Aria rushed through the front doors of the hospital when she arrived in Rosewood. Abigail hurried along behind her, still dragging her suitcase as they hadn't stopped to drop them off at the house yet. They got to the nurses' station and Aria rang the bell.

"Can I help you?" A friendly looking nurse appeared in seconds.

"I'm looking for my mother. She was admitted a few hours ago."

"What's her name?"

"Ella Montgomery." The nurse smiled and turned to the computer.

"Here you are. She's in room E319. If you take the next left down this hallway and go up to the third floor, her room is just down the hall from there."

"Thank you." Aria smiled and they were off again. Abigail knew to just keep up for now and she could rest later. The energy in the elevator was tense and Aria kept shifting her weight from foot to foot.

"Mommy? Is nana going to be okay?"

"I don't know, sweetie. I have to see her first." Mike was in the hallway, waiting for them when the elevator doors opened and Abigail smiled to see her uncle.

"Uncle Mike!"

"Hey peanut." He bent down to hug her and kissed her cheek.

"How is she Mike? What happened, anyway?"

"Some idiot went through a red light and caught the side of her car. She hit her head on the side and lost consciousness and therefore control of the car which went straight into a shop window."

"Oh my gosh. Can we see her?"

"Yeah. There's not much to see though. She's still out of it but I think it's more of an induced coma at this point."


"The doctors said something about observation. I don't really know."

"It's okay." Aria and Abigail followed Mike into the hospital room to find Ella sleeping, seemingly peacefully, with tubes running every which way. No one had any words for what they could see and the three of them stood there for what felt like hours, Mike and Aria feeling completely helpless.

Eventually, they were led out by a nurse who told them that visiting hours were over but they were welcome to come back the next day. Holding back tears, Aria followed Mike back to the house, the two of them sitting silently in the living room while Abigail watched cartoons. Aria's phone ringing was what brought them back to reality.


"Aria? It's Emily. Where are you? Maya and I just turned up at your front door and no-one's answering."

"Crap. I forgot to call you, didn't I?"


"I'm in Rosewood. My mom's in hospital. I just left my place this morning."

"Oh my god. Is she okay?"

"I don't know."

"Do you want us to come to you?"

"No, that's fine. Um, if you go down the hall to apartment four, Mrs Aitkens has a spare key to our apartment and you can crash there for a few days. I don't know when we'll be back."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Enjoy yourself."

"We'll try." Aria cut the call off and glanced at the time.

"Hey, are you hungry Mike? I can go into town and grab some takeout."

"Sure. I'm not particularly hungry but I'll probably eat if we have something here."

"Okay. Abby, I'm going into town for a bit, you can stay here with Uncle Mike, okay?" The little girl barely looked away from the screen but Aria knew she'd heard so she grabbed the car keys and headed out, a million thoughts running through her head. She decided to just grab something from the Grille to take home and stood in line to order.

"Aria?" She spun around on the spot to see Ezra.


"What are you doing here? How come you didn't tell me you were coming?"

"It was spur of the moment. My mom's in hospital."

"Oh no. How come?"

"She was in an accident."

"And how are you holding up? I'm sure you don't need to deal with this right now."

"I'm as good as I can be, I guess."

"If you need me to do anything, just ask, okay? I'll be here for you."

"Thanks. Actually, there is something you could do."

"Name it." He smiled and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Could you look after Abby for a few hours tomorrow? I don't think she'll be able to deal with sitting around at the hospital for the whole day. And it'll do her good to get to know you."

"I can do that. Do you want me to pick her up from the hospital?" Aria shook her head.

"No, I'll drop her off at your place on the way there. You're still in the same apartment?"

"Yup. Haven't moved."

"Thank you so much, Ezra." He smiled and leant down to kiss her which she gladly accepted, happy to be able to be around him again. They made small talk while Aria waited for her order and then said goodbye so Aria could get home and eat. She was glad he was going to spend some time with his daughter, even if she didn't know it was her dad.

A/N: Sorry it took so long. I've been getting settled into life at Uni and completely distracted from my writing for this story. I'm hoping to get a few more chapters done in the next few weeks so that I have some more to give you guys. Keep on R&R guys J