They said if you and me ever got together it'd be fire an gas.
Fire to make it warm up
Gas to make it run
The two of us are burn like the surface of the sun
I'm rough around the edges, you're good at acting sweet
And no one's got a clue just how wild you are with me

Driving down the busy street, I watch as Lucas's knuckles turn white with how tight he is squeezing the steering wheel. His jaw is so locked I'm pretty sure his teeth have to be grinding and every time I glance over at him I see the vain in his temple pulse.

"Will you calm down?" I plead reaching over to rest my hand on his knee and watch him give a light shiver. "Luke…"

"I don't think this is a good idea," he states the first comment since we left the house. "Honestly it's a terrible idea. You are just so god damn stubborn," he jerks the car into a parking lot and kills the engine. "I could say no all day, but know for a fact you would just sneak here and show up."

"Clearly you know me better than I thought," I try to lighten the mood, but he doesn't even crack a smile. I can't tell anyone honestly why I wanted to come. I think in my head if I see how it plays out I might not be so scared of it anymore. "Babe…" I sigh pushing up in my seat and leaning closer to him. "Hey," I turn his cheek to look at me. "Please just relax."


"Listen, if it's so safe for you why isn't it safe for me to be here?" I challenge and watch his eyes close when he realizes I'm exactly right. "Can't we just make it a nice night out together and whatever happens happens."

"If I start to feel weird we will leave. You will not put up a fight, you will damn listen to me," his tone extremely clear and because of that I slowly nod and give him a sweet kiss.

"Now come on," I climb from the car and tug the bottom of my dress to make sure nothing is exposed. Rounding the car to Lucas's waiting hand I cuddle up beside his warm body as we walk the few short steps to the building with the loud music spilling out into the parking lot. "I've never been here before."

"Yeah it's not the best scene," he mutters more to himself as wiggles past the long line tugging me with him.

"Lucas I think the line starts back there," I point to the corner that has people wrapping around it. A few making some rude comments at Lucas, but he just seems to ignore them and me as he still pushes to the front to the large man at the door.

"Hey Chad," he slips something into the man's hand who slaps his hand to Lucas's back. The move going so fast and smooth if you didn't watch it you would have never seen it happen. Chewing my lip for a split second I wonder what it was being it didn't at all look like money.

"Hey Luke…that brother of yours is inside," the man I learned as Chad pushes the heavy black door open and I get hit with the strongest smell of dirtiness. Like one of those smells of cigarette smoke, alcohol and possibly even vomit. It so strong that you feel will linger on you and you will definitely have to shower when you get home.

"I figured," Lucas's eyes roll as his hand grips tighter in mine and pulls me closer. "This is Kelsey," he nods at Chad whose eyes sweep across my body and short dress and I shiver uncomfortable under his gaze.

"Gorgeous," he informs me and on reflex I step closer to Lucas. Not sure why he lied about my name but just going with it. "Lucky man…" he steps out of the way and lets Lucas step inside the building and I follow behind. "Make sure Coop doesn't get into trouble tonight."

"I will," Lucas tries to promise but I can tell by the look in his eyes he doesn't believe that. "But we're good?" those eyes dance to Chad's pocket who gives a brief nod before turning back to the crowd and checking other people in.

"What was that?" I feel like I'm almost running beside Lucas as he tugs me into the loud club. "Lucas what was that?" I yank him to face me. His eyes sweeping across the room before running a hand through his hair and sighing.

"Can we not ask questions?" he pleads. His tone not even rude or angry just begging I don't make him answer me. "If you want to see what it is I do please don't ask questions Brooke."

"Ok…" I go against my better judgement and agree and watch the relief erupt in him. "But I do have to be Kelsey all night?" I try to tease, but with the stone look on his face I realize I do. "Fine. But just so you know I hate that name."

"Noted," he puts his hand on the small of my back as he weaves us through the crowd and up to the bar.

"What are you drinking?" I take the cash he is offering, but he shakes his head as he searches the crowd and pulls out his phone. "You don't want anything?" I make sure, but he just mumbles a no as he texts. "Babe…" I place my hand on the top of his phone making him growl and rip his gaze to mine. "Please relax. We are supposed to be having some kind of fun before we go back home. You are wound so damn tight I swear you might bust and we promised no serious shit this weekend," I give him a small shake and finally he cracks a small smile. "There it is…"

"I'm sorry," he puts his phone back in his pocket and slides his arms around my waist and rests on my backside. "I'll try to relax."

