It was a beautiful day. The sky was clear and the sun was bright. Seo Yeon and Min Ji settled for a bench under a tree. Min Ji began to unpack her lunch. "Here." she said offering Seo Yeon a plastic container,.

"What is this?" I packed some extra lunch, You are going to waste away." Min Ji replied.

"Min Ji this is kind of you, but you know, diet?" Seo Yeon reminded her friend.

"Seo Yeon, if Min Ho notices you for becoming rail thin instead of noticing you for who you are, do you really want someone like him?" Min Ji asked earnestly.

"You're one to talk, Miss Kwon Jae Kyung." Seo Yeon stopped mid lecture as something caught her eye. Seo Yeon tapped Min Ji on the shoulder. "Yah…Do Min Ji….Jae Kyung is coming this way."

"I know," Min Ji blushed, "He's going to eat lunch with us today if you're okay with that."

"Oh no. No way am I going to be the third wheel here." Seo Yeon shook her head.

"What are you talking about?" Min Ji said before continuing in a sing song voice, "Besides, I hear Jae Kyung knows Kwang Min Ho."

"Oh? Well I guess I could stay for a bit." She smiled.

"Hey Min Ji!" Jae Kyung said as he approached the two girls.

"Oppa! Come have lunch with us." Min Ji beamed.

"Aigoo…" Seo Yeon tsked. "Already calling him oppa, you hopeless girl?" Min Ji shot her a look.

"So, Jae Kyung," Min Ji started, "Are you close with Kwang Min Ho?"

"A bit, we are on the same soccer team." Jae Kyung said with trepidation. "Why do you ask?"

Min Ji blushed, "Do you think you could put in a good word for Seo Yeon?"

"Ahh," Jae Kyung said with a tone of relief in his voice. "Well, we're playing this weekend, why don't you two come to watch the game?"

"Seriously?!" Seo Yeon asked with excitement.

"Sure! I can introduce Min Ho to you." Jae Kyung smiled.

"You're the best Jae Kyung!" she exclaimed, "Yah, Do Min Ji, this one is a keeper."

Min Ji looked at the ground sadly.

"Well, I'm off. Thanks for the lunch, Min Ji. I'll return the lunch box later." Seo Yeon smiled as she sauntered off.

"Min Ji, what's wrong? You look sad all of a sudden." Jae Kyung asked worried.

"Oh it's nothing." Min Ji picked at her lunch.

"Tell me. Maybe I can help." He offered.

Min Ji took a deep breath and decided to tell him what her father told her to, "After graduation, I'm going to study abroad."

"Oh." Jae Kyung had a difficult time hiding his disappointment, "I mean, that's great. When will you return?"

Min Ji looked up at the sky trying to come up with a reasonable time, "Not sure. Maybe a year?"

"Well, we have two months ahead of us. Let's make the most of our time together."

Min Ji blushed and smiled. She felt bittersweet about the whole thing. You finally make your dream a reality, but the dream is too short.

Jae Kyung placed his hand over hers and her heart began to race. "Don't worry Min Ji-ah. I'll be waiting for your return." He gave her a smile.

From behind the bushes, Ji Yong and one of his lackeys watched the two of them.

"Look at them, Si Won. Ugh it makes me sick. Do you have the camera ready?"

"Mmm." Si Won said absent mindedly.

"Okay, I need you to catch her on tape." You're busted Do Min Ji and I'll show everyone the truth. No one makes a fool of Ji Yong. "Start recording."

Si Won was busy fiddling with his phone. Ji Yong smacked him over the head. "What the hell? What was that for?" Si Won asked rubbing the area where Ji Yong hit him.

"Stop goofing off. You. Phone. Record. Now." Ji Yong said before raising his fist at Si Won causing him to flinch.

"I got it, sheesh." Si Won got into position to film without being scene.

Ji Yong stepped from behind the bushes. "Well, well, well. If it isn't beauty and the beast."

"Ji Yong, you shouldn't talk about Jae Kyung that way." Min Ji said.

"I complimented him. He's the beauty!" Ji Yong laughed.

"Yah, Ji Yong. You're out of line." Jae Kyung growled.

Ji Yong sprang forward and grabbed a hold on Jae Kyung's collar. "No, I think I'm standing right on the line. But if you want me to cross over…" And with that he threw a punch at Jae Kyung. Swiftly Min Ji moved her arm and caught Ji Yong's fist in her hand.

"Should we go for round two?" Min Ji smiled. Reversing the situation, she grabbed Ji Yong's collar and threw him back a few yards.

"Oh no!" Ji Yong said with mock anguish, "You have bested me once more, Min Ji! I promise I'll never bother you again." He sauntered back off towards the school building. Jae Kyung cocked his head sideways in amazement of Min Ji. "I won't ask, but you have got to tell me how you do that."

Min Ji looked down, disappointed in herself before something caught the corner of her eye. It was Si Won rising from the bushes and speed walking towards the school. Min Ji swiftly stood up and in the blink of an eye she ran towards Si Won. She was standing in front of him as he stared at his phone.

"Good stuff," Si Won complimented himself as he watched the replay of events, "Ji Yong will be pleased." He bumped into Min Ji.

"Uhhh…hey…Min Ji…." Si Won stuttered.

"What do you have there, Si Won?" Min Ji pointed at the phone.

He began to back away, his arms up in front of him. "N-nothing. Just checking a text."

"Is that so? Then why did I just hear my voice coming from your phone?" Min Ji glared at him.

"What? Y-you must be mistaken."

"Rarely." She snatched the phone out of Si Won's hand and saw the video of her fight with Ji Yong.

"Oh this won't do." Min Ji said in a threating tone, "So, what shall we do about this, Si Won?"

"Um…delete it?"

"Bingo." Min Ji quickly deleted the video from his phone and menacingly stepped into Si Won's personal space. "Are we going to do this again, friend?"

"N-no…I swear." Frightened Si Won thought about dropping to his knees to beg for forgiveness.

"Good boy. Now off you go." Min Ji shooed him away with a flick of her wrist.

Si Won took off towards the doors of the school yard. She saw Ji Yong smack him upside the head. Ji Yong looked back at Min Ji with a scowl on his face. Jae Kyung walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. His closeness made Min Ji catch her breath.

"You are really amazing, Do Min Ji. Whatever you are, I will keep it secret." He whispered in her ear.

"I know you will, oppa." Min Ji placed both her hands over his.

"Will you ever confide in me?" he asked.

"Perhaps. Will you ever confide in me?" she parleyed.

"Perhaps." He grinned.

At that moment the bell rang and the two headed back to class. Ji Yong was scowling at his desk. Min Ji snickered at him. Once seated, she noticed Jae Kyung looking back at her. "Date after school?" he mouthed. She nodded. He winked at her before turning back towards the chalk board. Min Ji placed her hand over her quickly beating heart. Maybe she could tell him the truth after all. Jae Kyung was kind and seemed trust worthy. He made her feel emotions she'd never felt before. She became resolute about her decision at that moment. I'll tell him tonight. Fighting, Do Min Ji!