More Gun (Team Fortress 2)

Sora bolted awake as he looked around and then looked to his side. Sabrina and Latias were sleeping right next to each other and Donald had his head sleeping on Goofy's belly.

Sora gently shook Sabrina awake, as she woke up. "What time is it...?" She muttered.

"I heard something..." Sora said.

Sabrina looked at him. "I'm hearing something too, your voice just just go to sleep, you probably heard Goofy snoring..." She muttered.

Sora just sighed and grabbed Sabrina's hand. "Come on." He said.

"Sora..." She kinda whined. She wanted to go back to sleep.

Eventually, they came across a fork in the road as Sora looked around while Sabrina just rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and then yawned. "Some people like they're beauty sleep you know..." She muttered.

"Along the road ahead lies something you need." A voice said, as Sabrina basically woke up from the voice as they turned around to see nothing.

"I must be dreaming." She said.

Sora turned his head to see a cloaked figure and poked his sister's shoulder. "What?" She wondered as she turned to see the figure. "Wait, is that the same guy from Hollow Bastion?"

"However, in order to claim it, you must lose something that is dear to you." It continued and disappeared.

"No, the guy we met at Hollow Bastion had a deeper voice." Sora said and looked at the road ahead. "I have this feeling we should follow it."

"Whatever, I'm going back to bed..." Sabrina muttered.

"No, you already snapped awake from his voice. It's time to wake up the others." Sora said as he already walked away.

"I was in the middle of a good dream too..." Sabrina muttered.

One wake-up call later...

They found themselves in front of a huge castle in front of them. "I must be still dreaming...that's a huge castle." Latias muttered.

Sora looked at the castle. "Hmm..." He said and walked to the main doors.

"Sora?" Sabrina looked at him as they all followed him and they just walked in, and then they looked around inside the castle.

Have a Nice Talk (Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story)

"Hey, ya think it's okay to barge in?" Goofy asked with concern.

"But we gotta do it, if we're gonna find the king." Donald told him.

"The king?!" Goofy exclaimed in shock. "King Mickey's here?!" Sabrina and Latias just facepalmed.

"Something just told he'd be here, okay?" Donald muttered in annoyance.

"Really? 'Cause now that ya mention it, I was kinda thinkin' the same thing."

Sora looked at them in surprise. "Seriously? Me too! One look at this castle and I just knew. Our very best friends, they're here."

"Ah-hyuck! Guess great minds think alike." Goofy said.

"Wait, hey! Hold on!" Jiminy exclaimed as he jumped up on Sora's shoulder. "It can't be just a coincidence."

"Oh great, I guess we all had the same thought?" Sabrina asked.

"Yep, I had it too, mhm! I had the exact same feeling."

"Gawrsh, maybe it's contagious!" Goofy exclaimed, and then everyone just fell anime-style.

"It's not contagious!" Latias exclaimed.

"Something's screwy. We gotta go take a look." Donald said.

"Alright." Sora nodded as he just turned around and walked.

"Wak! Where are you going?!" Donald asked.

"That way. To the door. Are ya scared?" He asked, giving him a playful smile.

"Aw, don't be ridiculous! Come on, let's go, guys!" He exclaimed.

"Hey fellers, shouldn't we shut the door behind us before we go?" Goofy suggested as he turned around and his eyes widened. "Guys!" He exclaimed.

The same hooded figure was standing in front of them, closing the door behind it. "Alright, that's it. Who are you?!" Sabrina demanded as she and Sora took out their Keyblades as the hooded figure walked towards them.

Villains of a Sort (Kingdom Hearts)

"Wak! Heartless! Oh yeah? I'll try some magic!" Donald exclaimed. "THUNDER!" He yelled. Nothing came out of his staff as they all just looked at him in shock. "Come on. Thunder! THUNDER!" Still nothing. "Come on... Blizzard? FIRE!" Zilch. "Why isn't it working?"