"Thank you," I push up on my toes to give a light kiss, releasing a small squeal and giggle when he growls and playfully nips my bottom lip.

"In my mist of being a dick did I tell you how amazing you look tonight?" his eyes run over me and I blush as he inspects the simple black dress that somehow shows curves I don't really have. "Because you look sexy as hell. Pretty Girl. Probably shouldn't have let you come out looking like this…"

"Shut up," I push his chest and twist toward the bar and push up on my toes to lean across it. "Two crown and cokes, please. Short," I pass over the cash as the bartender who looks a little overwhelmed skirts down the bar and gets our drinks.

"Those damn legs…" I tense a little at the voice, rolling my eyes I twist to come face to face with Cooper and inwardly groan. I knew I was going to see him tonight yet for some reason it still bugs me. Not that Lucas is a saint clearly, he is a grown ass man, but Cooper sometimes is just too cocky for me to handle. "Get me every time…"


"What's up little brother?" he smacks Lucas's shoulder ignoring his brother's tone. "Glad ya'll made it. You talk to Chad? Dude was hella pissed…"

"Understandably so, Coop," Lucas shakes his head taking a half step closer to me. "You can't keep making deals when you don't have the shit," he hisses low, Cooper for a split second cutting his eyes at me like he can't believe Lucas actually said it in front of me.

"I know that," his eyes linger on me a second longer before I just twist toward the bar and give him my back, however still perking my ear up to try and listen. "I had the stuff, but Marcus fucked me. He promised me something then just didn't come through. Tonight I getting my shit back."

"Then what is your plan to get it back?"

"Just walk by and grab it," Cooper orders as we sit at a back table and study the guy in front of us.

"Yeah, because that's so easy," Lucas scuffs tossing his hand up at his brother. "I'll just walk over and shove my hand in his pocket and lift it."

"You're bigger than him…" Cooper shrugs, Lucas lifting his gaze to stare at his brother like he is stupid.

We've been here I swear hours sitting at this table while these two morons debate just how Cooper is getting his stuff back. Apparently you can't just ask for it back. Shocker. So they have been scheming and failing and the more they bicker the more I just want to smack them both and go get it my damn self. Which if I'm honest doesn't sound like a bad idea.

"I'll do it," I finally speak and both their heads snap over at me.


"I said I'll do it," I repeat, playing the entire thing out in my head and figuring out the perfect way to do it.

"The fuck you will," Lucas snaps, my mouth snapping shut as I spin to look at him and the tone he just used with me.

"Excuse me?"

"I said you are not going over there. You aren't doing anything, as of now you aren't even in this damn room," his eyes burn into mine and my left brow arches up. I don't know why I said I would do it, maybe because I just want it done so we can move on with the night, maybe because I'm so freaking tired I just want to leave or maybe because I'm over their bickering, but I can do it. And as soon as Lucas ordered that I wouldn't do it I knew I was going to do it.

"Actually I'm sitting at this damn table, so I am here."

"I think it's a great idea. She could totally do it," Cooper agrees with a smirk and Lucas's eyes instantly narrow on him. "She could kill at it."

"Shut the fuck up, Cooper," something sparks between them and for a split second I'm curious about it, but I'll wonder about it later. Right now I just want this done with. "You aren't doing anything. This is exactly why I didn't want you coming. It's-"

"What? Dangerous?" I challenge crossing my arms over each other and lean back in my seat. "Because didn't you tell me it wasn't? That's why I agreed to try this," I wave my hand between us, Lucas rises up from his chair and grips the side of mine and leans close.

"Don't do that," he growls, and I feel my jaw lock. "You hear me. Don't. You knew what was going on when you agreed to this," he hisses out, pain almost striking his features as he repeats my words.

"I'll be ok," I pull back my annoyance a fraction and slide my hand down his sides feeling his body shiver. I love knowing what my touch does to him. "Lucas I know people. I'm a great read of them."

"Reading them doesn't mean you know how to handle this situation, Brooke."

