I know it's short but it's the prologue. Obviously, it's going to be short. I also have a few chapters pre-written so I will be a lot more punctual with this story. I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I own nothing


"Killing it is not an option," Holiday's voice said in Six's ear piece, "I need to study it. We need to know how this one turned after the cure."

"Noted," Six replied before turning to Rex. "We're bringing it in," he said.

"Got it, punch it until it passes out," Rex said building his smack hands and charging at the EVO, a large, scaly, green, doglike beast with a tail like a scorpion's. Only instead of a stinger there was a hole on the end.

Rex jumped as he neared the EVO, punching its muzzle. The EVO snapped at him, its large canines coming frighteningly close to Rex's face. Six sped past Rex. He jumped and landed neatly on the EVO's nose. The beast shook himself as Six ran up its face and onto its back. He flicked out his katanas, quickly stabbing its shoulder before the beast finally shook him off.

Six landed next to Rex, who seemed happy with the way the battle was going. The EVO, on the other hand, seemed to be done with them. Its tail whipped out at them, slamming the duo into a wall before spraying them with a greenish mist from its tail for good measure. Then it seemed to forget about them completely, continuing its rampage like they had never been there.


The first thing Six noticed when he opened his eyes was the fact that he had lost his sunglasses. The second thing that he was aware of was the large amount of Providence ships in the sky and the sound of gunfire. The third was that he was lying in a pile of debris. Six sat up. He shook his head, and blinked a few times, trying to clear his head and get used to the bright light of the sun. Something felt off to Six. It took him a moment to understand what it was. His clothes were too big. They were so big on him that when he stood up he had to make a new hole in his belt to tighten it enough to keep his pants from falling down. He stood there, trying to figure it out when something hit him. Where on earth was Rex?

Six felt real panic sweep through him. His breathing raced and his heart hammered against his ribs as he searched, calling Rex's name and scouring the debris.

"What's wrong with you?,"he thought, "just calm down." Normally, calming down was no problem. Normally, Six didn't panic at all. But everything just felt so wrong. A soft cough came from behind a mound of bricks and plaster. Six was over there in a second, and there, unconscious, was a four-year-old Rex.

Six picked the boy up, carefully wrapping him in his red and orange jacket. A window across the street caught Six's eye. It was reflecting a teenager in an oversized green suit holding a toddler covered by a huge t shirt and a too large jacket, and it hit him… that's us.