Well, here we are at the end of my first real story… Thankyou to everyone I know its basically every chapter I say this but hey, I mean it.

I have realized on average I update once per day, it was just a thought. Well you know what they say; "A chapter a day keeps the friendships away." (lol)

I won't blab much, I'll reply to reviews now :D

Chancey74: I'm hurt, i thought you were reading for me! (jks) glad you liked it and there will b future stories :D and yeah, woot hiccstrid! Thanks for your ongoing support!

snoopykid: Don't tempt me. :P Thanks for your ongoing support!

Foster117: Grazie! (Italian ftw) Epilogues here! No Idea what I'm writing next but theres Ideas. Writers influx! Probably a hurt/comfort about… something in httyd 2 :) (No spoilers!) Thanks for your ongoing support!

Hapciuovici: Thankyou, I was hoping I did well, it was kind of a double chapter for you guys :P And yeah, toothless ftw. best wingman/dragon I've seen… lol. Interesting for that review interesting was intriguingly left out… Thanks for your ongoing support!

After that sappy reply chain. The Epilogue time! (Dramatic music)

Here goes


Astrid and Hiccup returned from the forest dreamy eyed and both unconsciously holding hands. The dragons went to their respective homes as both just wanted to walk in each others company. Rumours were beginning to spread the two had a fight but all that was quelled when the two walked in to town oblivious to the looks they were getting. Fishlegs was first to see them out of the gang and just smiled as he knew that whatever they had against each other had all but dissolved. There was an 86% chance of that happening but he forgot to mention that to Astrid before she flew off that day. The twins were completely flabbergasted that Astrid had stopped hurting him and then forgot about it as soon as they left their sight and continued planning the prank on Snotlout that would take at least another month for their slow(er) brains to plan. Snotlout was last to see the pair. They had both forgotten what he'd done and they didn't care anyway. They were together and thats all that mattered. When Snotlout saw them there was at first shock as this was not part of the plan but then he figured it would happen as Astrid is impatient. Astrid was first to snap out of the daze when she saw Snotlout.

"Aaah, Snotlout feeling better?"

She said with an unreadable tone. Snotlout was waiting an imminent punch when Hiccup held up a hand gesturing to her he'd handle this. Hiccup still didn't know why Snotlout lied and wanted to find out. He guessed it was out of jealousy.

"Snotlout, care to tell me how you came up with that lie without adding yourself as the main star?"

Snotlout coughed and muttered inaudibly as the twins coincidentally were now in ear shot. Astrid saw this and wanted to give Snotlout a little revenge.

"Oh I know why! I can tell the whole world why you made that lie up!"

Snotlout gulped visibly and there was threat of a sweat breaking out. Hiccup was confused but Astrid seemed to be enjoying this as the twins were now interested.

"What did he lie about?"

Ruffnut asked but her twin cut in

"Does it involve pain?"

Astrid was amused by Snotlout who hadn't vented in a while was seriously blushing and trying desperately to hide in his own coat. Astrid decided to put him out of his misery now and went with one of the only… Fun, ways to get him out of the situation without the twins questioning him relentlessly.

"Honestly Snotlout I didn't think you could say that about Ruffnuts weight"

Snotlout looked at her now with daggers but he realized that this was technically helping him but when he looked at a now fuming Ruffnut his mind went into overdrive to get himself out of it.

"I didn't say anything bad it was a compliment!"

He said before he could realize what he just implied. Ruffnut stopped getting ready to explode and looked at him discombobulated.


She said as Astrid facepalmed, Snotlout inwardly punched himself, Hiccup stood there just gaping in confusion and Tuffnut had lost interest and was chasing a butterfly. Ruffnut for some reason was blushing. Snotlout realized he just ruined Astrids way of getting him out of it as now he had to tell her the truth or say himself he really did just insult her.

"I didn't say compliment I meant… contemplate?"

He said the last word sort of as a question as if he was asking himself if that were true. Hiccup was still confused and Astrid whispered an 'I'll tell you later' in his ear as she went to fix Snotlout mess… Again.

"It's a lot of long words Ruff don't listen to a word he says. He meant to compare your weight to your brothers. turns out your equal!"

At the mention of anything near academical Ruffnut lost interest and went to headbutt her brother as Snotlout mouthed a 'thank you' and Hiccup was about to explode out of curiosity and confusion.

"Don't get comfortable that was a one off thing."

She said as she grabbed Hiccup and walked away, but he would say something that will again change Hiccups day. And time ahead.

"I'm sorry Hiccup, Astrid will tell you… uhh.. why."

He said before he practically ran the other direction as Vikings never apologized and Snotlout always made it clear he would never do such a thing. Hiccup was stunned. His cousin apologized. And that was enough for Hiccup to forgive him on the spot. Hiccup was always forgiving like that and no more than 20 minutes later Astrid had told him the whole story… Who knew? They had finally gotten over their technically first hurdle in their relationship as Hiccup and Astrid repair their friendship and go beyond. Hiccup returned home to go to his room and realized there were scrape marks on the stairs which meant one thing. His rock had arrived for Toothless. He opened the door only to be tackled by a black mass of licks and croons. Toothless was overjoyed his rider decided to thank him with a rock to lie on. He had a place in the house that Hiccup somehow made appear and he was almost happy enough not to demand fish from him… almost.

"Aaah-w, wh, Toothless! I swear to Tyr if this doesn't wash ou- uuget off!"

The dragon finally moved off and Hiccup realized he was to blame, and thank for kidnapping Hiccup and Astrid. The dragon also realized this as he had an expectant look on his face.

"And now you expect fish! Knew it!"

At the word fish Toothless bounded almost uncontrollably. Hiccup got a basket that was going to be his dinner and threw it to Toothless who began eating everything in it. After he was done he crooned in thanks and went to his rocky bed. Hiccup went up to him and said slowly and meaningfully

"Thank-you bud, for everything."

Toothless simply crooned in understanding and nudged him playfully. Astrid had a similar scenario with her own dragon, Stormfly and fed her chicken as her dragon seemed to want it. She could swear the flight that day was faster. Hiccup didn't leave her mind. nor did Astrid leave Hiccups.

Stoick saw his son return with the biggest grin one could muster and he he saw through the crack in the door Astrid walking away and knew whatever happened was now fixed. He was happy for his son now that everything was looking up for him. Under his breath he simply stated.

"That's my future daughter in-law"

Later that day the first snowflake of winter fell to the ground. Winter had begun and Snoggletog was approaching… And it was destined to be a Snoggletog to remember.

And thats it! My wonderful story had come to a close, I think I tied up all loose ends. I hope. (Search Discombobulated definition if your… discombobulated. and yes its my favorite word ever. i will probably implement it somewhere into every story now.)

Biggest thankyou to everyone that ever viewed replied reviewed faved followed looked at the title and kept scrolling! Thanks to everyone! My next story will be 'no idea' from 'i havent decided what i should do first' but stay tuned! I had major fun writing it and reading your reviews!

Sidenote! I read my traffic graph and the day I released the finale (chap 11) i got 1.17k views... ITS A SIGN! 117 ftw!

Review this chapter or the entire thing, fave, follow, (not that following the story will get you anywhere now…) Stop reading fanfic and make friends…. whatever works for you :D.

With one last cya and my first goodbye. I bid the farewell…. (Won't cry, won't cry… is crying.)
