Summary: Lin is trying to sleep but it's too hot and Kya is only making it worse.

Beta: UmbralWolves


It was extremely hot, it was humid, it felt like there was no air what-so-ever, even though the window was open. And of course spooning didn't make it any less hot. Lin loved Kya, that's why she had lasted this long in her lover's embrace. But now the heat was really getting to her. "Kya, it's hot, get off me."

"But I want to hold you," Kya grumbled.

"It's hot." Lin persisted.

"You're hot," she retorted as she slapped Lin's buttocks. Lin sighed out of frustration.


"Keep it up, and I'll make you really hot," she warned.

"Kya," she whined.

"Don't be such a baby," she mumbled as she snuggled closer.

"I'm not the baby. You're the baby. Wanting to cuddle in this heat? It's ridiculous!"

"Fine! You don't want me to snuggle close you, then fine! I won't snuggle, cuddle, or spoon with you ever again."

"Are you serious?!" she sighed heavily. Why was she asking that? Of course she was serious. Lin took a moment to enjoy the coolness before caving into Kya's wants.

Lin rolled her eyes, turning around and wrapping her arms around Kya. She pulled her close, her chest now against her lover's back. Kya smiled triumphantly. She would've closed her eyes to sleep but what she thought of doing was too good of an opportunity to let slip by. She waited a few minutes, hearing her lover mumble under her breath about the heat before she parted her own lips.

"Jeez Lin, get off me! It's hot," Kya said. Lin groaned loudly as she flung her leg over Kya, moving herself on top of her and pressing herself hard against the giggling waterbender.

"I swear if I didn't love you I would smother you to death."

"It's hot!" Kya giggled, as she squirmed under the earthbender.

"Too bad! Get use to it!"

A/N: It gets pretty hot in their bedroom. *suggestive eyebrow wiggle*