"I should think it's obvious. The moment you set foot in this castle, you forgot every spell and ability you ever knew." It said.

"You didn't say anything about summons...specifically Assist Trophies!" Sabrina smirked. "MIDNA!" ...Nothing. "Um, DR. WRIGHT!" Nope. "Skull Kid?" Not even close. "...Nintendog?" Not even the dog.

"Alright..." Latias said and tried to transform...but she couldn't. "What?!"

The figure chuckled. "I guess I wasn't clear. Summoning Assist Trophies and transforming are technically abilities." It said.

"Oh great..." Sabrina muttered.

"Now where was I? Oh right. In this place, to find is to lose, and to lose is to find. That is the way in Castle Oblivion."

"Castle Oblivion?" Sora wondered, and then the figure made a portal and disappeared. "Did anyone else see that?"

"We're not blind, bro." Sabrina muttered, and then the figure reappeared behind them as they turned around.

Thirteenth Discretion (Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories)

"Here you will meet people that you have known in the past and you will meet people you miss." It explained.

"We...miss?" Sabrina wondered.

Sora's eyes widened. "Riku! You mean Riku's here?!"

"If what you to find him..." It said and then held its hand out, using a powerful force on the siblings and then going right through them.

"What the heck..." Sabrina wondered as they both turned and then ran towards it and slashed it, but it disappeared, leaving pink rose petals behind. "Pink rose petals?" She asked.

The figure reappeared in front of the door that was top of the stairs. "What'd you do?!" Sora asked.

"I merely sampled your memories. And from them, I made this." It said, pulling out a card that had a picture of Traverse Town. "To reunite what you hold dear..." It threw the card at Sabrina, as she immediately caught it as they all looked at it.

"What's this, a card?" Sora asked.

"You forgot what a card looked like?" Sabrina asked with an eyebrow raised.

The figure cleared its throat. "It is a promise for the reunion you seek. Hold the card to open the door. And beyond it, a new world. Proceed, Sora and Sabrina. To lose and reclaim anew, or to claim anew only to lose..." It said and then disappeared into the portal.

Sora took the card and looked at it. "...Come on, let's go." He said.

Traverse Town (Kingdom Hearts)

"This can't be right..." Sabrina said. "We're in Traverse Town."

"Weren't we in the castle?" Sora wondered.

"What you see isn't real." A voice said as they turned, but the figure disappeared and reappeared behind them again. "This town is an illusion created by your memories ingrained in that card."

"Our memories?" Sabrina asked.

Jiminy jumped down from Sora's shoulder. "Forget about that, you two! We lost Donald, Goofy and Latias!"

"Donald? Goofy?" Sora looked around.

"Latias?" Sabrina asked. "Where are you guys?" She asked, and then turned to the figure. "What did you do to them?!"

"They are at the mercy of the cards. Master the cards, and their strength will be yours again." It explained.

One card explanation later...

"Well that's interesting..." Sabrina muttered. "We have to use cards to attack now."

"That's a bit weird." Sora said.

"Guys!" A voice exclaimed as they turned to see Donald, Goofy and Latias running up to them.

"Are you guys alright? Where have you been?" Sora asked.

"You tell us! When you opened the door, we saw a strange light and the rest is just...blank!" Donald explained.

"Gee, that doesn't help." Jiminy muttered. "Try to remember what happened. I have to keep my journal up to date."

"These two will be going alone and you three will be cards." The figure explained. "You only appear when summoned or...well...certain occasions."

"Occasions like what?" Latias asked.

The figure chuckled. "You'll see." It said and then disappeared.

"Well this just sucks..." Latias sighed.

"Hey, we'll get through this." Sabrina said, putting her hand on Latias' shoulder. "One way or another."

Latias smiled. "Alright." She said and then hugged Sabrina, as she returned the hug, and then they disappeared.

"It's gonna feel weird, I can just tell." Sora muttered.