"Oh and you do? You know how to flirt with men?" I question, Cooper laughing behind us and mumbling 'she makes a good point' which in return Lucas sends him another glare. "Babe, I've been watching him. Look at the guy," I turn his face to look at the guy across the room from us. "He's had four long islands, which is five liquors, and if that isn't already enough I can tell from my drink the bartender has a heavy hand. His left foot keeps slipping off the bottom of that stool and he's peed twice, which was him just shuffling his feet and working way to hard not to stumble. Plus, the last four girls who've walks up and ordered a drink he's run his eyes over in hopes they speak to him. So all you need is for a girl to walk up, sit, maybe buy him a shot, offer to dance and flirt. Then slide my little hand in that back pocket and slip that little bag in mine."

"I like her, Little Brother, like her a lot," Cooper gives me an approving smile and I just shrug.

"It's all about watching people."

"You aren't getting involved, Brooke."

"I got involved the moment I gave you my phone number, Lucas," I shrug and his head drops. "Trust me, I can do this. You'll just have to control your jealousy for a few minutes. What's the worst that can happen? He turn me down?"

"Worse could happen, Brooke. Way worse," his hands frame my face and his head starts to shake.

"You'll be right here. You won't let anything happen to me," I stand up and pull him close to me. "It will be fine…if I start feeling uncomfortable or unsure I'll…I'll adjust my shoe."

"I think she could do it, Lucas," Cooper suddenly changes his entire smug tone. "If you truly don't want her too or she doesn't we won't let her, but I think she's got it. I'm not going to let anything happen to her. Promise," he says and we both watch Lucas fight a battle in his head as he drops it against mine.

His hands trembling as they still hold me close. "I don't want you to do this."

"But you're going to let me…" I whisper and his eyes open to lock onto mine. "I can play the part just fine. Flirt a little, suggest dancing, sliding my hand in his pocket…may have to check a couple of them and bam… I'll just…just imagine it's you…"

"No tequila…" he orders and I laugh which finally causes him to smile. "I love you…" he leans in for a sweet kiss and I nod.

"I love you, too…now stop worrying…" I order, still seeing the doubt in his eyes.

"I don't want it on you," he says instantly and turns to look at Cooper. "She gets it you are instantly there pulling it from her hand. I don't want it on her at all."

"I'll be right behind them and retrieve it. I promise," Cooper locks eyes on mine and for the first time I see when he gross a little nervous.

"And as soon as it leaves your hand you head to the back door and we are gone, do you understand? The back door Brooke."

"The back door. Yes, sir," I tease and his eyes narrow. "I got this, baby. I got it," I wink, taking the cash Cooper hands me and I start to sway toward the bar, feeling both sets of eyes burning into me as I move.

Sliding my phone from the front of my dress I pull it too my ear as I wiggle through the crowd and drop down beside the man fiddling with his phone.

"I don't care," I speak into my phone as if someone else is on the other line. "I don't care how sorry he is. He cheated and I'm not dealing with that shit. So as of tonight I'm going to have a few drinks, maybe a couple shots and enjoy the night and if I end up meeting some hot stranger who helps me forget I'll meet a hot stranger," I twist in my seat, unnamed guy beside me eyes instantly locked onto mine. "I'm having fun tonight and he can suck it," I let out a small smile as I lean back in my seat and bite my lower lip. His dark eyes dancing up my legs and locking onto my mouth. "I'll call you later, Jaymee, bye," I mumble and 'hang up' turning in my seat to face the bar and search for the bartender.

"Bad night?" his voice rumbles through my ears and my brow arches as I cut my eyes to my left.

"Not anymore," I smirk and see him smile. "I have music, drinks and a real nice buzz about to start. What could be bad about this night?"

"Can't think of a thing," he leans in real close and I have to run my hand over my neck to erase the burning I feel with the gaze I know that's locked on me. "I'm Marcus."

"Chloe," I out stretch my hand which he takes.

"Nice to meet you Chloe, can I buy you a drink?"

"You can totally buy me a drink…maybe even two…"

"Sounds like a loser if you ask me," Marcus says after I tell him a very made up story about my ex-boyfriend who I loved so very much and cheated on me. It was truly the biggest heartbreak of my life.

