I am dedicating this chapter to a couple of my ladies who have birthdays today! You know who you are! ;)

Chapter 9

Emily blinked rapidly but the tears started to fall anyway as Norman got down on one knee, pulling a black box from his pocket, opening it to reveal the most beautiful, delicate ring she had ever seen, a large stone set in the center in Milgrain platinum and tiny pave diamonds that encircled the entirety of the band. "Emily Rebecca Kinney, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

She set her beer to the side and looked at him, nodding rapidly and smiling because her mouth could not form words enough to push past the lump in her throat. She sniffed as he slipped the ring onto her finger and he looked back into her eyes. She did not miss the obvious relief and love shining back in his eyes. Swallowing past the lump she finally found her words. "Yes, Norman. Of course I'll marry you."

All the air rushed out of him when he heard the yes. He had seen her nod her head and could have made himself content with that but hearing her utter the word "yes" sealed it for him. Sealed what he felt for her and what she felt for him and it sealed their future together in his mind. She was his. He pressed his lips to hers, pouring every bit of what he was feeling into the kiss.

His heart where it had been pounding in his chest, trying to beat its way out of his rib cage was starting to put itself back to normal. He pulled away finally and brushed her hair back from her forehead. Her hair was hanging about her shoulders in loose waves. He smiled at her softly. It was how he liked her best, he decided. Slightly messy, every bit as sexy and hair mussed from the love they had just made.

"Wanna go home and celebrate in private?" He whispered low as he nuzzled her neck.

"Thought you'd never ask." She whispered back smiling against his chest. She didn't think she could possibly be any happier in that moment.

Norman walked her to her car and she turned to face him as they reached it. "So just how long did you carry around that ring, Mr. Reedus?" She said saucily, smiling up at him.

"A few days." He said.

"A few days? She echoed.

"I was waiting on the right moment." He shrugged, moving one hand up to her shoulder, sliding it up to her neck. "I wanted it to be perfect."

"It was. And it's a beautiful ring. Perfect in every way." She said resolutely.

"You're perfect in every way, Em." He said, his voice turned serious and his gaze soft and warm. "I'll meet you at your place. I'm going to stop at the store on the way. You need anything?"

"Get us a bottle of wine. We need to celebrate properly." She winked at him as she got in her car.

He ducked his head in the car and pressed a quick kiss to her lips. "I don't think there is gonna be anything proper about what I want to do to you baby girl."

Quicker than she could reply, he was backed out of her car and shutting her door. She blushed and shook her head before pulling away. She didn't know how she got so lucky and she didn't really care but this night topped every single one in her book. She only wished there was someone she could call and tell about it.

Emily sat down to after dinner drinks with Lauren. They had opted for a quiet bistro in downtown Atlanta where they wouldn't be spotted as easily by fans.

"So you're done filming right?" Lauren asked, perusing the menu.

"Yes, I finished a couple days ago. Norman is still finishing his scenes for that episode. Did you get your script yet?" Emily asked. She knew Lauren and Steven had some scenes coming up together but they never knew the details until they got the script.

Lauren beamed. "Yes, it looks like it's going to be a killer episode. How are things with you and Norman? You seem pretty chummy lately."

Leave it to Lauren to get right to the point. She had been giving her strange looks lately and she knew that something was up. Emily had warred with herself the night before wondering if she should just spill everything to her. She had already talked to Norman about it and he felt like Lauren could keep it quiet. She knew she had waited too long to answer when Lauren spoke again.

"Emily, why is your face so red? Wait." Lauren's eyes got wide. "You're seeing each other aren't you?" She didn't even wait for a reply. "I knew it! Dish, sister." She commanded, taking a sip of the margarita the waitress had brought.

Emily ran her index finger over the rim of her wine glass. "Well things lately have gotten pretty interesting."

"Emily, tell me! I am dying. Are you or aren't you?"

Emily nodded her head slightly, unable to contain the smile on her face. "We are." She beamed.

Lauren was barely able to contain her girlish squeals and suddenly Emily wished they had planned on going hiking instead. At least they wouldn't have the curious stares of other people if they were out in the woods. "How long?"

Emily shrugged her shoulders.

"Never mind. I want to know how. Tell me everything and I want details." Lauren gushed.

Emily filled her in on the basics, leaving out the sex and of course leaving out the engagement. They were keeping that private for now. They had both decided they weren't in a huge rush to plan a ceremony. They would start planning when the season wrapped next month.

