"Mommy, when will we get there?" Four year old Abigail whined, tugging on her mother's arm.

"Soon, baby girl. I promise." Aria told her daughter. She turned her head away, looking out the window as she tried to figure out exactly where they were. They'd been on the train for over an hour now so they shouldn't be too much further away. Aria's stomach was doing flips as she realised just how close she was to finally being back home. In the four years since graduation, she hadn't been back. She'd found out, only days before graduation that she was pregnant. Although she was sure her friends would have supported her, she knew her family would have been disappointed. So she hadn't told them. She had simply left for college in New York and made up excuses as to why she couldn't come home. Of course, her parents did try to visit her but she found ways around that too.

But her family finding out about Abigail wasn't what really scared her. She was really scared about Abigail's father finding out. She still had the hundreds of texts and missed calls from him when she suddenly left.

"Mommy, I'm hungry." Aria was beginning to regret her decision to catch the train home with Abigail coming up with something new to whine about every minute.

"We'll grab some food when we get to the station, okay?"

"But that's ages away."

"Abigail…" The little girl heard the warning in her mother's voice and shrunk back into her seat. She may have only been four years old but she wasn't stupid. All her life, she'd only ever had her mother around and the two of them were like glue but Abigail was still young and occasionally let that get the better of her, at least until Aria put her back in her place. Aria's phone began to ring and she groaned as she fumbled around in her bag for it. "I already said, I'm not coming in to work this weekend…" She checked the caller ID and saw that it was actually her mother calling.

"Hey mom."

"Hi Aria, how far away are you?" Ella's voice echoed down the line.

"Not too much longer I think. We've just hit the hour-and-fifteen-minute mark, so probably about another twenty minutes on the train and then the forty-five minutes to Rosewood."

"Okay. Did you want me to pick you up from the station?"

"No thanks, I'll hire a car. I'm probably going to want to drive around town myself anyway."

"Okay then. We'll see you when you get here."

"Bye mom." Disconnecting her phone, she noticed that Abigail had her hand over her mouth and laughed. It was a game they'd made up years ago. Whenever someone from Aria's past called, Abigail would cover her mouth to keep from talking and give the secret away. "It's okay now, sweetie."

"Mommy, do I get to meet them now?"

"Well, not right now but when we get to Rosewood, yes you do."

"So I won't have to cover my mouth anymore?"

"No, you won't." Aria smiled at the fact that her family would finally know about the little girl who had been making her life so happy these past few years. She ruffled the girl's hair and she squealed, dodging out of the way.

"Mommy, don't do that. Then it won't be pretty to meet your mommy and friends."

"It's okay, baby girl. Would you like me to fix it for you?"

"Yes please." Abigail scrambled up onto her mother's lap and Aria quickly pulled the long brown hair into two braids, tying the ends with a silver bow to match the little girl's outfit. Aria herself was wearing a red and black checked dress with black tights and lace up ankle boots. She had a black jacket over the top to keep warm and triangle earrings hung from her hears. The pink streaks were back in her hair, which was gently curled as well. Abigail on the other hand wore a pretty pink skirt and silver sequined top. On her feet was a pair of little white ballet flats and she had white stockings to keep warm.

Just as Aria finished Abigail's hair, the train finally pulled into the station and the two of them hurried to drag their suitcases out onto the platform. Aria took hold of Abigail's hand and dragged her own suitcase with the other, fighting against the crowd of people. Finally, they made it out to the front of the station and they walked the quick few blocks to the car hire place.

"Hi, I'm looking to hire a car for the weekend." She said to the man behind the desk.

"Big or small?"

"Just a small one." He asked her a series of questions about her and her trip before finally showing her out to a little blue Honda Jazz. She put her suitcase in the back beside Abigail's and made sure the girl was secure in the back before climbing into the driver's seat and pulling away, waving at the man as she went.

Once out on the main roads, she switched the radio on and the two of them spent the drive singing along to the songs they heard every day on the radio in their small New York apartment. When they got to the streets of Rosewood, though, Aria turned the music off, much to Abigail's annoyance and they drove the last portion of the trip in silence. Aria parked the car on the road and got out, looking up at the big house she'd grown up in. It seemed huge in comparison to the apartment she now lived in.

"Aria! You're here!" Ella's excited voice cut through her thoughts and she looked towards the front porch where her mother was rushing down to meet her, a grin etched onto her face.

"Hi mom." She greeted when Ella was close enough.

"Oh, honey you look amazing. I can't believe it's been four years since we saw you in person. Come inside, Mike's dying to see you and so is everyone else." Aria rolled her eyes. Of course her mother had invited other people around to be there when she got home.

"Okay, just let me get my things." She took a deep breath and turned back to the car, bending into the backseat to help Abigail out. She heard Ella gasp when the girl came into her view.

"Who's this?" Ella asked, the smile suddenly gone.

"Mom, this is Abigail. She's my daughter."to Rose