A/N: DOUBLE CHAPTER POST! I figured I would post this chapter up as well because I need to focus on other stuff for the time being. So I thought I'd save myself some hassle. Thanks for reading and enjoy the chapter!

The crickets were alive in the midnight hour as Satan closed the door behind him quietly. He knew he wasn't technically supposed to go out and cause any trouble, but his feet were tingling and his box of tricks were getting quite full and burning quite the hole. Quickly he made a dash down the street before Natalie had a chance to even stir at the latch being engaged in the door.

It had been at least a month since he had moved in with Natalie, if that's what you could call someone contractually obligated to a hormonal fueled menstrual rage. This engagement was far from anything he was used to as most people who would wind up summoning him usually had a single favor needed before terminating the contract. Even more was that most summoners knew they were offering up their souls for eternal damnation regardless of how they lived their lives from that point on. Though, it generally was a horrible deed that needed to be accomplished if Satan was summoned, most times it was death of someone that proceeded from the contract.

He had to admit that while he had been contracted by many individuals over the millennia, he couldn't recall the last time a female girl under the age of 20 had been his summoner. Needless to say, he also had never been under a contract that held him on the surface of the Earth permanently without end. Thankfully his underling Festus, or rather Felix, had a good grip on things in the Underworld.

Stan slowed down his pace and meandered over to an inconspicuous alley behind the local liquor store. While human food and drink weren't all that bad, it wasn't as fulfilling as the alcohol that generally provided a better burn which fueled him for longer periods of time. "Hey Anthy!" Satan called as he knocked on the back door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, hold on a sec!" A muffled female voice bellowed from behind the door.

Thankfully, the weeks weren't so bad as he could stop by while that pesky girl was in school, but weekends trudged on far too long for him to be able to go without a visit. Not that he really minded as the woman that tended the shop when he visited was a bit easy on the eyes. The door swung open as a tanned skin, red head popped out with a couple bottles of Smirnoff vodka. "You know that I'll probably get fired one of these times."

"Psh, Anthea, you can personally send whoever is employing you my way if they don't like that their inventory is going to help out Satan. I mean if it weren't for me, they wouldn't even have a business. You think anyone else but me would have made this such a lucrative way to make money while mixing in pleasure?" Satan nearly ripped the cap off the bottle and guzzled half of it in one go.

"Geez, slow down there... I really don't have much inventory tonight as there seems to be some kind of young teenage gathering happening." Anthea grabbed a pack of Camel menthols from her apron pocket and put a cigarette to her deep pink lips while handing a few to Satan. "You know it's so easy to spot anything relating to teenage drunken shenanigans with how buyers generally have one premium mixed with more than enough bottles of some cheap vodka like McCormick's to tranquilize a small horse."

Satan held a finger up as a small flame burst forth and lit the end of the cigarette in Anthea's mouth and then his own. "Oh, a party you say? You wouldn't happen to have any information on where some fun is happening tonight would you?"

Anthea let out a soft exhale which dispersed smoke into the cool evening air. "Well I didn't hear of anything in specific. but I don't think you'd have to look too far. You know there's quite a few liquor stores in the area and each have their own neighborhoods they tend to receive business from."

Satan polished off the rest of the first bottle and meticulously blew smoke rings. "I suppose you're right. You think I should go pay a visit?"

"Well, I'm not holding you back; it's not like I'm your babysitter or anything." Anthea cracked a small chuckle from her lips as she snuffed out her cigarette under her shoe and checked her watch. "Damn, looks like I've got to go back. Hopefully you'll be able to find something productive to do tonight."

"What, you think I've lost my touch?" Satan flicked his cigarette over by the lone lamp post in the alley.

"I'm not saying you have, but I wouldn't be surprised if you started picking up some human tendancies along the way. Anyways, see you Monday." Anthea waved over her shoulder as ducked in through the door to the store.

"Oh! Before I forget, how's Felix holding things down?" Satan grabbed the door before it slammed shut.

"You know, same old Felix. Doing a good job while missing your lovely mug. I'll let you know if I hear otherwise." Her magenta eyes flashed a moment before returning to a more subtle shade of brown.

"Thanks again doll." He flipped around on his heel.

Satan made his way through the streets in the neighborhood lazily sauntering through as his ears perked up for any signs of bass reverberations that accompanied kids' wild shenanigans. This wasn't his first rodeo that involved helping kids move towards the sinful deeds and it always made him feel a bit proud at how many notches he had under his belt in regards to that. Male, female, gender less, it didn't really matter to him; he'd milk ever situation for all it was worth. He wouldn't lie that he had some of the hottest fucks with men, but he had to be honest that it was a bit more satisfactory when he could make one of the asexual types tremble under him. He always found it strange though that it was always the virgin females that were drawn to him, though not that he complained as they provided him the most innocent experience that had a hint of sensuality.

A low humming bass beat guided Satan, now shifting into "drug dealer" Stan as Nat had affectionately named his look, through the suburban neighborhood leading him to a two story house with all the adornments of horrible life choices. It wasn't too terribly late, but there were a couple kids passed out on the lawn, with one more soon to follow as the teen was hoisted under two fellow "bros" arms out to the nearest shrub. A couple kids were on the front patio smoking and cracking jokes all while 'Red Blooded Woman' filtered through the door from the sound system. Stan couldn't help but chuckle to himself; he'd hit the jackpot tonight as the air was still positively electric.

