Chapter 3

3 1/2 Months Later

"I will have to leave you, Sakura-chan" Sakura's Anbu escort turned to say, gesturing towards the messenger; that had just joined them. "My skills are in need, elsewhere."

"That is fine, the village is not far from here" replied Sakura, reassuring him with a smile; which she didn't feel.

It seemed for a second, that he may not be so sure in leaving her. Taking a step towards her, as if to say something. A slight tilt of his head, it seemed he had a rethink, whatever he had wished to say, deemed unimportant with the extra company.

Nodding their heads at one another, the two Anbu took their leave. Sakura's feet were beginning to ache now, she was nearly home after 14 weeks away. All the ninja, she had to help were all recovering fine. Being able to help most, however a few were told that they would be unable to carry on as a ninja. It was hard, she couldn't help but feel for them. Her thoughts on Lee, when he had to endure that news. There were complications even she could not fix, chakra passage ways closed for too long, unrepairable damage. With only one of her, travelling to all 4 villages took too much time for some. There had been no deaths, but it wasn't critical patients she had been sent out for. It had been the tricky ones, which used a lot of precise chakra control, which was tiring.

Looking at her surroundings she estimated she was about 30 minutes away from home. She was dreading it a bit, her pace had slowed considerably, as she dragged her feet. Her hand subconsciously resting upon her tummy, over the baby growing inside of her. Which calmed her racing heart. It had taken her a while to realise she was pregnant, considering her medical background. She had made the common mistake of misdiagnosing all the signs, assuming it was due to tiredness and stress from all the travelling and healing. Eventually noticing a faint chakra disturbance within her own, it had come as quite a shock.

Sakura now felt very awkward. She was beginning to show and she didn't think she was quite ready for it to become public. She wasn't afraid of the looks or judgement that maybe thrown at her. Only the complete unknown of how Sasuke would take the information.

Sasuke kept a short distance between him and the other Anbu he was travelling with. In the last three months, he had done every C & D ranked mission Tsunade had thrown his way. Never letting his temper rise, towards the obvious bait. Returning multiple times throughout the day, for the next mission that was beneath his notice. Eventually, he was trusted with higher level tasks however they may have just as easily of run out of lower ranked missions. Now he found himself, on his first mission as an ANBU and was unaware he would find Sakura out here.

Thinking back to when Tsunade tasked him the mission.
"Uchiha Sasuke, you will be leaving the village immediately!" Tsunade's loud voice carried even to the hallway outside.
Startling a passing Naruto, who barrelled through the doors "Granny Tsunade you can't!"
"Dammit Naruto! You should knock before you enter my office!" Responded Tsunade whilst throwing an empty sake bottle in his direction.

"I'm going on a mission, dobe" Sasuke coolly injected, before he was delayed further by their antics. Raising the mission scroll, to show Naruto.

"Ah..." An embarrassed Naruto ran a hand through his hair.

"Out!" said Tsunade as Naruto mumbled a 'yes ma'am' and escaped through the door. Continuing on as soon as the doors were closed, she opened her desk drawer and placed a mask on the edge of the desk. "This is your first mission as an ANBU. You are to meet up with a fellow Anbu, who is currently escorting someone back to the village, they should only be an hour away by now. You are to explain the situation to him or pass him the scroll for conformation. Dismissed" Adding on as an afterthought "Don't make me regret this Uchiha." He nodded as he attached his new mask.

Locating the Anbu, he was taken aback to see Sakura. They noticed his presence and both halted. Sasuke jumped down, landing beside them. Sasuke watched her, as she moved away from them, giving them privacy. Not wanting to waste time talking, he immediately handed over the scroll. Using the time to look her over. As the days passed, he found himself becoming more annoyed at her for leaving. A feeling that was lost to him now. Something about her had changed. Her stance was different. She seemed happier and healthier to him. He supposed leaving the village, had a positive effect for her.

As Sakura talked to his temporary comrade, he wondered if they became close on their 3 month mission together. His insides bristling at the thought.

With his attension back on the present, he wondered why the Hokage had not disclosed the fact; Sakura had been, who the Anbu was escorting back. He would have been able to locate them faster. The Hokage must have found it amusing.

Returning to the village, Sakura was enveloped in a huge welcome home hug from Naruto; who had been waiting by the village gate.

"Welcome back Sakura-chan!" Naruto happily almost sang, while moving a step back.

"Thank you Naruto" she replied, smiling back at him. "Oh, you can carry this!" she decided, as she threw her medical bag in his direction "I'm tired of carrying it!"

