Hi there! This was originally posted on xmen-firstkink as a mini-fill for a prompt.

Since then I've been writing a little more and so you'll get at least a second chapter here. I hope you enjoy!

Scott Summers considered himself a brave boy. He hadn't even cried when his big brother Alex had told him goodbye before he had to go "on a long journey, no, you can't come along, champ, I'm very sorry, but I love you, buddy," and had left him at the orphanage. (He had cried a little when Alex came to fetch him a few months later with a kind man in a wheelchair and told him they finally had a home again – but that was alright, Alex had cried, too.)

But now he was feeling something which maybe could have been a tiny little bit fear – which was why he grabbed his broomstick tighter as he neared the door of the Professor's study.

There were suspicious noises coming through the door! The Professor was away with Hank and Alex on a mission, Sean had stayed behind to look after "the X-kids" (Sean's words – as there were Jean, Scott himself and the little Ororo). Scott knew for a fact that Sean and the girls had been asleep ten minutes ago when he had went down to the kitchen for a glass of water (not for a slice of the delicious chocolate cake still in the fridge, not at all!).

This could only mean one thing: Robbers!

In the Professor's study!

Perhaps they had come to steal the Professor's precious chess board? Everyone knew it was very special, no one but the Professor ever touched it – and when he took one of the black pieces (always the black ones, never the white), he handled them as if they were made out of crystal and could break anytime.

So when Scott had heard the robbers he had run quietly to the nearby broom closet and armed himself. There was no time to wake Sean – by the time he would have run up all these stairs the robbers could have been gone – and he could always take off his glasses if they wanted to harm him.

Now he was tiptoeing to the door... he had his hand on the handle... he took a deep breath...

"Hands in the air, you robbers!" he screamed while he threw the door open.

He had been expecting one, maybe two thugs in black masks and with huge bags to shove in the … um, books, perhaps? Or the chessboard, yes.

What he hadn't been expecting was a picture book devil come to life.

"Oh!" he gasped, "You're one of us! Don't worry, you're safe, we're all special here."

The devil-man blinked at him. "Hello, malchik. Should you not be in bed?" he asked with a funny accent that sounded a bit like Mr Chekov from that totally awesome new TV Series taking place in space.

Scott shrugged. "I just wanted to get some water from the kitchen. You want to come? We've got some great chocolate cake leftover."

The devil man leveled a thoughtful look at him, then he stepped closer. "Alright, comrade, lead the way."

Scott held out his hand once he'd gotten near. "I'm Scott, by the way. So, what can you do?"

By way of explanation, the devil man took his hand and then the study around them disappeared and they were standing in the kitchen in a quickly dissolving cloud of red smoke.

The devil man gave him a little nod. "Azazel, at your service."

Scott's eyes grew wide and he grabbed one of Azazel's hands in both of his, shaking it up and down and squealing in absolute delight "Again, again! Can you go anywhere? You've got the best power, ever!"

Azazel grinned at him – and then they were flying! Well, more like falling, actually, and oh god, was that really the mansion down there, all tiny like a doll's house but rapidly growing bigger? But before Scott had time to worry they were standing once again in the kitchen, as if nothing had happened.

"Ohhh, that was beyond cool! Can we do it again? Pleeeeaaase?"

Azazel obviously was amused by Scott's puppy dog expression, but he shook his head. "I think you need some of that cake first, da? To keep your strength up."

That was when Scott remembered his manners and offered to make tea. Azazel accepted gracefully and they were just sitting and eating companionably, when the door flew open and Sean stormed in, two little girls peaking around the corner behind him.

Sean's eyes grew huge like saucers and he didn't got farther than "You!" before Scott's flood of words washed over him while the boy tugged at his sleeve.

"Sean! Sean! Guess what, I've found another mutant friend! This is Azazel, and apart from looking amazing did you know he also can go anywhere he likes in less than a second! And he even has a tail! He took me flying and I guess you can come, too, if you ask nicely."

The little Ororo had peaked up at the mention of a tail and now went to pet it reverently, like she did with the cats which lived in the currently empty stable buildings.

Jean, ever practical, had helped herself to a piece of cake in the meantime and declared around it: "You're red, I like that. Uncle Hank is blue, but I think red is prettier. Can we braid your hair?"

Sean sighed, but seemed to relax when Azazel picked up Ororo and put her in his lap. "Would you like cake, milaja?" Azazel asked, before he looked over to Sean and gave him a shrug and a wink.

"Seriously, Azazel, what are you doing here? I mean except from charming the kids, obviously," Sean asked while he helped himself to some cake as well.

"Oh, you know, comrade, just popping in..." the red man smirked.

"Sean, Sean, can we go and play with Azazel some more? The girls haven't seen what he can do yet!" Scott pleaded. Sean shot a calculating look at the red man and than cast a glance at the kids.

"I think you should wash your hands first. And your faces, 'Ro, sweetie, you've got chocolate everywhere, even in your hair!"

While Scott cheered, Sean took Ororo to the sink to clean her as best as he could. Jean helped Azazel to put the (noticeable much smaller) rest of the cake back to the fridge.

Half an hour and an uncountable number of trips to any number of places on the estate later (including the roof, the top of the satellite dish, the air, the air, the air! and at last the middle of the pool, before a quick trip to a bathroom to get all the excited kids toweled dry) the children were all fast asleep, completely exhausted after so much fun.

Sean clapped a hand on Azazels back.

"Dude, that was totally rad. Do you think you could come over again some time when I'm on babysitting duty? You're much better at getting them to sleep than I am."

Azazel raised an eyebrow. "Under one condition. You must never speak of this with the rest of the Brotherhood, it would undermine my position."

Sean shook his hand eagerly. "Deal."

Azazel gave him a Shark like grin that would have made Erik proud, saluted shortly and was gone in a cloud of red smoke.

Sean smiled as he went back to bed. He would make sure there was plenty of cake the next night he was the babysitter. And perhaps a bottle of expensive Vodka.

malchik = little boy

da = yes

milaja = darling

Thank you for reading! Comments and suggestions are always appreciated. ^_^