Chapter 1

Riley was buzzing with excitement. Tonight was her and Lucas's first date and everything had to be perfect. She could not risk one hair on her head being slightly out of place. There was so much to do and she needed to get ready. The only problem was she was stuck in school till three o'clock.

Which meant two more hours of staring at the wall and dreaming of Lucas's amazing green eyes and perfect smile. "Earth to Riley. Are you alive?" Maya asked as Riley awoke from her day dream.

"I'm fine," Riley replied sheepishly embarrassed her friend had caught her drooling over Lucas again. It wasn't her fault he was totally dreamy. With his totally kissable lips and his adorable southern drawl. Every girl would die for a chance with him. Except of course Maya.

Maya was way to cool to ever show even the tiniest crush she have. She could just put on her ''i have bigger problems'' face and nobody would guess that she could secretly like them Riley on the other hand was different. If she had a crush she was giggling and smiling and saying stupid things.

Riley looked at Maya carefully. Something wasn't right. She seemed thinner than usual. She was wearing a ton of makeup. It was almost 90 degrees out and she was wearing long sleeves. Riley was worried. "Why are you wearing so much make-up?" she asked.

Maya gave her a confused look. "My neighbor is an Avon Lady she gave me a bunch of free samples." She said like it was the most obvious thing ever. That was totally a lie. Maya would have brought her samples if she knew a Avon Lady.

"Why were you late this mourning?" Riley asked maybe she was being rude but her parents often worried about Maya's mother. She never came to school meetings and Maya never talked about her.

"My alarm didn't go off." Maya said. She was probably annoyed with the questions but Riley was sick of the lies. She had never once lied to Maya. Why did she think is was okay to lie to her.

"Why are you wearing long sleeves? It is totally hot out." Riley asked. She wanted answers. And she knew there was no excuse for that one.

"Seriously. What are you some kind of detective?" Maya joked. Now she was turning the tables. "I mean why do you even care about my clothes or makeup." Riley wasn't quite sure how to respond to that. But she was saved when Lucas walked over. Maya's face lit up and she almost seemed relieved to.

"Howdy cowboy," she said. She always seemed happy when she talked to him. Even if all they did was bicker and Maya always lost to his cool easy going comments she was always smiling when he was near. This should make Riley nervous but she knew Maya would never even think about being with Lucas. She may be wild and rebellious but she had always been loyal to their friendship.

"Hello Maya." He said with a smile. "I see the nicknames have yet to improve." Maya just smiled and shook her head. Lucas turned toward Riley. He still had his perfect bright smile. "Hi Riley." He said. His country accent was all kinds of adorable.

"H-Hi Lucas,"She barely managed to stutter out. He just kept smiling at her like she was the most adorable thing on Earth. Then she realized she was going to have to talk to him. What could she possibly say. She looked for Maya who had already left to lecture Farkle about how she would rather have her eyes pecked out by pigeons than go to the Science Museum with him. Riley began to panic when a "Bring Bring" came through the speakers.

"May i escort you to class?" Lucas asked with his southern accent on over drive. Riley blushed and nodded. They walked to class arm and arm. and took seats next to each other.The bell rang again but the seat next to Riley was still empty. And Maya was late again. The teacher, Riley's dad, had already begun teaching the lesson when Maya finally ran into the room.

"Sorry I'm late Mr. Matthews," Maya said out of breath from her apparent run. He looked at Maya for a second then nodded toward the seat next to Riley and turned back to the board.

"Alright class," He said. "For the assignment you are going to be given a partner and you and that partner are going to get to know each other. Compare and contrast you skills, traits, hobbies, families, ect." Riley and Maya looked at each other and smiled. This was going to be easy. "Wait. I will also be picking partners randomly." He added and pulled out a can full of popcicle sticks. He began reading off names. "Brandon and Jessie. George and Jack. Farkle and Riley." Farkle made hurray noises and Riley just sighed. It could have been worse. She listened to hear who Lucas got. "Maya and Lucas," her dad said.

"Oh I got this covered," Maya said. "He likes hoedowns, cow tipping, and square dancing." Maya said in her fake country accent.

"And Maya likes shopping, texting, and eating hotdogs from street vendors who smell like horse urine." Lucas says his sweet smile now a victorious smirk.

"Ok first off," Maya says back annoyed. "I only like one out of those three things. And second. Seriously shopping and texting thats all you have."

"Alright now class," Her dad says. Clearly amused but trying not to let it show. "The assignment is due in exactly two weeks. Be creative and try not to kill each other."

It was going to be a long two weeks.