"Thanks" he replied "We will have to eat then, if I'm expected to carry this. Everyone is at Choji's new favourite restaurant. Sakura fell in to step, beside Naruto as he chatted about all the things, she had missed. She tried to listen to what he was saying but her mind was elsewhere. Naruto obviously had not noticed the fact she was pregnant. Not that she looked overly different, but she felt as if she was wearing a massive sign which proclaimed it to the world. She wondered if Sasuke was going. She was torn, part of her hoped he wasn't and the other part wanted to see him. Agghh she inwardly groaned. Noticing Naruto looking at her, she realised he must have said something and was waiting for her reply. "Oh sorry Naruto. I'm just a little tired, what did you say?"

Naruto ended up distracting her for the entire way there. Making their way inside, they reached the table everyone was sat at. Looking around the table, she spotted Team 8 & 10, Lee & Ten-ten. She received multiple 'welcome backs' from everyone. Ino bounced out of her chair, also enveloping her in a hug. "Why didn't you tell me you were leaving Forehead!" pouting a little.

"Ah I'm sorry Ino, there really wasn't any time."
"Excuses, excuses, you'll just have to make it up to me!"
"I see" Sakura said, concerned about the how.
"Yep, you'll have to come out drinking with us girls at the weekend" Pointing to Hinata and Ten-Ten which each arm.

"Errrrr" This was bad. When Ino had a plan, there was no way of escaping it. Should she tell her quietly? Or she just wouldn't drink. But that may look suspicious. She had to think of an excuse, just to try! "Well, I… um… think I have a shift at the hospital!" It was a long shot.

"You just got back! Don't be ridiculous! You'll love it!" With that, she was dragged to a spare chair by Ino. Both understanding that she had lost.

They ate and laughed but deciding to leave early, as she was tired. Naruto followed her to the doorway "Do you want my help Sakura-chan getting home?" But with a not so subtle glance towards Hinata, she realised he would prefer to stay.

"I'll be fine thank you, you stay and keep Hinata company" slyly grinning at him.

"Ahh… well…" He mumbled, caught off guard. Going a little pink. Laughing she waved at him whilst exiting the door. The door closing as she heard his yelled "Thank you" reply.

Entering her home, she shut the door behind her. As a large shadow moved across the room. Tensing, she swivelled. But wasn't quick enough as a thick arm came around her neck. She felt an evil presence, when something blunt connected with her head, she was knocked unconscious.

Few hours later.

Sasuke had returned from another successful mission and was now currently leaning against the wall opposite Sakura's building. He was internally debating what he should do. He had been wrong, which in itself was difficult to come to terms with. Sakura. The annoying one. Who would have been by his side constantly if he had allowed it. The one, who said she'd sacrifice anything to be with him. The one who had never given up on him. Always forgiving him. The one, who could only make him happy. He was decided, she was his. Shoving off from the wall he went to enter her building. But halted. The last time, he had done so this late. It had not gone down at all well. Thinking again, he decided it could easily wait till tomorrow. It would be annoying to deal with an angered Sakura, as well as one he'd hurt. He reminded himself.

Turning and strolling away from her building, he went to report to the Hokage. Something he technically, should have done on his immediate return. But he had wanted to see her. Having no idea, that Sakura was at the mercy of another.

Sakura blinked open her eyes slowly. Wondering why she had fallen asleep on a dining chair. When she felt the restraints, cutting into her skin. Suddenly recalling what had happened, she whipped her head around to spot her attacker. Which caused a sudden intense pain, from where she had been struck. Finding her assailant, she shot him her best glare. Which earned her a slap.

"Don't you dare glare at ME! You brought this upon yourself!" The person seethed.

It was hard to think, making Chakra control too difficult. With her head pounded loudly in her ears. She was also finding it difficult to focus. She could not even see the face of the person clearly. Had she heard correctly, this was her own fault? She might have laughed, if a fresh wave of nausea had not of hit her.

"The baby!" she thought. Using all the energy she had, she searched and focused on the little chakra signal that should greet her. With all the energy and concentration she possessed, she was able to locate the faint little chakra signal. Zoning out all that was happening around her, making sure the baby stayed safe.

After knocking Sasuke entered the Hokage's office. Tsunade was sat, behind a large pile of paperwork. With Shizune hovering over her shoulder, with a sake bottle in hand. After an unsuccessful swipe to get the bottle, Tsunade turned to face Sasuke. Getting straight to the point Sasuke gave his report on the missions' success. He wasn't sure, she was even listening. As he noted her eyes kept darting in the direction of the sake. Surprised when she was still able to question him at parts. Nodding his head, he was dismissed. Trying to disappear quickly, but was stopped short; when Tsunade asked "Have you seen Sakura today?"

Sasuke wondered to himself, what her joke would be, before responding "Aa."

Tsunade felt her eye twitch, when she realised he wasn't going to elaborate further. "Well she was supposed to report back to me immediately when she returned to the village. Which she has not" Pausing to think "I guess, she was just exhausted and fell asleep at home" assured Tsunade.

