Hello everyone !

I wanted to thank you once more for your loyalty and the attention you've paid to this story. What's great about stories is that they kind of talk to you, they change you. Even a little fanfiction writer like myself. I've stopped writing a long time ago, not because I didn't want to, mainly because I couldn't create what I wanted. I am an impatient person, I don't take the time to write exactly what I would like to write, I rush things sometimes, and when I read my work I don't like it. That is what happened today : I read this fiction and didn't like it.

I write this down to ask you not to expect too much from that story, I don't know if I'll finish it one day. If I try, I'd like to rewrite it all, from the very beginning. Unfortunately, the notes this story is based on are still on my last computer's hard drive and it gave up the ghost few months ago. I can't tell you if the story is to have future developments, yet I seriously consider the possibility.

I'm going through a time when I realize how much I've changed. Three stories I had published on this website were deleted as they did not satisfy me anymore. I'm not going to lie : I may drop the idea of continuing "Run", but I still hope I can find the little spark in me that made me want to write it. For now I'm trying to redefine my style as a writer, take the time, do my best to improve my writing skills. I really like the idea of writing a story in French than publish its English translation, I intend to keep doing this with my next writings.

I thank you again for you reviews and truly hope I'll come back here with a better work.