J.R. Rayne- Okay… lol… I actually had a dream about this, and I loved the concept so much that I woke up just to write this plotline! Please enjoy and review!

ULTRA A/U – Hehe, you'll see… mythical creatures and all.

Disclaimer- I'm merely using the characters from the Walking Dead to fuel my creative desires. I do not own them or dhampirs or vampires, or any other mythical creature that may pop up in here.

Warning- Hot vampire&wolf sex later… not suited for Young Readers.

Into the Light
Chapter 1

Monsters that haunt children's dreams often came from the mouths of their fathers and brothers. Father figures instilled fear and courage, brothers often teased but protected—both often fiercely loyal and loving.

Or, that's what she assumed. She doesn't know for sure. There are days where she sat under the shadows of the trees in the late afternoon, just to simply observe the males chasing their children around the playground. The fathers tended to injuries with Band-Aids and kisses, the children would thereafter, jump right back into reckless playing with their friends.

That is where she was today, at the same playground she has visited for over half a century. It had changed aesthetically, most certainly. The role of the fathers didn't. It had remained the same role as a protective, loving figure despite the change of time.

She had no father—she has a sire. If that made any sense.

She sighed, feeling a bit sorry for herself and the fate of her poor, late mother. She was told very little about her, most of what she knew was the diary her mother kept while she was pregnant with her. She wrote of wonderful things of the person who impregnated her, from the way he kissed her to how well he was in gracing her bed. Yes, her mother was a cheery, over affectionate woman—that much she could tell from the old pages of the diary.

It's laughable really, the one who loved her dearly was no longer alive and the one who wished she never existed hunts her down with his minions and her half-sister. A bitter laugh escaped her lips; they have a weakness that she doesn't. All thanks to her mother. The mother she never met—the mother she killed. The last page of her diary was her only wish for her unborn daughter:

"Live free, my child. Life is beautiful and your mother has no regrets for bringing you into this world. Live free, don't forgo the sunshine. Don't forgo the light. Live free… live happily… find love. So that way, that way I can rest in peace."

Another sigh escaped her lips; she tilted her head back to inhale the warm spring air and exhaled loudly. The thought of her mother's last words to her never fails to make her eyes water.

"Are you sad?" A child's voice interrupted her thoughts.

She shifted her head until she caught the familiar face of a young child—Molly.

"Do you want to play soccer with me, Miss Beth?" the young child with bright blue eyes and chestnut brown hair beamed her a precious grin, hoping the older girl will play with her.

Beth smiled, bearing her pearly white teeth at the small child. "What? Are you up for a rematch, Molly?"

Molly pouted, then almost immediately laughed and kicked Beth the soccer ball. "You're not going to win this time, Miss Beth! I've been practicing!"

All Beth's worries soon disintegrated as the duo raced into the soccer field to play a rematch game. She loved Molly and thought it was ironic that her father was exactly the same when he was a child. Her father did the same thing when he was no older than seven—came up to her and offered to play a match of soccer. Arrogant little chit even wagered on ice-cream, the loser buys. That day, she let him win and bought him cold, creamy treat just because she found his courage most refreshing.

Time flies when you're having fun, the saying is very true. Before she knew it, the sun was setting and the field lights popped on.

"Molly, it's time to go!" Her father, Rick hollered from the other side of the fence.

Beth stopped the soccer ball under her foot, and turned to greet him. She waved her hand and offered him a smile, "Howdy Mr. Grimes!"

He laughed at her over-the-top southern accent and made his way over to her and his daughter. He approached quickly, his form lax and friendly. As old friends, he pulled her into a platonic embrace.

"How's Carl and Lori doing?" It had been a while since she seen them. The last time she had seen them was when Molly was born.

"Just fine, they're at home. How are you, stranger? Haven't seen you around here in a long time," he stuffed the soccer ball into his duffel bag and hoisted his daughter up in his free arm.

Beth shrugged, "I can't always linger around. You know that."

"Uh huh," he nodded knowingly. He knew all about her deepest, darkest secrets—she trusted him, utterly and completely. If anything, he was her one true friend. "Do you want to stop by for dinner? Chicken quesadillas' on the menu tonight."

