"Love is a temporary madness, it erupts like volcanoes and then subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion, it is not the desire to mate every second minute of the day, it is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every cranny of your body. No, don't blush, I am telling you some truths. That is just being "in love", which any fool can do. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident."

Louis de Bernières

"I thought I'd find you here." She said, looking over the smooth blue water underneath the bridge. "It's been a couple months since we got back. Where have you been?" She asked, sitting down on the edge of the concrete, her legs hanging over the side.

Peyton looked over, her eyes void of emotion. "Around." She said vaguely, "JT left so I've been sulking around..." She stated honestly, a hazy sadness painted on her face.

Brooke sighed deeply, "I'm sorry." She said with a shrug, "Men really don't get it do they? It's like we try so hard to get through to them, but they never seem to feel the same. And somehow, that's our fault." She shrugged.

"It's not like you and Lucas have that problem." She said bitterly.

Brooke turned, eyes narrowed defensively. "That doesn't mean I've never been heartbroken." She said, "Look Peyton, I really want to move past this…" She paused, "I'm really sorry if I hurt you and I just want to be friends again. What do you say?"

Peyton took in a deep breath without replying.

Brooke stared at her. "Come on, Peyton. I can see it on your face. You want to forgive me." She smiled, brightly, trying to get Peyton to smile too. "Love me or leave me." She said holding her arms out expectantly.

Peyton cracked a smile.

"There it is!"

She still didn't say anything in reply.

"Fine, I'll make you a deal then. You pick one thing...not scary or gross or life threatening that you want me to do. I'll do it. And then you have to forgive me." She suggested with a shrug, "So name it."

Peyton's smile grew, her eyes lighting up once she got an idea. "I want you to kiss Chris Keller."

Brooke shook her head almost immediately. "That's life threatening."

Peyton rolled her eyes and went on, "Break up with Lucas." She said jokingly, eyes playful.

Brooke smiled. "Ha, you're funny."

Peyton continued thinking, her ideas getting more and more creative every time they went on, "Put on your old cheerleading outfit and try to crash the next pep rally." She said challengingly, raising her eyebrows.


Peyton smiled, looking up at Brooke. "Get on the stage at Tric and open for the next act we have coming."

Brooke narrowed her eyes. "Who's the next act you have coming?"

"Fall Out Boy is coming back."

Brooke shook her head quickly. "Then, no."

Peyton groaned loudly, "I thought you said anything." She said in protest. "What happened to that?" She asked.

Brooke stared at her friend. "I didn't think you were going to pick embarrassing things!" She exclaimed. "Pick something I can actually do without dying of humiliation."

Peyton looked around quietly, brainstorming ideas until finally, she got one. "Brooke." She said, getting her attention. "I want you to jump off this bridge into the water." She said, completely serious.

Brooke's mouth dropped open. "You want me to jump off a bridge?" She asked, eyes wide with shock. "Are you trying to kill me?"

Peyton smirked. "Oh come on, Brooke. We used to see people doing it all the time. I was a college thing, remember? Some kind of initiation. I don't know...but they all survived." She looked expectantly at Brooke. "It's possible."

Brooke's mouth was still open. "Peyton..." She said, gulping.

Peyton stood up, "You have to do it, Brooke. It's a deal. You have to hold up your end." She said holding out her hand to pull Brooke off the ground. "Come on. Maybe you won't be as scared once we get up there."

"Oh dear god." Brooke said, peering over the side of the bridge. The water looked so far away and the water looked rough and her dress was new. She gulped, her stomach twisting as she tried to eyeball the distance.

Peyton was standing beside her. "Not better?"

Brooke shook her head quickly. "Worse." She replied, backing away from the edge, "So much worse, I can't do this Peyton." She said, turning to her friend with fear-filled eyes.

Peyton stared back at her, putting her hands on Brooke's shoulder, "Yes you can, Brooke. I wouldn't be pushing so hard if I didn't think you could handle it. This is like, the symbol of our friendship, okay? Before now, it was when we used to shoplift. We stole something every year to prove that we would do anything for each other. It was stupid and crazy, but it meant something. And so does this."

Brooke closed her eyes for a moment and then nodded. She walked over to the edge of the bridge, slipped off her heels and then carefully climbed over the railing so that she was standing on the outer edge on the outside of the railing. Her heart pounded and she was panting, terrified.

"You can do it, Brooke!" Peyton called from where she was standing a few feet away, a safe distance from the edge.

Brooke glanced back at her friend, feeling like she was going to throw up. She had to do it, she did. She had to get her friend back and she had to prove she was strong enough to do this. So, counting to three in her head, she pushed off and started her free fall towards the water.

She flew down to the water, splashing into it after a few seconds of free fall. The water was crisp and cool. She sank down towards the bottom just because of her momentum before she started kicking towards the surface. When she came up, she immediately sucked in air, surprised that she'd actually done it.

But when she looked back up at the bridge, the only thing she saw was Peyton jumping off. She let out short scream, a smile on her face. And then she hit the water and went under. A few moments passed and then she popped up too.

