hey there heartbreakerninja here,

k yeah I know I said I was going to finish my exsisting stories before I started new ones but I've been on a batman kick (mostly robin) lately so I had to write this. (I blame my best budd who is obsessed with batman and the fact that its been batman month)

Any way this may become a dabbler haven't decided yet

Anyway hope you enjoy let me know what ya think :)

"POPCORN COMING THROUGH!" Came the yell of a 6 year old boy with jet black hair, as he barreled down the hall into the TV room. His Father had just enough time to duck and pull one of his teenage charges down with him when the 6 year old took a flying leap over the couch. He did a twist in mid flight to land gracefully on the couch in a seated position. In the process he spilled popcorn on the other occupants seated on either side of him. The child gave a sheepish, and slightly impish, grin towards his father as he turned to settle further into the couch to enjoy his popcorn.

His father could hardly be mad at the boy when it was one of his older charges that had taught the boy his little tricks. He gave a playful glare to the teen on the other side of the small child in between them. In response the teen gave a helpless shrug before taking a handful of popcorn for himself and turning back around towards the TV screen.

"So what movie are we watching tonight?" The 6 year old asked as he pulled the hood to his one piece blue Batman symbol PJ's off his head. [A gift from Barbara as a joke.]

"Don't know its Timmy's turn to pick one." The teen answered taking another handful of popcorn from the large bowl in the child's lap.

"Don't worry it's a good one!" Came a loud call as 10 year old Tim, with equally jet black hair, came running through the room. He was about to pull the same stunt as the last boy before seeing the look coming from his guardian. He checked himself at the last minute and instead ran around the couch to skid in front of the TV. He had a DVD clutched in both his hands turn away from the others so they couldn't see which one he had. He had on green flannel PJ that looked to be a little big on him. It was a wonder he hadn't tripped when running into the room.

"That's what you said the last time you picked one." All heads turned towards a blond female as she came into the room. Unlike the others she was fully dressed; wearing dark blue jeans and a purple hoodie. "Bruce I'm headed over to Barbara's; she said she'll help me with my English assignment.

"Are you staying the night or are you coming back?" Her guardian, Bruce asked as he turned towards her.

"Should be back later tonight just real late."

"Ok just be careful Stephanie; you technically don't have your license so be careful when driving that cycle of yours." Bruce advised her. Stephanie smiled before waving and heading towards the door.

"Don't worry I haven't been caught yet. Besides I have my costume in my bag. If I have to I can make a quick switch. Bye guys enjoy your movie; and Damian don't drink too much pop and Dick don't let him. Or else you will be the one to stay up all night with him this time." Stephanie warned before heading towards the door. The six year old, Damian stuck out his tongue while The Teen beside him rolled his eyes.

"That wasn't my fault that was Jason's! He's the one who gave him the mountain dew before bed!" The teen, Dick, yelled to the girl from his place on the couch."

"Whatever!" Came the reply before the front door could be heard shutting.

"What am I being blamed for this time?" Came the tired voice of a broad shouldered teen, as he came through the open French doors that connected the TV room to a back patio. He wore a red t-shirt under his open blue hooded sweatshirt, evidence that he had been outside.

"Oh the usual; you know allowing Damian to have whatever he wants when he gives you those sad puppy dog eyes. How was your walk?" Dick said with a grin. Jason rolled his eyes at the smaller teen before sitting beside Bruce.

"It was fine. A little windy but fine; and last I checked you had the same problem. Only with you Damian, Tim, and Stephanie can do those sad puppy dog eyes and get away with whatever they want." Jason said with a smirk as Dick's grin turned into a pout. Bruce rolled his eyes with a small smirk at the antics of the kids under his care.

"All right boys settle down no fighting during movie night. Ok Tim what movie are we watching tonight?" Bruce said semi-firmly before looking at the small boy still clutching his DVD case. The child grinned before flopping down on the end of the couch beside Jason. Using the controller he turned on the TV. The opening screen was his answer to his guardian's question.

There was a resounding groan from both teens and his guardian while Damian gave a whoop of glee.

