real, in depth stories of my own and have them published. I love writing, and I want to be thorough with it. I graduated high school last year (I guess I should be blessed I'm this passionate about something already), and basically have been off taking core classes at college. But this semester I'm going change it up and go into Forensics and Psychology. Because if I'm ever going to feel satisfied with how everything is being portrayed, it's got to start there.

So no! I have not and will not abandon this project! Once I get the necessary background info I need in these fields, I'll pick right up where we left off. Again, I apologize SO MUCH for the unexpected disappearance. I just assumed that if I shut it out for a bit, I'd get out of this ditch. But I know I can write this so much better once I fully understand crime scenes and mental health.

In the meantime, if you know any interesting tidbits about these areas, or, better yet, stories involving crime/mental health based things that you wouldn't mind sharing, I would love to hear about them! I'm totally on board with keeping in touch with you guys while I work this out :) Either leave a comment here or email me at gmail. com