"Oh I am so happy for you two! Does Greg know yet?" Lauren asked.

Emily shook her head and laughed. Greg had long teased them about them needing to get together. He'd probably never give them any peace once he found out. There would be no living with him, really. "We aren't really telling people yet. So you can't say anything to anyone." She warned.

Lauren groaned. "Oh I hate secrets so much." She complained. "I can't tell anyone?" Her accent was not quite as thick but when she got excited about something, it inevitably came back full force.

"Sorry, afraid not." She said and laughed at Lauren's sour expression. "Just for a little while. Norman's a very private person."

Lauren wiggled her eyebrows. "Oh I bet he is." She paused. "So?"

Emily looked at her screen sister and feigned innocence. "So what?"

"Don't be coy with me Emily. How is he in bed?" Lauren gave her a wicked grin.

"I am not answering that question." Emily couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips.

Lauren nodded knowingly. "Never mind, you don't have to."

They both laughed and Emily was glad Lauren was content with that. Her phone buzzed and she turned it over on the table to read the display. A tweet notification from Norman. He was shooting today and she wasn't. It was kind of odd not being there with him after shooting with him for weeks and weeks.

She opened up the notification and laughed. "Candy crush, I may never sleep again."

She turned the phone around for Lauren to see and she burst into laughter.

"I told him to stop playing that game. I broke my phone like that." Lauren said between fits of laughter.

"He's stuck on level 119 right now. I keep telling him to give up but he won't. He's trying to get me to play, but I have been able to resist so far." Emily said as she searched through her phone for some kind of reply to his tweet.

She decided on the doodle drawing for "Married".

"Married" is the fourth song on #expiredlove, out Oct 22nd! #NewMusic

"What did you tweet?" Lauren asked, finishing her margarita. Emily turned her phone around to show her and she had the blank look on her face that Emily expected. "What does it mean? Wait you guys aren't getting married are you?"

Emily was surprised she was calm when she answered. "Of course not." She shook her head and laughed and hoped Lauren didn't notice her nervousness.

"So then why that tweet." Lauren asked, her expression curious.

"It's just a little game we play. He'll get it." She said smiling softly. Her song Married had actually been inspired by Norman but she wasn't about to tell Lauren that.

She and Lauren parted ways, promising to meet up again soon before the season wrapped and the holiday rush started. She got to Norman's and let herself in with the key he had given her the night before. It felt weird and right all at the same time.

She had just finished pouring herself another glass of wine when he came through the door. Eye in the Dark, Norman's cat had perched himself right on her lap and Norman came into the living room and smiled. "Well if it isn't two of my favorite people in the world." He said as he walked over to her and kissed her on the forehead.

She didn't even bother arguing with him that Eye wasn't a person, because he actually was, or at least he acted like one. She smiled as Norman sat beside her on the sofa. She expected Eye to jump off her lap and into Norman's but he seemed content where he was. She ran her hand over his head, eliciting a soft purr from him.

"He likes you." He said, his blue eyes sparking in her direction as he pulled her legs into his lap.

"Of course he does." She said smiling in his direction as he traced lazy circles on her thigh.

Eye promptly jumped down with a curt meow at the intrusion on his head rub. Emily giggled. "Guess he doesn't like the two of us together." She said as she scooted herself to wrap her arms around his neck. "Missed you today."

"Missed you too babygirl. How did it go with Lauren?" He asked.

"Good. She said she'd keep our secret." Emily looked at this impossibly beautiful man she was wrapped up in and decided that she didn't ever want to leave his arms. "I want to stay right here forever."

He pulled her closer and whispered in her ear. "I'm not going anywhere Em." He didn't think his life could get any more perfect. He had a son, a career he enjoyed and the love of a good woman. What more could he ask for? Nothing. That was the answer. He didn't need anything else in that moment besides the girl in his arms. His Emily.

Sorry guys, it has taken me forever to update this story because I am such a hopeless Normily shipper that if things aren't just perfect I can't write it. But this week, no matter what I had to write.

That MSF was god-awful and I am so mad about the whole thing. Mad enough to be part of the spearhead committee to think up the spoons campaign. That's been keeping me going. That and the fact that the MSF was so sucky and the writing was so bad that there is NO WAY we are expected to believe that crap. It absolutely has to be something else. But we have to wait to see. UGH!

No matter what, we will always have Bethyl in our hearts and we will always have Normily because my goodness just look at them! Thanks my loves and I hope you enjoyed this very late installment.