"Timmy do we REALLY need to watch How To Train Your Dragon again?" Jason asked pleadingly. It wasn't like he had anything against the movie. It was a good movie; it was just that it was the go to movie that both Timmy and Damian went with when they couldn't think of another movie to watch.

Tim just grinned and giggled as he settled in beside Jason before pushing play on the DVD player. Both teens rolled their eyes before settling in for the movie.

Sometime later Alfred the faithful butler came in to see if everything was still good with his charges. What he saw made him chuckle.

Bruce Wayne was in the center of the couch with the boys all around him. He had Dick curled against him with his right arm wrapped around the lanky teen. Dick had his feet pulled up against him and had his fingers wrapped tightly into Bruce's shirt as he snoozed away peacefully. For once he wasn't struggling with the nightmares that usually plagued him.

Jason was on the other side of Bruce. He had his head tucked underneath Bruce's head, lying against his neck. Bruce's head was lying against Jason's head in return. A little bit of drool was hanging out of the teens open mouth as he too was snoozing away.

Damian was lying across both Bruce's and Jason's lap with his hood up over his head. Jason had his right hand lying on top of the smaller boys head. The smaller boy, much to Alfred's amusement was nibbling on his knuckles in his sleep.

On the opposite side of Jason was Tim. Bruce had his left arm around both Jason and Tim with his hand resting on Tim's small shoulder. Tim was curled into Jason's shoulder while clinging to the older boys left arm like an oversized teddy. A look of contented peace stretched on his small face.

Coming around the couch Alfred could see that there was a blanket across Bruce's, Jason's and Tim's lap; but Damian was lying on top of it and Dick only had a small corner of it across his stomach. Chuckling Alfred grabbed a larger blanket to put behind them and a smaller one to put around Damian while he grabbed a third to put around Dick's small frame.

Dick made a small whimpering sound when Alfred accidently touched his shoulder. He froze in place thinking the young teen was in the troughs of another nightmare. Before he could react though, Bruce pulled the boy closer to him effectively calming him back into a peaceful sleep.

Alfred shook his head in amusement. He couldn't imagine life without the rowdy bunch that Bruce had adopted into the family. Each of them were unique in their own way and made life that much more interesting. None of the boys were related by blood, with Damian being the only blood relation to Bruce himself, but they acted and treated each other the way brothers would. Alfred couldn't think of what it would like if even one of them wasn't in their lives.

Shaking his head again, Alfred turned off the TV before leaving the room; closing the patio doors on his way out. He was just about to head up the stair for bed himself when the front door opened. Turning back around he saw Stephanie come silently in, shutting the large doors quietly behind her. She seemed surprised to see Alfred.

"Oh Alfred, sorry you surprised me. I figured everyone would be asleep by now." The blond teen said as she walked over to where the man stood.

"It's quite alright Stephanie, The boys along with Master Wayne have seemed to have fallen asleep in the TV room and I was just about to retire for the night. Is there anything I can do for you before hand?" Alfred asked her politely. Stephanie smiled and shook her head.

"No thanks Alfred, I'll just check on the boys before I head up to bed myself. I'm bushed." Stephanie said with a yawn; but Alfred saw the tinny spark of mischief in her eyes.

"Whatever you have planned just make sure it does not wake them up. It will take forever to get young master Damian to go back to sleep if he wakes." Alfred warned as he headed up the stairs.

"Don't worry, I won't. Night Alfred." Stephanie said as she quietly made her way into the TV room. Alfred rolled his eyes in amusement as he kept heading up the stairs. If she woke Damian up the she could deal with the wrath of Bruce herself.

As soon as she got to the doorway she could already hear the soft snores coming from the sleeping occupants. Smiling to herself Stephanie pulled her camera out of her bag before setting the bag softly down to the ground. Turning the camera on, she came around the other side of the couch before quickly snapping a picture. The flash didn't even faze the sleeping group, just showing how relaxed they were. If it had been any other time 3 out 5 would have woken up into attack mode. Smiling to herself once again; Stephanie tiptoed out of the room, grabbing her bag on the way. She would wait till the morning to print the picture and add it to the family photo book she was working on. She would probably make a copy for Barbara as well. She would love to have it.

She turned to watch the sleeping group before quietly slipping up the stairs to go to sleep herself.