"Ummm, excuse me, but you can't come in here... you're wayyy to sexy for this party." A girl stumbled through the door, landing against his chest completely wearing down her conviction of a sober facade.

"Whoa, there hot stuff, I'm pretty sure you've got a good point, but I'm not interested. How about we sit you over here for a bit and get you some water." Stan helped the girl over to the bench on the porch and nodded his head towards one of the jocks standing around to grab some water.

As much as he was all about sex, drugs, rock and roll, and all that jazz, he really didn't care for what would essentially be classified as rape. He had some morals of his own and quite often liked showing off that he could be a bit decent. Plus, he'd prefer his partners to have some memory of what happened the night before.

Stan walked inside seeing a mass of teens already swaying and grinding against each other to the alluring hum of Kylie Minogue's voice. Some faces were obscured by lips locking and others glazed over by the trance of their actions. The seemingly silent sound of skin gliding over skin was like sweet music to his ears and it seemed as though the air got a tad bit thicker the more he meandered his way through the crowd. As much as Stan enjoyed the throbbing pulses he felt brushing against skin, he wanted to make his way towards the kitchen where it never failed that the most seemingly subdued types could be coaxed out of their proverbial shells.

Satan walked into the brightly lit room as two girls were already in the process of grabbing some glasses out of cabinets while another was deep inside the fridge seemingly scouring whatever was left over to mix with the available vodka bottles on the pristine white tiled counter near the microwave. While this house wasn't all that large, the kitchen seem to be occupying the most space of the layout. It was made in such a way that you really lost any sense of intimacy.

"Oh my god, who is that guy?" One of the girls whispered to her friend as she peeked over to Stan, oblivious to his heightened hearing.

"I wouldn't know, I've never seen him, we should step outside though before there's any trouble." The Velma look-alike pulled on the other's hand as she led them outside.

"But what about-" The first girl's voice trailed off into the hallways as the music overtook any vocal resonance.

Stan set down the single bottle of Smirnoff vodka he had left over from what Anthea gave him. "Some party huh?"

"Oh yeah, it's pretty killer. What do you think we can make with Sunny D?" The lone girl enquired from the fridge door.

"Well nothing that'll be cold if you continue to keep that door open. Just hand me that and I can whip us something up, I'm sure." Stan's voice dropped slightly deeper, with a hint of lust, as he gave her backside a one-over, taking note of her subtle curves that were illuminated by the backlight from the fridge.

"There's not much left..." The girl passed back the last jug which seemed to have barely enough to make a proper Screwdriver, but with his objective in mind, it would suffice.

"Well, that shouldn't be too much of an issue, so long as you don't mind sharing drinks?" Stan turned towards the counter as he heard the fridge door shut and the girl step towards him.

She pressed her supple chest against his back as Stan poured a measurable amount of vodka into the cup before splashing a bit of Sunny D on top. He gently pressed back into her, feeling the warm mass against his mid back compress further into him. Her hands roamed over his front side and felt up the buttons on his shirt, a very noticeable hint of what his aura was very powerful in persuading others to be encouraged to do. He took a drink of the concoction before letting out a small purr of delight as his hand caressed over thr teen's own, guiding it over his toned stomach. This was his time to shine.

He flipped around on his heel and the girl's head pulled forward, landing against his chest as her arms grasped around Stan's waist. Stan enveloped the rest over her body with his arms, pulling her closer as he began swaying in the kitchen, slowly leading her towards the main dance floor. He had noticed at least half the kids had cleared out leaving far more room to dance together, but it would be hard to guess otherwise with how closer Stan and the girl were grinding against each other.

She quickly turned around and moved her hands over the front of her frame, over her chest and up through her hair flicking tendrils in Stan's face. Stan's hands glided over her hips to gain better control of their pre-coital tango and pass some of his sensual vibrations through her directly. He lowered his head to her neck and nuzzled while placing kisses and small bites against the Ivory skin dotted slightly with freckles. He was quite aroused at this point, but he couldn't help noticing a familiarity about this girl which distracted the sensation building below. Normally, it wouldn't be too difficult to place the scent of a specific human, however with all the energy in the air, there was something slightly off about it that hindered his ability to do as effectively.

The girl tilted her head back, letting a moan escape her lips and took Satan's hand up towards her own breast, seductively grinding further into him. There was no doubt this girl wanted him badly, but Satan wanted her to beg for it just bit longer, or at least till he could figure out where he had been acquainted with the scent from this girl. He lifted his head up from her neck and glanced towards her face that had nuzzled back against his cheek, another moan slipping through her lips. His eyes widened and his hands immediately dropped to his sides as he took a step back.

"Hey..." the girl gave a breathy response, "don't stop that."

Stan's emotion fell dead pan as his eyes fixated on the girl before him. The strawberry blonde hair should have been a dead giveaway, let alone the light linger of mango paradise body spray "No fucking way..."

"Hey, I spent a bit of money on this dress for tonight and I'll be dammed if I don't ge-" The girl turned around mid sentence and lost her train of thought as her eyes locked on with the mysterious man who had been moments away from seducing her to one of the spare rooms.
