A/N: Here it is. The last chapter of Ghosts that We Knew. I'm pretty proud of this story and actually considering possibly turning this into an original. Flesh out some stuff and change the Lyoko stuff into something else. Not sure. Also, I have ideas about a sequel but don't know. I feel like most of the characters' stories were wrapped up well. But just in case, keep your eyes peeled if I decided to do a sequel.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

***Three Months Later***

Vivien walked into the café on campus after class. Her long red hair was now cut short and she had ditched her glasses in favor of contacts. She looked around the café, grinning when she spotted Aelita. She ran over, handing Aelita a letter.

"Hi! What's this?" Aelita greeted, taking the letter.

"Read it!" Vivien exclaimed, sitting down. She grabbed a muffin and took a bite, watching Aelita read the letter.

"Oh my God!" Aelita cried. "You got in! You're going to MIT!"

"I'm going to MIT!" Vivien squealed. After Tyron and his men were caught, thanks to Vivien, the lab was shut down. The news blew up about what happened and Tyron's plans. The real Lyoko wasn't released to the public. Instead, the public thought Lyoko was just a video game. Still, because of Lyoko, Vivien received recognition for her code.

"Aww, but that means you're leaving."

"My parents still live here. I'll be back. Don't worry, I could never leave you," Vivien smiled at her. She shifted in her seat, taking a sip of her coffee. Their relationship has definitely changed since Vivien saved them. They quickly became friends and met up for coffee weekly. "So tell me, how was therapy?"

"It was good. We talked about my year with Tyron. It was relief to talk about actually. She told me that I have to stop hiding my feelings and I need to allow myself to love again," Aelita said, making a gesture with her hands, indicating opening up. "She wants to tackle my father next week so Mom is joining me." She could definitely see an improve with herself since starting therapy. Nightmares occurred less often. She thought she found Aelita Harper when she came back from her trip last year but now she found Aelita Schaeffer.

"How is Anthea? I haven't seen her in awhile?"

"She was at my aunt's. She's trying to split time between me and her which she hates. She's talking to her therapist at that. But I sent her over to Aunt Alida's with finals. I couldn't handle her hovering over my books with me," Aelita explained. "She's back now. We're getting ready for our trip. Are you sure you can't come?"

Vivien shook her head. "I can't be around Jeremy. I would love to go but why did you invite him?" Breaking up with Jeremy was the hardest thing Vivien had to do but she knew she had to let him go. She needed someone that didn't use her. She needed someone that would respect her and love her.

Aelita shrugged. "Our therapist said we needed to let go of our anger towards him and become friends with him again."

"But Aelita, he hurt you. He put us all at risk. How can you forgive him?"

Aelita looked down at her coffee mug, finding it slightly more interesting at the moment. She drew circles around the rim for awhile before finally answering. "I think a part of me still loves him. And I know I shouldn't tell you this seeing as he is your ex but Vivien, he saved me. A part of me will always love him for that."

Vivien glanced down, nodding. "I get that. A part of me will always love him. He was my first real boyfriend and even though he used me, I will love him."

Aelita looked up at her, smiling sadly. "We are quite the pair, aren't we? Moping over a boy."

"God, did we even pass the Bechdel Test?" Vivien teased.

Aelita giggled, throwing her napkin at her. "Dinner tomorrow night before we leave for America?"

"Of course, babe."


Yumi hung up several of her shirts in Ulrich's closet and closed the door. She turned to him, beaming. "And that's the last of it. I'm officially moved in."

They have been dating for three months now and everything was going great. All those years wasted just made them stronger. They trusted each other more than ever and that trust made their love grow stronger. Moving in seemed like the next best step.

"You do realize you have to take everything you just put up and pack it for our trip?" Ulrich told her, crossing his arms as he watched her from his-their bed.

"Shut up. It's symbolic," Yumi scowled. She walked over to him, sitting in his lap, her arms around his neck. "How was therapy today?"

"You're going to ask that every week, aren't you?"

Yumi nodded. "Hmm and you're going to ask me as well."

Ulrich sighed. "Yes, I am. And you love me for it."

"That I do," Yumi grinned, giving him a peck on his lips. "Now, answer the question."

"She wants me to call my dad and tell him my news."

"Are you?"

Ulrich groaned, leaning his head against her shoulder, burying his face in her hair. He mumbled something under his breath.

Yumi laughed. "I didn't catch that, baby. What was that?"

"I don't want to."

"I know you don't but you need to tell him. She isn't asking you to go see him. Just one phone call, okay?" Yumi rubbed the back of neck. "And your visions?"

"We talked about them more and if the medicine is working. I haven't had a vision since I started the medication. You know that," Ulrich said. "Your turn. How was therapy?"

"It was good. She wanted to read my stories. She said I had potential," Yumi told him. "I think I might try to publish one of my short stories."

"Yum, that's incredible! You totally should," He kissed her neck causing her to giggle. "It finally feels like things are going right for us."

"About damn time." Yumi grinned, pulling him in for another kiss.

Ulrich laughed, laying down on his-their bed.


William spun around in Odd's chair, watching Odd read over an email he just received. William came over to play video games with Odd and Ulrich but with Ulrich up in his now shared room with Yumi, neither Odd nor William wanted to knock on the door. So Odd took William to his room to show him the project he's been working on.

"Dude, come on. I want to play Overwatch before dinner," William whined. "I would also actually like to spend time with my new girlfriend before we head overseas."

