AUTHOR'S NOTE: (Pls read. Just this once)

Okay. Thanks for following my advice. My name is Hazel and this is going to be my first ever story. I am...undoubtedly a fan of all things slash. And Sterek is just the best out there. Follow the story if you agree with me because I am going crazy with the Sterek feels at present. Anyways...this is AU, because in this world male pregnancies are rare but possible, though Derek is still a were-wolf and Stiles is a human. A weak, fragile human. Note: Those are the key words in this story. :P

I am a sucker for Hurt!Stiles and Caring!Derek so...well, you know pregnancies hurt. For Stiles...they'll hurt more than ever. (evil grin)

But pls. be forewarned, there is a character death in this story..and its neither Stiles nor Derek. Not the other core characters either. Hopefully, you know what I mean. Plus...I can become very dramatic (though there are boundaries)...and because the two of them are in an established relationship here...I took complete liberty. So if you're not into fluff..sorry.

I do not write smut so don't be surprised when Stiles gets pregnant. Like I said...'established' relationship.

Annnd...English is not my first language so if there are errors...or you don't like my writing style...pls. do tell me. gentle. I won't mind constructive criticism.

Also...I know not many people are into mpreg fics and I promise you...there will be no mentions of baby bump because I just can't imagine it on Stiles. I just can't.

Thank you so much for reading my note. And can read the story now. :)


Today was just one of those days when the pack met at Derek's loft for discussing potential threats and new tactics of training, always deciding to oh-so suddenly settle in for the night. Stiles didn't exactly mind the company, honestly he loved it but Derek always seemed a little against the whole idea of pack bonding.

Ever since, he and Stiles started living together, like together-together, Derek wanted…no, needed some privacy so he could enjoy the company of his boyfriend but thanks to his so-called family, he didn't even get the chance to tell Stiles that he loves him. Like actually loves him. A lot. And…did they have to invade their privacy today out of all days? Especially when Derek had a surprise planned for Stiles? So much for being a family.

Derek's raging thoughts were interrupted when his eyes fell on his boyfriend walking towards the dining table cheerfully, carrying two brimmed trays of lasagna in his hands. His lips pulled into a genuine smile and he couldn't help but adore the innocence on Stiles' face who just shrugged his shoulders and smiled back.

All the other were-wolves let out loud sighs before leaping onto the food hungrily, while Stiles walked towards Derek and kissed him gently on the cheek.

"You don't want to eat?" He asked, placing his hands on Derek's shoulders.

"I'm full, now that I've seen them gobble up lunch like that." Derek replied with disgust, even though the part of him that cared about his pack members was amazed, even a little satisfied; the satisfaction that all his pups were not hungry anymore.

Stiles, understanding the statement, bend down a little and caught Derek by surprise by kissing him on the lips.

"This is why I love you so much." He whispered, walking back to the kitchen to get more of the much-needed lasagna. Derek was suddenly reminded of his failed attempts and couldn't help but feel a low growl bubble up in his chest. Why is 'I love you too' so hard for me to say? He asked himself, burying his face in his hands and letting out a hot puff of air.

As Stiles headed back into the kitchen, he felt a familiar tingling in his stomach. It was the smell of lasagna…it just wasn't agreeing with him. He had been feeling weak for the past few weeks now but being the selfless human he always was, he didn't mention it to anyone. It was most likely a bug, nothing big, he had told himself. Ignoring that feeling, again, he carefully picked up the last tray, making sure he didn't inhale and began to walk back to where his boyfriend was obviously waiting for him. An unexpected lurch of his body stopped him mid-way and he felt his stomach churn erratically. That's not normal. He thought as a dull ache spiked through his stomach and radiated off to his whole body. His eyes weakly rolled back in his head and he frantically placed his hand on the nearby wall to steady himself, hoping desperately for the dizziness to pass. His vision began darkening around the corners and colorful spots danced in front of his eyes. He began to hear voices, voices of the rest of the pack from a considerable distance away. His brows furrowed but his panic quickly masked his concern.

What started as mild whispers now took a louder turn, the sounds of everyone talking to each other, the banging and clinking of the plates echoing loudly in his sore ears. He felt the headache that was building for quite a while now intensify exponentially. As he lost control over himself, the metal tray fell of his hands and clattered on the ground, making him wince. His stomach churned once again, this time causing him to cry out in agony."Der…" He tried through clenched teeth. Before he could call out for help, his breathing became shallower and the last thing he registered before welcoming darkness was a pair of arms catching him as he fell.

Derek was staring at the were-wolves with his arms crossed over his chest as they talked and giggled with each other. So maybe he did love them more than privacy. A smirk appeared on his face and a quick thought passed his mind. Oh no, definitely privacy. He shook his head in disbelief and continued to stare, not giving his mind the chance to wander about in the wrong places again. He didn't want to think about Stiles' ….oh you're going there again. He mentally smacked himself at the back of his head.

A familiar albeit pained voice echoed in his ears and a frown appeared just as suddenly on his forehead. He looked around and found that Scott and Isaac were also exchanging worried glances with each other, uncertain as to whether they heard anything at all.

They turned to look into Derek's concerned eyes as he lifted himself up and called out, 'Stiles?" He asked, walking hastily towards the kitchen, Scott and Isaac right behind him. The sound of metal colliding with the ground reverberated in the silent loft causing Derek to increase his pace. What the hell is happening? He visibly panicked, stumbling many times during his dart, scared of what he might see.

He hesitantly turned the last corner and found himself in the kitchen. He was met with a sight he knew he would never forget. Stiles was standing at a corner, leaning heavily on the wall with beads of sweat shining on his forehead. His legs were wobbly, barely supporting his weight. One of his arms was wrapped protectively around his stomach while the other was placed on the wall, his face contorted in agonizing distress. Derek jumped just in time to catch the teen as he fell forward, cradling his unnaturally cold body into his arms. Scott was beside him in seconds tapping Stiles' cheeks gently.

"Stiles…hey, Stiles you okay?" He tried his best to not panic but the tears in Derek's eyes made it a lot difficult for him. He tore his gaze from his alpha's terrified eyes and continued to stare at his best friend. Dereck closed his eyes and listened. There was a heartbeat….wait, heartbeats…no, was that even possible?Assuming that he was losing his mind, Derek discarded his thoughts away.

"Help me pick him up." He instructed, sliding one of his arms beneath Stiles' knees and the other below his shoulders. Isaac came forward and helped Dereck lift Stiles in his arms, bridal style.

"Where are we taking him?" Scott asked, grabbing Stiles' jeep keys and pocketing them frantically.



Derek and Isaac spoke together. Isaac's brow deepened and he tilted his head in confusion. "Why are we taking Stiles to Deaton?" He asked.

"Just…Just do what I say." Derek snapped, hating himself more than ever. It was that familiar feeling in his gut; something was off about Stiles' scent; something the others were-wolves had not yet picked up. Stealing one last glance towards Stiles' unconscious form just threw whatever residual doubts he had in his mind and he shoved the two betas from his way, snatching the keys from Scott's hand.

Scott and and Isaac sighed and shared a concerned glance with each other. Fine, let's go to Deaton's. They thought in unison before storming out the loft and following their alpha to the jeep, sending out silent prayers for their brother to be fine. like it huh? Uh-huh. I know you do. (Smirks)

Jokes apart...people pls. let me know if I should continue and yes... one review will be more than enough. are your virtual shoulder taps (+ smile) for reading the story and virtual bear hugs for liking it. Expect the next chapter next week. Oki...until the other wonderful sterek fics out there while I think and re-think for this one.


P.S Hazel loves you!