Sasuke felt a slight worry, but shrugged it off. She was so close to Konoha that nothing could have happened on the way back. He had already scouted through the area she would have had to take on the way through.

"That was all Sasuke" addressed Tsunade

Sasuke began walking back towards his apartment, having to pass Sakura's building. Stopping outside, he looked up to her third storey window. Having doubts on whether or not he should check on her. Shaking his head he tried to rid himself of the bad feeling he was having. It was ridiculous. No one has seen her, because she most likely asleep; he reasoned, so he carried on walking.

Sakura felt horrible, her head was just getting worse. Will power alone was keeping her conscious right now. But she was unsure of how to get out of this situation, unless she did something. It wasn't going to get any better. Her attacker got very close to her face again, hissing out insults. A foul odour accompanied the battering of her senses, the person obviously had not been taking care of themselves. She realised she could no longer open her eyes, she wasn't sure if this was due to the exhaustion or damage received.

Feeling a sudden gust of wind, which was followed by a crash. The wind, washing the foul stench away, as a fresh calming breeze settled around her. Still unable to lift her eye lids, she strained her ears trying to figure out what was happening around her. There was one quick thump like sound and then silence, time seemed to stretch, when in reality a few seconds felt like minutes; in her helpless state of mind.

Trying to ask who was there, her voice came out as a violent croak. Deflating her spirit somewhat, she was a medic ninja for crying out loud; as a new wave of disorientation struck. Someone was cradling her against their chest bridal style. She felt herself relax within their arms, relishing in the fact that she was now safe and free to pass out; as she recognised his scent. The darkness rushed to embrace her, which she fell happily into.

When she came around, she was met with the brightest of lights. Cringing against it, she realised she was in one of the rooms at the hospital. Finding the remote, she dimmed the switch she knew was at the side of the bed. Beginning to move her hand back, she realised the other seemed stuck; rolling her head to look. Sasuke was sat beside her bed, with his hand holding hers; staring at her intensely.

"Sasuke-kun!" she squeaked.

"Sakura" he replied.

"Who was it?" she whispered. Noticing his eyes turn wrathful at the topic. "Someone who thought you didn't try hard enough to save their wife." at Sakura's crestfallen response, he continued on "it was never your fault, you were in a completely different medical team."

Feeling a fleeting moment of relief, Sakura remembered why she was unable to fight her best. Sakura's sudden intake of breath, hands flying to her stomach. Sasuke misinterpreting what was happening, was on his feet immediately; about to run and fetch another medic ninja; obviously Sakura was having some complication. But her hand reached out to stop him.

Sakura looked up into his concerned face, as a tear rolled down the side of her face. Sasuke was about to panic fully, it seemed she was in pain, so much so she was crying. When she said something that didn't help with the panic, but did make him stop dead in his tracks.

"I'm pregnant"

"Hn?" he questioned.

"I'm pregnant" she repeated.

"Aa" he responded dejectedly as he sat back down; only to jump back onto his feet "what!"

Which caused Sakura's emotional dam to break as she burst out with "it's yours. From all those weeks ago. I was so nervous. I didn't know what to say. And then I was attacked. I was so scared. I was extremely dizzy. Couldn't concentrate. I thought… I thou…" running out of air she stopped. Panicking as she found it hard to breath, she realised she was also shaking. Sasuke climbed on the bed beside her, rubbing her back in small circles; while he gently ordered her to calm down.

Finding her breath, relaxing she began to continue on her explanation; but was stopped when his lips stilled hers.
Sakura had missed this, but it was over all too soon. As he began to pull away, her lip pouting almost involuntarily. Smirking at her, he gathered her up into his arms; settling them comfortably in the bed. They lie there together for a while in silence, enjoying each other's company; until he said "I'm sorry."

"Sasuke" Sakura tried to interrupt.

"I should say it, I was an ass." Sakura couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips which felt good after the last few weeks. Ignoring her he carried on "I'm going to be a father…" Looking down in to her green eyes as she nodded up at him, his arms tightening around her.

"I nearly had my family taken away from me again" Sasuke's voice became deadly low, his eyes darkening. Sakura reached up and kissed him, using his own trick against him.

Pulling away, when she knew he had been successfully distracted. With her palm on his cheek, she closed her eyes resting her forehead against his, "we're safe, because of you; how did you know?" she asked.

"Tsunade said you hadn't shown up, I thought I'd check to ease my mind. I ran up the side of the building just to check you were okay" his voice dropping lower again "then I saw you."

"Thank you Sasuke-kun" she whispered.

"Aa. Sakura, move in with me. Your place is dangerous." He stated matter of factly.

"What! Of course it isn't!"

"Tch, annoying."