Many card battles with Heartless later...

"Hmm, fighting without those three isn't exactly easy..." Sabrina said.

"No kidding." Sora nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, Donald, Goofy and Latias appeared behind them, as Sabrina screamed. "Don't pop out of nowhere like that!" She exclaimed, holding her hand close to her heart.

"Hey, it's not our fault! We don't know what's going on!" Donald exclaimed.

Goofy noticed something. "Hey look!" He exclaimed as they all turned to see Pluto right there.

"Pluto?!" The siblings exclaimed at the same time.

"Things just keep getting stranger..." Latias said, rubbing her head. "What's Pluto doing here?"

"There's nothing strange about that. Donald and I came to Traverse Town with Pluto, didn't we?"

"Did we?" Donald wondered.

"No, wait!" Jiminy exclaimed as he hopped down. "According to my journal, it was before you met Sora, Sabrina and Latias that you came to town with Pluto." He said.

"Wak! He's right." Donald said. "We were chasing after Pluto and that's how we ended up in Castle Oblivion!"

"But aren't we in Traverse Town?" Goofy asked.

"Well, it's not really Traverse Town." Jiminy replied. "I think the card created this Traverse Town inside Castle Oblivion!"

"ARGH!" Sabrina exclaimed in frustration. "WHO CARES ABOUT ALL THAT?! THIS IS TOO CONFUSING!"

"We don't know where we are, but let's just keep moving forward defeating Heartless! We're get somewhere." Sora said, putting his hand on Sabrina's shoulder.

"You'd better be careful, or it's the Heartless that are going to defeat you." A voice said as they turned to see Leon.

Laughter and Merriment (Kingdom Hearts II)

"Leon, it's you! What are you doing in Castle Oblivion?" Sora asked.

"Castle Oblivion?" Leon raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about? This is Traverse Town. And how do you know my name? Who are you?" He asked as they all looked at him in shock. "I've never met the likes of you before."

"Quit playing, Leon! We all fought Heartless together! You know that!" Sora exclaimed.

"Look, I don't know what you're talking about. I don't even know your names." Leon said.

"You don't?" Latias asked.

"Sorry." Leon folded his arms.

"I can't believe it. How can you have forgotten about us?" Sabrina asked.

"I feel for you, but you've got the wrong guy. Happens all the time. Don't take it so personally, Sora and Sabrina."

Donald, Goofy and Latias looked at each other. "You DO know their names!" Latias exclaimed.

"Now, now hold on! Why do I know your names?" He asked.

"You think Leon's just kidding around?" Goofy asked.

"If he is, it's not funny." Latias replied. "Those two are really upset."

"Who's kidding around, Goofy? You, Donald and Latias are the ones who-"

"Hey!" Donald interrupted him.

"I don't get it, something's wrong with my memory." Leon muttered. "What's happening here?"

"I dunno, Leon. Maybe Aerith was onto something after all." A voice said as everyone but Leon looked to see Yuffie. "She said she sensed some kind of uncanny kind of power and asked us to look into it. Well, this is as uncanny as it gets. Maybe you should take Sora and Sabrina over to Aerith."

"Yuffie! You know our names!" Sora smiled.

"Yep! Looks like you know mine, too." Yuffie smiled back.

"You know them?" Leon asked.

"Nope! Total strangers. But I definitely know their names. Strange, yes, but convenient! We can skip the introductions."

Leon sighed in annoyance. "How is it you can accept this situation so easily? I don't get you..." He muttered.

"Well, I'm gonna run ahead and fill Aerith in. Leon, you give them the grand tour." Yuffie smiled at him. "See ya later!" She said and then ran off.

"I guess it's no use pondering over it. Come on, follow me. But there are Heartless wandering around town. I'd better teach you how to protect yourself in battle." Leon said.

"Uh oh." Sora said.

Another card explanation later...

Traverse Town

"You think you guys got the hang of it?" Leon asked.

