The Season of Our Discontent - Introduction

Welcome to the third part of The Consequence of Heat and A Clash of Covens! For the details of this story to make sense, it is best if the first two parts are read before this one, as they will be referenced often. However, enough background information will be provided so that this story can stand on its own.

The story takes place several years after A Clash of Covens and will focus on the internal marital struggles between Edward and Jacob, with no antagonists outside the main couple. They now live apart from the rest of their family in Northeastern Massachusetts, having moved there for the superior care available to their daughter, who has autism. Carlisle purchased a home in Western Massachusetts that he and the other Cullens visit often to be close to Edward, but they spend the majority of their time in Oregon, ruling vampire kind.

Edward and Jacob's second child after Anthony is Sarah Elizabeth, an autistic girl on the milder end of the spectrum. She is precocious and is able to communicate, but she struggles with social skills and controlling her impulses and emotions. She has trouble recognizing people's emotional state or tone of voice, and is prone to meltdowns, often in public. Sarah Elizabeth is five years old, but very smart for her age.

Their third child, William Mason, is one year old. He was named after Jacob's father, Billy, who passed away before William was born. He is nicknamed Billy, just like his grandfather. He toddles around and just acts like an ordinary baby.

Their first son, Anthony, and his imprint/wife, Leah, still reside in Oregon on Carlisle's compound. They will be featured when they come to Massachusetts for a visit. They will bring their daughter, Miracle Susan, nicknamed Mira. They call her that because Anthony's existence is a miracle in itself and Leah was thought to be barren, so it was a miracle Mira was ever born.

That is all the background you need before Chapter One posts next week. I do hope you enjoy this final installment.

This story is told entirely from Edward's POV.