"He is," my eyes dance across the room to lock onto Lucas sitting with his arms crossed, jaw locked and eyes burning holes into me. I've been sitting talking to Marcus for about thirty minutes because I don't think you can just easily walk up, say let's dance then rub up all on him. You have to talk a minute and Lucas is not cool about it. "Sorry," I give an apologetic smile when my phone starts to buzz beside me.

From Boyfriend:

'Changed my mind. Get your ass back over here. Now.'

"That him?"

"Uh, no, my ride," I mumble sliding my phone in my purse and rising up. "She was wondering if I needed to have her pick me up yet."

"Well, what did you say?" Marcus questions as his hand slides up my thigh and rests on my hip. Nervously swallowing hard, I cut my eyes to Lucas who is about to come out of his seat, but Cooper holds him in his place.

"Nothing yet…dance with me first and then I'll decide," I smirk, biting my trembling lip and praying I'm coming across extremely confident.

"Reasonable answer," he holds up his shot and I grab mine, us clinking it and both shooting it back. Running my hand down his arm to lace our fingers together, I keep my head down as we wiggle through the crowd.

Keeping my back to him, I feel when his chest pushes against my back and pulls me close to him. His hands running down my body to slip across my hips and I try to control my body from cringing away from him. I know I agreed to do this but doesn't mean I feel right having another man that isn't Lucas touching me. Feeling Marcus trail his fingers to hem of my dress he slides it up a fraction and I quickly lock my hand on his and spin around to face him.

Cutting my eyes over to the blonde in the corner I see him rise up with fire in his eyes but Cooper grabs him and starts yelling something in his ear. Lucas not seeming to really listen as his eyes remain locked on me and fist clutch tight by his side.

"You're a great dancer…" Marcus voice dance in my ear and suddenly I remember what exactly I'm doing.

"You too," I pull back biting my lower lip and sliding my hand slowly down his chest. Curling my fingertips in both his pockets I yank his hips hard into me causing him to stumble a step and recover with a dirty smirk. Finding nothing but keys, I inhale a sharp breath as I latch my hand on his and do a small spin out away from him.

Marcus yanking me back into him I press my butt into his crotch hearing him hiss as I start to sway my body down his, holding one hand in his, I take the other as I practically sit on the ground and run it up his pant leg, skimming my hand over his back pocket I feel something different and cheer on the inside.

Glancing back up at the boys I see Lucas about to pop, but I just lock eyes on Cooper and give a light smile as my hand slips in the back of Marcus' pocket and wrap my hand around a small baggy that feels like some powder is in it and suddenly my hand starts to shake and I don't feel so confident in my decisions anymore.

A rush races through my gut and I feel the hairs on my neck start tingle. Marcus suddenly locks his mouth onto my neck and my body tenses up.

"Why don't we get out of here?" he pulls back to look at me. My trembling hand holding the bag still resting awkwardly on his backside. Cooper slowly moving toward us, I cut my eyes at him before looking back at Marcus hoping he doesn't see him.

"I have to run to the little girls' room," I randomly blurt out. "So why don't you go order another drink and I meet you back at the bar?" and Cooper hand slides in mine and just like that the bag is gone and I just want to get back to my boyfriend. I don't care if Marcus sits at the bar all night waiting for me, I just want to get away.

"Sounds good too to me," his voice slurs a bit and when he leans to press a kiss to my mouth I jerk my head to the right and it lands sloppy on my cheek. "See you in a few beautiful."

"Yeah," I move away from him and head toward the back exit Lucas asked me to meet him at. Feeling his eyes burning into me I barely reach the steps before he takes quick strides toward me and latches his hand onto my wrist. "Lucas…" I feel his hand trembling as it holds me. Glancing over my shoulder I don't see Cooper or even Marcus as I get drug to the back hall. "Will you slow down?! These shoes…damn it these shoes are going to break my ankle if we keep going this fast," I try to pull to slow him, yet he doesn't stop, just keeps yanking me out the heavy door and into the dark night. "Are you mad at me? You can't be mad at me! I did what you asked! I did-" and my words get completely cut off when his mouth slams hard into mine making me stumble back.