"I think so. We'll figure this all out eventually." Sabrina said.

"I found this along the way. Keep it." Leon said, giving the card to Sabrina as they looked to see...Lyn.

"One of my Assist Trophies!" Sabrina exclaimed.

One trip to Aerith's house later...

Have a Nice Talk

"Aerith, you forgot about us too, right?" Sabrina asked.

"I don't know whether to say "Nice to meet you" or "Good to see you again". I don't think I know you, but I feel like you belong here." Aerith said.

"Yeah, exactly! Like we've never met, but it still doesn't feel weird knowing your names." Yuffie said.

"But we're telling you, we HAVE met! We took on the Heartless together. We were a team!" Sora told them.

"It feels like you're right...but I can't remember." Leon muttered.

"Then I guess you won't remember what you told us." Sabrina said. "In Hollow Bastion when we sealed the Keyhole..." She said and then looked at Sora.

"We may never meet again..." Sora started.

"...But we'll never forget each other." Leon finished.

"See, you DO remember!" Sabrina exclaimed.

"They're right, Leon! I remember you saying that too." Yuffie said.

Leon folded his arms. "I guess I can't write it off as a coincidence, then."

"I don't have any memory of it, but somehow I still remember. I think your hearts are doing the remembering for us." Aerith said.

"Our...hearts?" Sabrina asked.

"We don't remember you guys, but your hearts are full of memories of us together. Those memories must resonate in our hearts, too. Maybe they tell us things we couldn't otherwise know." Aerith explained.

"So you're saying that their memories are affecting ours?" Leon asked.

Aerith turned to him. "His memories do seem to have a certain power."

"Maybe it's like that guy said, then. This town is an illusion. Something our memories created." Sora said.

"And...there's someone special to you in this town?" Aerith asked.

"How did you...oh, I get it. Our memories are resonating with yours, telling you what happened." Sabrina said as Aerith turned to them. "Yeah, a friend of ours is somewhere in this town...I mean, Castle Oblivion."

"Castle Oblivion? What's that? There aren't any castles here." Yuffie said.

"That's not quite what she meant." Sora told her.

"You guys are still not sure what's going on, right?" Aerith asked.

"Right. We just got here, after all. We need to take a better look around." Sora replied.

"Then go have a walk around town. There are Heartless, but that's no problem to you two." Leon said.

Sora looked at him with a sly smirk. "So you know we can fight?"

"I can't say I know, but I feel like believing you. Let's leave it at that." Leon replied.

Traverse Town

"This is getting weirder by the minute." Latias muttered. "They don't know us, but they do. Am I the only one who's getting more confused?"

"You're not alone." Sabrina muttered and sighed. "The sooner we get out of this castle, the better." She said.

After walking around while taking out some Heartless, they found themselves in the Second District and then noticing Cid, who turned around and smiled. "Well, what do you know? It's Sora and Sabrina." He said.

They all smiled while Cid rubbed his head. "Wait, what am I saying? I don't know you." He said, causing them to anime fall. "But you do LOOK like a couple of siblings that resemble you two."

"It's alright, Cid." Sabrina said. "That's our names."

"So, you heard of me, huh?" Cid asked. "Well, I can't say I'm surprised."

"Anyway, maybe you can help us out. A friend of ours supposed to be in this castle...I mean town." Sabrina said.

"Got any ideas?" Sora asked.

"Your friend, huh? Lately all this town sees is Heartless. Can't even take two steps without gettin' attacked." Cid replied. "In fact, this plaza is the worst. Word is, a jumbo-sized Heartless shows up when the bell rings. If you value your hide, you'll get outta here while the gettin's good." He said and then walked away.

"Gawrsh, maybe we should leave." Goofy suggested.

"Don't you want to see the Heartless?" Sora asked.

"NO, WE DON'T!" Donald yelled...and then the bell rang. "The bell!"

