As of this AN, the time is 10:04PM, 26th July 2015.

The last time I updated this was 9th August 2014.

... I really have no excuses; sorry for being late.

Dear Severa,

You may have never been one for the melodramatic or romantic clichés, neither have you been one for beating around the bush. However, I do hope that you'll forgive me this time, considering the circumstances.

Never would I have thought that a brash and snarky woman such as you would have such a deep impact on my life. Indeed, the difference between you and your mother are so wide that I couldn't help but wonder if you two were actually related at all.

Not that that is something to beat yourself up for.

You had it tough from the get-go; growing up both under your mother's spotlight as well as Grima's shadow must have been a daunting task. Your upbringing was once of circumstances; had you been brought up in much more peaceful times, maybe you would have been different.

Not that that is something I would wish for.

When you challenged me that fateful day to battle simulations, I felt something boiling inside you; a stubborn, unyielding spirit. You looked – no, acted - like someone that, for whatever reason, could not settle for second best – must only be the best.

Not that that is something to be chastised for.

Aiming to be the best is something to be commended for, yes. But sometimes, it is easier – and dare I say even better – to aim for something a little less grander. Not because you are less, but because some goals, no matter how noble, aren't meant to be reached.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you don't have to be your mother at all, that it is okay to be different.

Had you been just like your mother, I wouldn't have thought of a future with you. Had you been perfect, I wouldn't have thought of courting you. It's because that you are you that I fell in love with you, Severa, not your mother.

The way you bare your feelings on your sleeves, the way you openly tell what's on your mind despite the consequences, your fiery passion and undying drive - these are the traits that you and only you possess, and are some of the many reasons why I fell in love with you – why I am still in love with you.

My sacrifice may leave a bitter taste in your mouth, but I do hope you bear no ill will towards me. I did it to prevent the dire future that you and your generation have hailed from, to give you and Morgan a better life ahead. Perhaps it is foolish of me to not have told you in advance, but know that I did it, not just for the world, but for you.

And don't fret, dearest Severa, if you still have doubts about yourself. You have two things – however small it may seem – up your mother.

You have Morgan. And for what it's worth, me.

I promise that I will come back. And if you know me, I never go back on my promises.

I love you.


Grandmaster of the Shepherds

Once again, I'm sorry for being insanely late in updating.

I really have no excuses besides exams and army.

As usual, the next chapter will be decided on a vote.