"Dude, you know that film festival that's in a few months? Well, my professor entered my film and it got accepted!" Odd exclaimed, turning his computer around and showing him the email.

"What? Man, that's awesome! When is it?"

"Right after we get back. This is prefect! I have to tell Aelita!" Odd ran out of the room leaving William still in his room.

"No, it's cool. I'll just stay here," William called after him. He pulled out his phone to check his mail. He titled his head slightly when he saw who emailed him. Curious, he opened it. He gasped, quickly closing it. Laura had just emailed him. She was being released at the end of the summer.

Ulrich poked his head in Odd's room. "Hey, man. Sorry, Yumi was finishing moving in. Ready for some Overwatch?"

William struggled to quickly put his phone back in his pocket. He couldn't tell Ulrich about the email until he talked to the FIS agent first. "Odd ran out to tell Aelita some news. I think she's back from meeting Vivien. She'll be in the kitchen with Anthea."

"Cool, let's go."

Aelita and her mother were down in the kitchen where they usually were. Anthea was cooking while Aelita was listening to Odd with a big smile on her face. Nicolette was sitting on the countertops, cheering.

"Hey, what's up?" Ulrich asked.

"Ulrich, ole buddy! Where's Yumi?" Odd cried, jumping up and down. "I have amazing news."

Anthea cleared her throat, giving Odd a look.

Odd sighed. "And Jeremy? Where's Jeremy?"

"Yumi will be down soon. She unpack from my room just to start packing for the trip," Ulrich answered. The others gave him a confused look. Ulrich threw up his hands in mock surrender. "She said it was symbolic! I don't know."

"Well, tell her to hurry down!"

"Okay," Ulrich pulled out his phone, shooting a text to Yumi and then Jeremy.

A few minutes later, Yumi and Jeremy came downstairs. Yumi went to go sit by Ulrich while Jeremy stood in the doorway.

Jeremy had no choice but to continue living in the Hermitage after everything with Tyron. He couldn't afford an apartment and the dorms would not take him. He asked his parents but they said the drive was too far for him to commute so Jeremy stuck it out. It was awkward.

Ever since he moved in, he felt like he didn't belong but the others would always try to include him. When they came back from Tyron's, they stopped trying to include him. The girls gave him the cold shoulder especially after Vivien broke up with him. Odd and Ulrich spoke to him in passing but never like they use to. It wasn't until they all started going to therapy, including Jeremy himself, did they start talking and including him again. He could tell when Anthea was over that she would have to remind him. Though they talked to him and included him, he felt even more isolated.

"Okay, news!" Odd exclaimed once everyone was settled.

"Is this about therapy? Cause I really don't want to talk about it until group therapy tomorrow," Ulrich groaned.

"No, shut up, man," Odd shushed him. "My film was accepted at that film festival I was telling you guys about!"

"What? That's so amazing, Odd!" Yumi squealed, running to hug him.

"Dude, that's so great. We are so proud of you," Ulrich clapped Odd on his back, smiling.

"Good job, Odd," Jeremy congratulated softly.

Odd smiled. "Thanks, guys!"

"Which film was it?" Ulrich asked.

"Oh, well, um, it was the film Aelita and Yumi were in that you guys all hated," Odd admitted.

"I think we just found our next topic for group therapy," William sighed as Yumi glared at Odd.

Aelita groaned. "I think William's right. We'll save that for tomorrow."

"Well, while we are on the subject of news, Yumi and I have something to say," Ulrich said.

"Oh, God, Yumi isn't pregnant, is she?" Nicolette gasped.

"That's why she moved into your room!" Odd yelled.

"No, definitely not pregnant," Yumi cried. "He meant we both have separate news. I'm going to publish one of my short stories!"

"I'm a starter on the soccer team," Ulrich said. "I'll be playing a lot more."

"Oh, so you are one of the MVPs? Soon everyone is going to be buying your jersey and screaming your name," Nicolette teased, hoping down off the counter, wiping her hands on her shorts. "Beer by the pool, elf?"

"Yeah, it's in the cooler," Aelita nodded.

The pool was a recent addition to the Hermitage thanks to Anthea. It was put in just a few weeks ago and was finished right after exams.

Nicolette smiled and went out back. Once Nicolette was out of earshot, Anthea pulled Aelita in for a side hug. She didn't want Nicolette to hear what she was about to say. She loved Nicolette and Nicolette was an amazing friend to her daughter but she didn't know the full story. They all agreed to keep it like that.

"I am proud of you all. Seeing the progress each of you have made has been absolutely incredible. You didn't let your past define you and you moved past it," Anthea said, smiling at them.

"I'm proud of us, too," Aelita added. "I'm so happy we reconnected after four years and able to fight our ghosts together. I think that's what makes our friendship so strong. We dealt with these shared traumas and because of that we share this connection and bond. I really hope we can continue to grow on our trip this summer."

"You're making me cry," Yumi sniffed, running over to hug Aelita.

Odd, William, and Ulrich joined the group hug with Jeremy watching from the doorway. Nicolette came back in with a beer, looking at them confused.

"Did I miss a moment?" She asked.

Aelita pushed everyone away, shaking her head. She motioned for everyone to start fixing their plate. Everyone started talking at once, running over each other to get food all while Jeremy continued to watch. Not everyone's ghosts were gone. Some were just starting to show.