"We gotta be careful." Goofy said.

Latias looked up. "UP THERE!" She yelled as Guard Armor landed in front of them.

"When he said Jumbo sized...he wasn't kidding." Sabrina said as the siblings took out their Keyblades.

Shrouding Dark Cloud (Kingdom Hearts)

Guard Armor walked towards them and punched them, but both of them dodge rolled out of the way and Sabrina jumped up and slashed it three times.

Sora went over and slashed the feet two times, before getting kicked away from Guard Armor.

"Let's see..." Sabrina mixed up three cards and looked at Guard Armor walking to her. "SLIDING DASH!" She yelled and then slashed through Guard Armor.

"I thought it was Zantetsuken." Sora said.

Sabrina shrugged. "Don't look at me, I just said it out loud!" She said and then dodged from Guard Armor's punch.

Sora jumped up and took out a card. "FREEZE!" He yelled and used Blizzard on Guard Armor, then Sabrina jumped up and slashed Guard Armor three times again.

Sabrina looked at a card she had and looked to see it was Latias. "LATIAS!" She yelled.

Latias appeared, transforming and then used Steel Wing right on Guard Armor, knocking it down and disappeared.

"SLIDING DASH!" Sora yelled and slashed through Guard Armor, then Sabrina jumped up and did her finishing blow, as Guard Armor disappeared from all this and turned into a card.

"Uh..." Sabrina said, picking up the card. "Okay then..."

Traverse Town

"So your friend wasn't here?" Yuffie asked.

"No, I don't think we'll find him in this town." Sora replied. "But he's somewhere in this castle. I just know it." He said.

"Castle? Like this whole town is inside some humongous castle? Hoo, that's rich!" Cid chuckled.

"He's probably right Cid. We may not understand what's going on, but these guys do. He can see the reality is bigger than just this world."

"I wish I was that sure." Sora muttered.

"You'll be okay. No matter what shape reality takes, you guys can handle it." Leon told them. "I may not remember you, but I know you in my heart."

"Leon..." Sabrina sighed.

"Take care, you two." Yuffie waved.

"I'm a little lost...but best of luck anyway." Cid said as they all walked away.

"Well, let's go." Goofy said as they all walked away.

Sora and Sabrina walked with them. "Wait." A voice said as the siblings turned to see Aerith.

"What's up?" Sora asked.

"I don't have all the answers, but I have to tell you something." There was sadness in her voice. "Your memories created this town, right?"

Roxas (Kingdom Hearts II)

"That's what the guy who gave us the card said." Sabrina replied.

"If that's true, then this town is just a figment of your mind...and so are we." Aerith said.

" can't be a figment! You're standing right here. The town is here, too!" Sora exclaimed.

"But I'm not really me. I don't remember the things I should. And I sense things I shouldn't. Guys, beware of your memories. In the journey to come, you'll be faced with more illusions. Sometimes the shadows of your memory will deceive you, try to lead you astray."

"So uh, what exactly does that mean?" Sabrina asked.

"I'm sorry...i'm just another illusion. The truth is out of my reach." She replied sadly.

"Don't say stuff like that, it's depressing." Sora said.

"Stay strong, you two. Don't let the illusions distract you from what's truly important." She told them.

"Okay." Sabrina nodded.

"Hey!" A female voice exclaimed as they turned to see Latias running up to them with Donald and Goofy way behind. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, be right there." Sora replied.

"Well, we'd better get going." Sabrina said and then her eyes widened. Aerith was nowhere to be seen. "Aerith?"

"What about Aerith?" Latias asked.

"Where did she go? We were just talking to her." Sora said.

Latias tilted her head in confusion. "Aerith left with Leon and the others, remember?"

"Wait, what?" Sabrina asked.

"You worried the three of us, you two were standing right there." Latias explained.

"Is this what she meant?" Sora wondered as they all walked away together.

First chapters usually aren't THIS long, right?