Emma was running out of options. The only think she could think of was to tell Regina's son about the curse and get him to convince his mother that it had to be broken. Bringing her own kids with her in the hopes of softening Regina's stance, she knocked on the door.

"Ms. Swan," Regina said, opening the door. "What a pleasant surprise."

"Hi. Madame Mayor, it came to my attention that you have a son, named Henry."

"Yes." Regina looked suspicious now.

"Well, my son is also named Henry, and I think they're nearby in age, so I was wondering if maybe the two of them wanted to have a playdate or something."

"Mom, I'm too old for a playdate," Henry muttered.

"Not now, Henry."

Regina seemed to consider it for a moment, then smiled. "Well, alright. Do come in." She opened the door, and they all walked in. "Ah. I see you have two other children as well?"

"Yes. Maryn and Nella."

"Lovely to meet you girls."

When they all sat down, Regina said, "Hang on a second." She went into the kitchen and returned. "I've just made an apple turnover. Would you like some?"

"Yes!" Maryn exclaimed excitedly.

"Sure," said Emma.

"Excellent." Regina cut up the turnover into a few pieces.

"Don't eat it, Mom," Henry said.

"What? Why?"

"She's the you-know-who, and that's made of apples. Duh."

"Oh... Henry..." He was being silly, right? Surely Regina wouldn't try to poison them?

She started to take a bite of the turnover she was handed, but was distracted by Maryn collapsing beside her.

"No!" Henry screamed. "I told you, Mom."

It was then that Regina's son Henry came downstairs. "What's happening?"

"Your mom poisoned my sister!" Henry exclaimed.

"That's ridiculous."

"No, it's true," Emma said. "Oh gosh... what do we do?"

"You've read the story, Mom," Henry said. "True Love's Kiss."

"She's five!"

"Well, don't you love her?"

"Yes, but-will that work?"

"Try it!"

So she did.

There was a great golden light, and Maryn awoke, blinking.

And some other people woke up, too.

"Snow!" David exclaimed, as soon as he woke up from his coma. He got up and ran out to find her. There she was, coming towards the hospital. "Snow!"

"Charming!" She ran up and they hugged for the first time in 28 years.

"Rumpelstiltskin," said Belle, a smile coming across her lips.

"Belle! You... you remember?"

"Yes. And I love you."

"Emma did it," Bae said.

"Indeed she did."

"You poisoned someone," said Henry Mills, staring in disbelief into his mother's eyes.

"No, Henry, I-"

"What is going on?"

"The curse," said Henry Cassidy. "It's broken."


"Long story," said Emma. "Have your mother explain." And with that, she and her kids raced out into the street.


"Mom?" She was hesitant to ask.

"Yeah, that's me."


"That's me."

"Grandma and Grandpa," Henry said with a smile, and they looked suddenly a bit horrified.

"Oh, how did we get so old?" David lamented.

"Emma!" Bae called, running into the street. "How-"

"Later," she said with a chuckle, kissing him and pulling away before he could even register what had happened.

Rumple and Belle ran into the street. "You did it, Ms. Swan," he said with a smile.

"Yes, I did."

"So you forgive me?" Bae asked.

"I guess. A little bit. I love you."

"And do you forgive me?" Rumple asked.

"No. But maybe someday."

"Good enough."

"So Emma," said Snow, smiling at her daughter. "You staying in town?"

"Yeah," Emma said, laughing a little. "You could say I am."

One Month Later

"This is weird," said Bae.

"Shut up, Bae, it's romantic."

"She's centuries younger than him."

"Bae, do not ruin your father's wedding!"

They made it down the aisle, Bae standing at his father's side and Emma going to Belle's.

"Thanks again for doing this," Belle whispered.

"Yeah, no problem."

Ruby and Henry came down the aisle arm in arm, and Snow and David smiled at their grandson. Then came Maryn and Nella, beautiful flower girls, tossing petals in the air. Emma smiled at her daughters.

Everyone stood by the bride and groom as Jiminy Cricket, of all people, performed the ceremony. It was beautiful, and then came the reception.

Amidst the people partying, Emma thought caught a glimpse of Regina with her son, not invited but passing through and stopping to watch. She gave them a faint smile, and Regina gave a faint smile back, and they continued to wherever they were going. Then Emma was sucked back into the festivities when Bae pulled her in for a dance.

"So, Emma," her mother said as they were dancing.


"I'm pregnant."

Emma almost fell over, and Bae caught her. "Well. Um. Good for you, Mom."

And the party continued.

A/N: The end.