She smiled at his offer and shook her head, "No. Thank you though, I best get going. You know how it is." She pointed up at the darkening sky. There were things she wanted to avoid when nightfall came, the last thing she want to happen is to have her friend and his family injured.

A whisper of cool breeze rustled through the field, the all too familiar feeling raised the fine hairs of her skin. Shit.

"Yes, this one and I need some private talking to do," a dark voice slithered into the clearing.

Beth and Rick stiffened at the voice of the intruder. She saw Rick reach for the gun holstered in the side of his belt, ready to take on evil behind her. She placed a hand on his shoulder and shook her head. "Go, I'll handle this," she whispered, her green-blue eyes gazing intently into his.

His jaw clenched and he hesitated until Beth shook her head and nodded at Molly. She needed to be safe. Beth would never be able to forgive herself if the child died because of her.

Reluctantly, Rick shifted Molly in his arms and shot the intruder a warning gaze before turning away.

"My, my… what wonderful friends you have, dearest," the intruder was instantly behind her, his lips brushing against the shell of her ear.

Beth resisted the urge to gag at his scent. The scent of the living dead—no, not zombies. Vampyr. "Zach, what are you doing here?" she asked in an exasperated tone. She was tired of having her father's goonies trail her every time night spread across the growing city.

"Your father wants to speak to you, something about today being special," Zach took a step closer, gripping her shoulders tightly—trapping her.

She shrugged him off and started to walk away, "Not interested. Sorry."

Zach flashed in front of her, blocking her path. "It's not a choice," he hissed, his fangs glistening under the field lights.

Beth rolled her eyes, a red rim encircled around her green-blue irises as her agitation grew, her own fangs lengthened at the challenge. "Leave me alone, Zach. I don't care what the Sire has said or ordered; he has no reign over me."

"You are my betrothed, even if you don't listen to his words, you will listen to mine!" He hissed, the pupils of his eyes dilated until it covered his entire iris, the sclera turned crimson as blood seeped and covered the white color.

"As if," she scoffed. She flipped him the bird before dashing out of the field with her inhumane speed. She would never win in a fight of brute strength against Zach, however, she had speed. It wouldn't take long for him to track her but she knew of one place that Vampyrs can never enter—the cemetery. Ironically.

She darted through the stream of people exiting and getting on the buses. It does help that it was the human's rush hour. In this growing city, the more humans the better. It meant she could stay here for a longer period of time without having to worry about someone recognizing her. Besides Rick, of course. He is the Police Chief of the city after all.

Beth reached the entrance of the cemetery in no time—though to her dismay, Zach stood in front of the gated entrance, baring his lengthened fangs with malice.

"You will submit to me!"

She would be lying if she said she didn't feel even a tiny bit panicked. After all, Zach had an ego and temper issue—since he was newly turned and all. Even then, she didn't want to hurt him. He hadn't always been this way. At one point years ago, he was her friend. Until he betrayed her.

"Dhampir, you will follow me back to the estate!" He charged at her with his elongated claws, ready to deal some damage.

Beth leaped out of his attack range, landing on two sprawled legs and a hand. She felt her iron-grip control beginning to slip—her eyes dilate, changing her vision to that of a purebred vampyr. Her vision changed, viewing the world in hues of red, grey, black and white.

Zach launched another attack, his anger escalated when he had missed his first attack.

She could almost laugh at his temper if it weren't for the fact that her life was on the line here. He was so young, so newly turned. In vampyr years, he was no older than a five year old. One of the biggest benefits of being a dhampir is the ability to hone the skills one was born with. She certainly did take advantage of that.

As Zach closed in, Beth ducked under him with her speed and gripped at his clothing—one hand held him by the collar, the other by his belt. With a cry, she tossed his body across the small clearing, crashing his body into a nearby tree.

Though one bad thing about being a dhampir is that she didn't have the strength as a full-fledged, turned or pure blooded. That was the cause now, although she had increased stamina and speed, she had the strength of a grown male (or two), whereas full-fledged vampyrs had the strength of ten—if not more.

