Naruto woke up sweating heavily and looked around to see that the rest of team seven were all asleep, deciding he could use some fresh air he got up and left the hotel they were staying in when he felt a force begin to pull him towards the forest. Naruto looked back at the hotel before shaking his head and deciding to go on instinct and started walking towards the forest. When he entered the forest he continued to walk into it not really knowing where he was going just following his instincts before he tripped and when he looked up he noticed he was infront of a cave. "huh wonder whats in there" He asked himself before standing and beginning to wonder into the cave

Once he entered the damp cave he noted something on the ground and picked it up before looking it over "what is a scroll doing in a place like this" letting his curiosity get the best of him he opened the scroll. Everything around Naruto warped and changed after he opened the scroll forming into a square room and a voice was heard around him "you who found my lost scroll what do you fight for".

Naruto didn't hesitate as he replied "I fight for those precious to me to keep them safe". The voice came again as the room morphed to change again this time forming into a large white room with a being in the middle that revealed itself to be the Shinigami himself "and to what extent would you be willing to go to protect those close to you" the Shinigami asked him as he took the tanto out of his mouth looking down at the blonde.

Headstrong as always Naruto looked the Shinigami in the eye and replied "I would die if it meant protecting those precious to me". The Shinigami nodded at his reply and said "Naruto Uzumaki if I told you I could grant you the power to protect those precious to you and all you would need to do is become my apprentice would you accept and before you say anything you will not be able to see your precious people for a while if you accept my offer take your time" he finished and looked down at the young ninja.

Naruto begun to think of what he was just told and thought hard 'I will be stronger and able to protect all my precious people, Kakashi-sensei focuses to much on training Sasuke and Sakura doesn't even pay any attention to me this would more than likely be a good thing for me' finished with his thoughts Naruto looked back up at the Shinigami and nodded "I Accept your offer Shinigami-Sama" Naruto said and bowed.

The next thing Naruto saw was the tanto blade of the Shinigami being shoved through his chest as his arms went limp and the feeling left his body and the light left his eyes. The Shinigami hovered infront of the young blonde that he had just thrusted his tanto into and simply said "Naruto Uzumaki you are now my apprentice"

sorry for the short chapter but I don't want to give to much away so tell me what you think and any suggestions you may have