Sekaiichi Hatsukoi

Okay! This is a story where Ritsu and Masamune have different personalities, mostly Ritsu. So very OOC. Has a lot of cursing xD Enjoy!

"Senpai, do you love me?" I looked down hopefully.
"It's just you never say anything.. And I'd like to think you do.."
Here it comes. The dreaded moment.
"Tch- quit being such a girl."


I stared with disbelief at the woman in front of me.

"SHOUJO MANGA? I've been assigned to the shoujo manga department?! But I clearly said I worked in literature at my old company!"

Seriously. How could I be put in manga?

"But it says right here sir. 'Onodera Ritsu assigned to the Emerald Shoujo Manga editing Department'."


"Please follow me sir. I'll show you to the editorial department"

She gave me a cheap ass smile and led me towards the elevator. Just great. Manga editing. This'll be fun, and seriously, shoujo manga, I growled lightly. The girl went on about "the new editor in chief" and "handsome editors". Hard to believe a bunch of men would work in girls' manga. Ha. Maybe they're all homos.

It might be worth checking out this amazing "editor in chief that dragged emerald out of the slum."

When we reached the forth floor I stepped out and followed the lady into the department. I could sniff something strange in the air, but decided to ignore it. Maybe those Emerald workers are on some stuff.

"We're here."
Here comes the cheesy introduction.

"My name Onodera Ritsu. I look forward to working with you."

Fine right. When I raise my head the dump before my eyes isn't what I was expecting to see.
Ugh... Ahead of me were what looked like lifeless corpses slumped over desks.

"Uh. Seems like there was a mess up in the cycle! G-Good luck!" She ran off while I yelled after her. I tried to get the people around me to explain what the hell was going on, but everyone ran by saying things like "that's not me!" or "we're not part of them!" Just what the hell is this?

I walked over to one of the lifeless corpses who was slouched over a pile of papers. Suddenly a disgusting smell filled the air causing me to nearly puke my guts out. After covering my nose, I tried to talk to the chibi.

"Excuse me..." When I tapped the man on the shoulder he fell to the ground, startling me. Just what the hell is up with these people? What is this, the walking dead?
He struggled to get up and then he looked over at me.

"...Whaaaaaaat..." God he stinks.

"U-Um.. My name is Onodera Ritsu. I'm the new guy." This guy looked like he belonged in a horror movie.

"Ooohh... Was that today..?"


He started talking in a shaking hoarse voice.

"Takano-Sannnn the new guys here." No reply. "Takano-Saaaaaan!"

The sound of a foot slamming on a desk directed my attention to a man leaning on a chair with a book over his eyes.

"Shut the hell up! I heard you the first time..."

I didn't expect to see a guy with dark bags under his eyes, crooked glasses and ruffled hair and clothes to look over at me. This was the famous 'Editor-in-Chief' that dragged Emerald up from the depths that it had sunk.

Oh god, kill me now.

I have a bad feeling about this.Well, just what kind of guy is this Editor-in-chief?

"Ah I'm Onodera Ritsu, the new guy starting today."
He looked up at me and I got a close view of how dark his eyes were. It looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"Are you a party timer?"
"No, I'm an employee."
"Oh yeah they said someone like you was coming"

Oi. You trying to mess with me?

"You've been an editor before right? So what'd you work in? Teen magazine? Adolescence magazine?"

"Ah no. I've always worked in literature." He looked at me like I was a lowly peasant.

"HAH? Literature?!" He looked away before stating "Useless."
This asshole!
Are you trying to pick a fight?"Well then come with me newbie." He got up and started to leave the department.

"Eh? Why?" He turned and looked at me as if I were an idiot.

"You have to learn how to work of course. Don't just stand there newbie."

This jerk! I'm gonna kill this guy.

"No more like this angle… No here, I'll show you an example so look closely and draw it quickly." I got up quickly.
"Ah resources? I'll go get some."
"From this angle so you can see the face." He grabbed my arm and pulled me close.

What.. What the hell? He pulled me into a kiss and when our lips met a memory suddenly surfaced my mind...

"E-Eh.. Senpai.. We should wait till we get home." I looked up at him with my reddened face. "I can't wait that long. I want you now." My face flushed deeper and I squeezed Senpai close to my body."Yes." He pulled me into a kiss, interlocking our lips passionately.
But when I looked up it wasn't sempai I was looking at.. Who was it? Eh? Takano-San? EHHH?! What in the fucking hell was my boss doing kissing me?!
I pushed him away roughly. He just turned around and spoke to the author who was red in the face.

"Did you get that?"
"Good then please ink it quickly."
What the actual fucking hell is wrong with these people?!
"What the hell was that?!" I managed to blurt out.

"What? Work, obviously." This asshole!
Work? Like hell! What kind of work was that?!

Ugh I feel like I'm gonna have a baby. My stomach hurts like hell.

My first day in this shitty new job and I already regret working here. The editors are mindless zombies, the office smells like shit, and I can't believe how damn screwed up that boss is! I don't think I can survive even a week here.
What am I even doing? I was supposed to be here to prove that I have the skills to back up my name. I didn't want people to think I was using my family's power to rank high. I just wanted to make good books that people would enjoy. I'm supposed to be showing off to those pricks from my old company. How can I prove anything in shoujo manga? Well I guess I have a fucked up personality for dealing with my problems like this.

"Hey." Oh look a wild asshole appeared.
The boss from hell came up to me waiting for me to answer.

"Yes? Have u submitted the manuscript?" Why am I making conversation with my soon-to-be ex-boss.

"Yeah thanks." Is this bastard just going to forget about that damn kiss?! "Hey, I just confirmed this with my boss but you're the son of the Onodera Publishing house?" Shit he knows.

"Y-Yes. That's true, but there's no connection between me and the company." Why do I need to tell this guy about me?

"Are you upset for being here because you wanted to be in literature?" Seriously, more questions? And hell yeah I'm disappointed.

"Not exactly but I'm not really good at romance and this is my first time working with manga, but I feel like I'll be fine. It's not a big deal." Yeah right, I'm screwed.

"Hmm. Well that's a good way for a newbie to think. But you shouldn't get high and mighty. If you don't actually want to work here then you should quit. If you're useless then that'll never change." What the hell is this guys problem?! Is he trying to be encouraging or is he just being an ass?! I'll show him... "Well the others have gone home already so you should go too."

"Oh sure I guess so." I got up to start leaving.

"Hey listen. Have I met you somewhere before?"

"Where could we possibly of met before? Well probably not. I don't think I've seen your face before. Well if you'll excuse me. Good work."

I walked out of the lounge and headed to the editing department.

That night I read 100 damn shoujo manga novels.

I happen to like when Ritsu curseS xD

*I didn't wanna explain that whole 20 day garden radish thing*

But seriously I'm exited for this, im still trying to decide if Takano's should be a little uke-ish… that'll be interesting..

Seeya next time!