Nothing felt better than knowing that the holidays were approaching, including my birthday. Over the past week, piles and piles of snow were being dumped on the little town of Arendelle and both the Overland-Frost and Arendelle families were engaged into our classic snow wars. The parents even joined too, happy that they were away from work and at home enjoying the beautiful weather with their kids. Not only did the two families seen the joy, plenty of kids from around the area screamed at the joy of the countless snow days.

"I'm so happy!" Anna squealed and I rolled my eyes, sitting in front of our fireplace. Jack, his younger sister Nessa, Anna and I were all wrapped up in blankets with a cup of hot chocolate in our hands. These times were usually the gossip times that we had, sharing secrets and talking about plans that we had coming up.

"Well, it's my oldest sisters eighteenth birthday and Christmas. Even though it isn't fair that you get double the gifts." I stuck my tongue out at Anna before taking a sip of the hot chocolate. Nessa laughed, "Anna's just jealous." She said and Anna shot her a glare. Nessa cowered into her brothers arms and Jack frowned, "Do you always have to scare her?"

"She's 8. She shouldn't be scared of a 16 year old." I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Anna's comment and Nessa just shot Anna a glare, "I am not scared of you."

"Oh yeah? Why are you hiding in your brother?"

"Becauseā€¦Because he's warm!"

"Yeah, right." Anna scoffed and Nessa rolled her eyes, "Show-off."




"Enough!" Jack screamed while I rubbed the temples of my head. The two younger girls jumped at Jack's sudden tone then both mumbled an apology. I removed myself from the group and decided to retreat myself in the kitchen. Jack was ready to follow me until I put my head out and shook my head in disagreement. Something was wrong and I couldn't put my head on what was wrong. I sighed, sitting down at the breakfast table and aimlessly twirling my hair. I was soon going to be 18, in a couple of days and although I was excited because that meant there was no binding contract nor danger lurking for me - I couldn't help but think that my aunt would see this as an entrance into my life again. I dumped the rest of my hot chocolate into the sink, feeling a chur of discomfort in my stomach. I sighed before trudging my way up towards the stairs, my birthday and Christmas were two days apart - the 24th which was my birthday and the 25th, which was, obviously, Christmas. We never celebrated my birthday on the exact day, it made sense to always have a double celebration. That double celebration was tomorrow and I didn't seem so excited although I should've been. My birthday only consisted of one small cupcake and a tiny candle that I provided for myself. I walked into my room, staring at my outfit in the corner. My parents planned a big party at one the big halls for my 18th birthday and also a homecoming. Arendelle is an old fashion towns so we still had halls that stood that used to be for balls and stuff, of course, being my parents, went all out. Then again, that's how Mama and Papa were always with us - going all and out for their girls. I touched the baby blue tulle skirt, remembering when I got it tailored - It reached out towards my knee and the long sleeve white crystal top that snugged on my body. It was a perfect outfit, my papa telling me to keep it a secret and to never try it on again. I smiled before hiding the outfit into my dressing room. A knock came on the door and I jumped then I heard a chuckle.

"Hiding something?" The smooth, husky voice said and I smiled, "Actually, yes." I turned towards him and his eyes brighten, "Is it your outfit for tomorrow? Can I see?"

"Nope, you'll have to wait."

"I just want to know if I have to wear a suit."

"Like Papa said, a button up t-shirt and some jeans would be fine Jack."

"But...I don't want you to look all fancy and then I look like so dressed down, dancing with the beautiful birthday girl who should be spending her actual birthday downstairs and not in her room." I sighed, sitting on my bed and looking at Jack, "I'm just not up to it." He gave me a weak smile before crouching down in front of me, "What's bothering you?"


"Elsie. You know I know you better than that." He cocked his head to the side and I smiled, "I just worry."

"A lot and too much." He kissed the top of my forehead and I sighed, closing my eyes as he did so. "I have something for you." He whispered and I looked at him, "But I can't open my gifts until tomorrow." I watched as he shoved his head in his hoodie pocket and smiled, "My gift is different," He sat down next to me and pushed the small box in my hand. I looked down at it than him, "But Jackā€¦"

"I want you to wear it tomorrow. Both of us. Open it." I looked at him before gasping. In the box were two snowflake bracelet, a his and her with a ice blue gem in the middle with tiny snowflakes. I smiled as Jack took both bracelets out and put one on my wrist, shortly after putting his on his own. That's when I felt it. An ice cold presence run through my veins. Jack stared down at the bracelet with confusion and I looked at mine with shock, "Odd." He said before shrugging. I nodded and he smiled, "So, my beautiful best friend and girl friend is finally 18." I nodded and he smiled, "It's getting late and I know someone has to wake up early for their big bash tomorrow." I smiled before giving him a small peck, "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow." He whispered before walking out the door. I sighed before admiring the bracelet on my wrist, something didn't feel right about it. Something felt wrong. Maybe it was just the nerves of my birthday. I layed back on my bed, staring at the snowflakes before slummer took me over.

Happy Belated Christmas! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in awhile. I've been so busy and lazy at the same time. Next chapter is better, I promise xx