August 24,2014

Chapter 10 Episode 4 Fight Night

Amanda- Welcome to Friday FIght Night I am Amanda with my partner Paul E. Heyman

Paul- I am going to get revenge on Chaos and my daughter for attacking me on Monday Night World.

Matthew Jacobs was in the ring to start off Fight Night

Matthew Jacobs- I told Peter he unleash a demon and at the PPV 9/11 Invasion I want another shot at your championship.

Kali Heyman walked down to the ring.

Kali- Matthew if you want a Championship match. You must beat the NWWO Tag Team Championship in a Handicap match.

Matthew Jacobs- Bring it

Matthew Jacobs grabbed Kali and went for a Twist of Fate on Kali. Matthew Jacobs then went to the turnbuckle and did a Swanton Bomb.

Matthew Jacobs- Peter that is for Catalina.

Matthew Jacobs left the ring. Peter came out to help Kali get back to the back.

#1 Contender for the NWWO Hardcore Championship Brock Lesnar vs Samoa Joe in a Hardcore match.

The Next Big Thing played throughout the arena and out comes Brock Lesnar and headed to the ring with a chair in his hand. Samoa Joe comes out with a chain in his hand.

Paul- I know Brock will become the #1 Contender for the NWWO Hardcore Championship.

Samoa Joe started by dropping the chain. Samoa Joe left the ring to get a kendo stick. Samoa Joe then began hitting Brock with the kendo stick. Brock hit Samoa Joe in the head with the chair. Brock then grabbed the chain and began choking Samoa Joe with the chain. Brock let got and left to get a table. Brock set the table. King Ty and Emrah comes out and began attacking Brock and Samoa Joe. King Ty started by pouring gasoline on the table and then lite the table on fire. King Ty and Emrah then went for Chaotic Dreams ( 3D) on Brock Lesnar. Emrah went to get another table. King Ty lite the table on fire and they went for Chaotic Dreams on Samoa Joe. Emrah left the ring. King Ty pinned Brock Lesnar. 1...2...3

Amanda- King Ty is the #1 Contender for the NWWO Hardcore Championship.

Paul- He use the rule that anyone can win in a NWWO Hardcore match.

Catalina came down to the ring with Matthew Jacobs.

Catalina- On Monday Night World I won the NWWO Women's Championship and I was also Last Ride by that Bastard Peter.

Peter walked out to the ring.

Peter- I am here to announce for Kali. This Monday on World Catalina vs a mystery opponent t. Also Matthew Jacobs good luck with your match.

Matthew Jacobs- I can take both of your goons out. Then at 9/11 Invasion I will get a match with you.

King Ty and Nero came down to the ring for their match. Nero started in the ring against Matthew Jaocbs. Nero starts off by trying to get Matthew Jacobs on the ground. Matthew Jacobs chokeslam Nero. King Ty was attacked from behind by Ced and Kayden.

Paul- That is The Physical Speciemen Ced and Kayden.

Amanda- Kayden have had problems with Chaos in the past.

Matthew Jacobs goes for the Twist of Fate on Nero and then get on the turnbuckle and goes for a Swanton Bomb. Matthew Jacobs went for a pin 1...2...3. King Ty came into the ring next. King Ty went for a spear on Matthew Jacobs. King Ty picked him up and went for Just Business but Matthew Jacobs counter. Matthew Jacobs went for a dropkick to King Ty. King Ty landed on the second rope. Matthew Jacobs went for the 619 then the pin. 1...2...3.

Kayden and Ced came into the ring to celebrate with Matthew Jacobs.

Amanda- So we will see Peter vs Matthew Jacobs at 9/11 Invasion.

Need Oc refs if you have any ideas I need both Men and Women refs