The best 18th birthday ever.

I looked at my watch. 4:25. Great. I only had five minutes to get to the restaurant. I wished I had my own car. Seems how daddy refuses to let me use his car and he is driving in from work and he might be late. I was walking right now. As if to make matters worse it was starting to rain. I started running, hoping I wouldn't twist my ankle in these high heels. Why on earth was I even wearing these heals for? Oh yeah my secret girlfriend Demi Lovato said I looked hottest in them. We where dating for nearly a year but she wanted to tell everybody about us. I asked her not to tell anybody because my mom and dad hate gays/lesbians. If they ever found out I was a lesbian? Who knows what might had happened? I know for the least I would be kicked out of my house. But I didn't have anywhere else to go...I also didn't have a job due to the fact I was busy for school and people who where hiring where looking for people who can work 9am-5pm. Where I couldn't due to school. Also with Demi being 21 years old and I was 17 it was illegal for us to date. But now that I was 18 years old. It was okay. The restaurant was a mile away. I couldn't possibly make it. A car stopped up ahead. I immediately recognized it and went over.

"Sup Samantha?" Kevin Jonas asked me rolling down the window.

"I have five minutes to get to a restaurant that just happens to be a mile away." I said softly. Yeah I knew the Joe Bros Demi had introduced me to them when we where hanging out two years ago. What happened was I met Demi at a meet and greet. I was the last one and will the camera broke. So why we where waiting on it to get fixed. Demi and I gotten talking. I told her how I grew up watching her on Barney, As The Bell Rings, Camp Rock, Sonny With A Chance and loved her since day one. For both her acting and her music. Demi and I ended up giving each other our numbers after that so we could get a coffee. When we where on our coffee date the Joe Bros walked into the starbucks we where in and that is how I met them all.

"Oh yeah. I know were you're headed. Demi and my brothers probably already there. They wanted to be early for you. Hop in. I'll get you there." Kevin said.

I said a soft "thank you" to him and got in the passenger seat. I was a few minutes late but Kevin told me that everyone would understand if I just explained why I was late. I went in the restaurant. Demi was sitting alone by the window. I went over and sat down across from her.

"Sorry I'm little late. I would have been later if your brother hadn't picked me up." I said before letting her speak.

"That's ok. Quick question for you." Demi said.

"Go ahead." I said kind of worried about what she might ask.

"You wouldn't happen to be interested in Dallas or any other girls would you?" She asked.

I was shocked. We'd been dating for a year and she was just having thoughts of distrust now. I thought my words through before speaking.

"Demi I'm not going to lie to you. I admit your sister Dallas are quite nice and interesting to be around and she is pretty. And there is other girls who are pretty nice or interesting but you're the only one that interests me as more than a friend. Your smoking hot body is the only one I want. I love you okay?" I said gently.

I leaned across the table and kissed her passionately on the lips to let Demi know I was telling the truth. When I pulled back I looked into her eyes begging for her trust. Demi's eyes softened and she smiled. I loved it when Demi smiled at me. The waitress came over to our table.

"What can I get you two love birds?" She asked. I then remembered my family was meeting us here and I just kissed Demi and said all them things to her. If they saw me. I looked around scared but I relaxed not seeing them there yet. It didn't look like Kevin saw us kissing or if he did. He didn't seem to care. Maybe Demi told him and he kept it hush huh. I don't know. Demi knew what was up so she grabbed my hand to help calm me down.

"I'll have a Pepsi and a Cream Soda for the miss." Demi said. I smiled. She'd remembered my favorite beverage. It is the little things like that she does for me that make me smile. I saw my family come in along with the other guests. I quickly pulled my hand free. Demi looked at me and smiled. She gotten up and she sang with my family happy brithday why the waitress brought over a cake. I made my wish which was to be able to be with Demi publicly like we both want and have a safe place to stay. Little did I know Demi already had something planned to take care of that. After we had the dinner, cake and the party and I opened my gifts all but Demi's which she mouthed she would give it to me later. It was time to say good night and good bye to everybody. Demi walked over to me and asked me to follow her outside. So I did wondering what she was up too. She had been acting weird giving me looks throughout the party.

A/N: Oh what could Demi have planned for Samantha? What will happen next? Give me ideas please? Oh and tell me what you think.