With Zach momentarily preoccupied, Beth dashed towards the cemetery. Too bad full-fledges had quick speed as well. To her dismay, Zach caught up to her and yanked at her light jacket, pulling her to a stop and stumbled onto the grass with a cry. He pinned her down by her hands, pushing his weight on top of her. "Submit!"

Beth hissed, baring her fangs at him in defiance.

He raised his fist and struck her at her temple, "Submit!" he hollered again.

Her vision swam with the force of his strike, but she wasn't weak, she wasn't stupid. Arching her back up with a great force, she displaced Zach from straddling her. She pushed back onto her hands as kept her back arched and kicked him where it hurt. All males had sensitive balls—vampyr or not. Well, maybe not a zombie's.

Zach toppled over to the side, giving a chance for Beth to escape. Her vision was still blurred, but she was able to make out the opened gate of the cemetery. Crawling on her knees and hands, she inched her way to the gate despite the world seemingly move under her feet. She was so close—almost there when Zach latched onto her ankle, pulling her towards him.

Beth hissed when he squeezed her ankle with a great force, forcing her to flip onto her back and slammed her free foot into his face with as much strength as she could muster into that limb. It sent him flying to the side, crying out in pain. Panting, she boosted herself onto her feet and limped through the secure gates of the cemetery.

She dropped to her knees, catching her breath as she felt her ankle quickly relinquished from pain. Quick healing was definitely one of the better traits to have as a dhampir.

"I will get you eventually, Beth. Just you wait," Zach growled from the other side of opened gate, baring his fangs angrily at her. He seemed already healed, free of injuries. Before she could say a word, he vanished into the air.

Beth dropped onto her back, relishing the feel of growing grass on her back. She was grateful that this cemetery still existed—it was her choice of a home for the night. Unlike full-fledges, she loved the night yes however, she preferred sleeping for a short duration in the night to recover her spent energy used during daylight. Because of her origin, her energy didn't drain as quickly as a full-fledge would during the day. In fact, she would bask in the sunlight as often as she could.

Yes, being a dhampir definitely had its perks.

Minutes passed since Zach disappeared, she didn't want to move though. Her eyes were fixed on the night sky above; with beautiful twinkling stars it was difficult to tear her eyes away.

Until suddenly, a rustle from the bushes within the cemetery caught her senses—but it was too late.

She found herself pinned down once again, this time it wasn't Zach. A male with piercing steel-blue eyes, speckled with gold stared her down as he gripped her neck painfully tight, while his other hand imprisoned both of hers above her head.

Unlike Zach, she was unable to throw him off of her—he was too strong. Very strong. Non-human… not a vampyr.

"Vampire," he hissed from above her, his gaze hardening into an angered expression.

Beth struggled against his grip. Being a dhampir, she was able to go without air much longer than a human, however, he held her there, unfazed for much longer than she expected—or wanted.

When her throat began to constrict painfully from the lack of oxygen, she struggled to escape his grip. He was dangerously strong—she was unable to break free.

"Quit your struggling, vampire. Your kind isn't welcomed here," he snarled, dull white canines visible under the moonlight. "Give me one good reason why I should let you, or your miserable kind live."

She gasped for air, longing to feel the sensation of her lungs expanding from the life giving oxygen. "Dhampir," she rasped, hoping he would catch the drift.

She saw his eyes flash in recognition of the word; however he didn't let his grip on her go. "Dhampir," she rasped again. "Human… half human."

Beth's vision began to darken; colorful, white dots began to speckle her diminishing vision. If he kept this up, she would black out—maybe even die, although will take a little more effort. All she could focus on was his staggeringly beautiful blue eyes. It seemed to glow within the dark night under the light of the moon. She continued to stare at his rugged features until all went dark around her.


J.R. - :P Tada! Wild guess: Who did Beth meet?! Yikes, sounds like he has something against vampires.

Vampyr- a more formal term for vampire. I'll be using it as like a race. In speech, it will be vampire.
Dhampir- as Beth said, half human. Dhampir are spawns of male vampires and female humans.

I will be updating my other stories of course, but this plot just got me going!

Thanks for reading, please, please, please review!

Let me know what you guys think!