His strong hands gripping onto my hips yanking me close as my back slams against the brick wall behind us. His mouth trailing from my lips, so I can yank into a rough breath, to my neck sucking on that one spot that makes my insides turn to goo.

"Lucas," I pant, tangling my fingers into his hair, feeling the familiar bulged in the front of his jeans. Hearing the distant sound of a zipper, Lucas starts tugging my dress up to my mid thighs and in a moment I can't even think he has me lifted up in his arms and I feel him sink into me. "Baby…" my arm curls around his neck as my legs wrap tight around his narrow hips and moan.

Pumping hard into me, my toes curl into my shoes as I roll my hips against him. Its different this time, there's something different about this time together. He isn't gentle, he's not whispering sweet things in my ear and he's not placing beautiful kisses all over my body.

He's fucking me.

He's fucking me hard against this very public wall that anyone could turn the corner and catch, but for some reason I don't care. I don't care his kisses are rough and causing my mouth to almost turn sore, I don't care my back will more than likely have marks from the wall I'm against and I don't care that he's biting so hard on my neck I'll probably have a very visible mark. I don't care, because for some reason all of that turns me on that much more.

I have an adrenaline rush from whatever just happened inside and that added to him inside of me is causing my heart and body to experience things I've never felt before.

"Harder…" I growl into his ear, biting hard on his earlobe. Lucas letting out a low groan and does what I ask. Reaching above my head I drag my nails down the wall wishing to cling onto something to hold me in place because I think I'm about to float away. "Uh…god…fuck me," I squeal, my eyes screwing shut as everything around me starts to fade away.

"You never listen to me," he growls slamming his mouth back into mine causing me to whimper. Digging my nails into the back of his head I drag them down across his neck and hear him hiss. The feel of a warm liquid slips down my fingers, but Lucas doesn't seem to care. "You know what seeing a guy touch you did to me?" his voice comes out as a pant and I shake my head no as I pull his face to look at me. Resting my head against his I lift my head up and for a split second give him a kiss that doesn't at all go with what we are doing. It's soft and gentle and I feel him fighting it wanting it to be rougher, but I don't let him.

"I'm sorry," I whisper, yet Lucas seems to shake my words off him and just stroke that much faster and after four more I feel my stomach clench and body explode. "Uh…" I pant out, feeling my body go limp and head to drop to his shoulder. My legs slipping from around his waist, they hit the ground, but don't seem to do much to hold me up.

The tingling in them making them buckle under me and Lucas wraps a tight arm around my waist holding me up as I fiddle to tug my dress back down.

"I'm sorry," I repeat taking my shaking hands and tucking him back in his jeans and putting him away. "I'm sorry…" his eyes remain closed as his mouth sets in a straight line. "Baby…" I grab his face to look at me and see the panic in his eyes. "I was just trying to help… I was just trying to help…"

"I know," he finally speaks and I let out a long sigh. "I'm sorry, I know," he pulls me into a tight hug and I cling tight to him. "I fucked up. Me not you. I shouldn't have ever let that happen. Ever."

"It really wasn't that big of a deal, Lucas," I pull back to look at him and shrug. "It really wasn't. It was quick and Cooper didn't let it in my hand longer than two seconds. No harm no foul," I touch his cheek, but there seems to be more hidden in his eyes than what just happened in there. "Everything is fine. We're fine. Nothing bad happened," my hands run over his tense shoulders but still doesn't seem to ease him. "Can't we just go back to your place. Maybe we can swim or watch a movie? I don't want this to be how we end our trip. Plus, I think I need to fix your neck…" I try to joke and finally he cracks a smile and reaches up to touch the back of his neck where blood is still trickling down.

"I'm oddly ok with it," he places his hand on the wall I'm still pressed against. "It was hot," he smirks and with a flip of a switch he's back to my way to chill boyfriend. "Turned me on," he informs me giving me a lit kiss and I giggle. "Come on, let's get out of here. I'll text Cooper and tell him we're out."

"Swimming?" I wonder as we walk toward his car on my legs that still feel like jello.

"Ever skinny- dip?" he questions and I release a laugh.

"No," I answer which I'm sure doesn't shock him at all. "But I'm open to doing a lot of things I never thought of doing before," I grin up at him. Lucas let's out what sounds like a growl as he shuts the car door and heads to his side.