"Oh my god." Peyton said, eyes wide, "I can't believe we actually did that." She said, completely shocked, "That was fucking crazy, Brooke. I can't believe we did it. We're crazy, oh my god." She said, paddling over to her.

Brooke smiled a little bit, "Because it meant something…" She rolled her eyes, "All that crap you fed me on the bridge, that's why I did it." She said, chuckling.

Peyton rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around her friend, even though they were still treading water. "I'm sorry I was such a bitch." She said, rolling her eyes, "I get like that sometimes and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have shut you out. I need you, B. You're my best friend."

Brooke smiled a little bit, "Yea, you're mine too, P. Sawyer." She laughed lightly, "Now, why did we have to jump off a bridge to actually say that to each other?" She asked.

Peyton smiled, "Because we're crazy, Brooke. That's never gonna change. Me and you…" She shook her head, "It's just who we are, crazy." She laughed.

Brooke nodded and smiled, "You're crazy." She argued, "I'm perfectly sane, you just coax me into doing all of this reckless, life-threatening stuff." She said as she started paddling towards the shore.

Peyton shook her head, "Oh really? What about the shop lifting? That was your idea."

"That's not life-threatening."

"Fine, all the drinking, that was your idea and the parties, remember that time I got drugged, yea…" She said, nodding, "I think you're the crazy one. I'm definitely the sane, normal one that gives into your craziness."

Brooke chuckled, "And you know what?" She glanced back, "I'm okay with that."

Peyton laughed and they made their way to the shore. It was cold so they rushed to the car, both reminded of the fun times they used to have. They knew it wouldn't be easy getting back to having a friendship like that. But they were Peyton and Brooke. P. Sawyer and B. Davis. They had to try.

Brooke drove them both back to her house where they walked in, soaking wet, dripping all over the floor. They both retreated into separate bathrooms and changed into dry clothes, also taking the time to fix their hair and make-up.

"I cannot believe you convinced me to do that." Brooke protested as she sat on the kitchen counter, looking over at Peyton, who was going through her fridge.

Upon hearing the comment, she turned, "Um, excuse me. You practically forced me off that bridge so don't you go around blaming this on me." She said with a quick laugh, "Because this time, it actually wasn't my fault…"

Brooke shrugged, "Whatever…" She said, looking over at a white envelope sitting on the table. It was addressed to Lucas, but Brooke, being her curious self, moved over to open it.

Peyton turned around just as she was tearing it open, "Is that Lucas' mail?" She asked, an amused look on her face as she sipped on some of the juice in Brooke's fridge, "You gotta stop that. You used to go through my mail when I lived here too. I think you have a problem."

Brooke shrugged, "He told me to stop going through his mail, but I can't help it. He leaves it sitting there on the counter and expects me not to open it. I'm curious, what can I say?" She smirked as she pulled a letter out. Her eyes scanned over the words.

Brooke Davis,

I thought I told you to stop opening my mail.



Brooke bit her lip, setting the letter down on the counter in front of her. "Well that's embarrassing…" She said, rolling her eyes, "Only Lucas would take the time to mail a letter to himself just to see if I would open it."

Peyton skimmed the letter, "It's actually pretty clever if you think about it, cunning actually. I think you've found your perfect match." She said with a shrug.

Brooke turned, eyes resting on a second letter sitting on the counter. Like the other one, it was addressed to Lucas as well. It had a different stamp, different handwriting and everything so, looking around as if she thought Lucas would walk in at any time, she reached over the counter and seized the letter.


She shrugged, "Come on, he'll never know."

Carefully, she opened the letter neatly enough to where, if she needed to, she could seal it back up as if she'd never opened it in the first place. Slowly, she slipped the letter out of the envelope and unfolded it.

Seriously Brooke? I just told you to stop opening my mail and what do you do? You open my second letter. (Hopefully you opened these in the right order). Now, I bet you're thinking what's the point to all these mindless games he's playing? Well, let me tell you, there's a point. This is game, Brooke Davis, and god, do I know how you love games. Here's the objective: Find me. What do you get? You'll find out. The rules?

1.You get to bring one person.

2.You have to go in order.

3.No hints.

4.No help.

5.No calling me.

6.No giving up.

7.No backing down from a challenge.

8.Dress nice, trust me, you'll thank me for that later.

Kind of sudden, yeah, I know, but spontaneity is what he live for isn't it?

Take the plunge.

I promise you won't regret it.

I assume if you're still reading you've decided to go along with this so here it goes: You have until 12:00 to find me, starting now.

Go to my old house and look in the mailbox for the next step.

Brooke looked up from the letter, flustered, "Oh god." She looked down at her outfit, remembering the last step of the rules: Dress nice, trust me, you'll thank me for that later. She sprung out of her seat, glancing at the clock, "I have to change!"

Peyton gave her a curious look and then grabbed the letter, "What?" She asked as she read it, "Brooke, you have to take me with you. You're taking me, aren't you?"

Brooke poked her head out of her room, "Actually I was thinking of taking my other best friend that I've known since I was 4." She said sarcastically, "Of course I'm taking you, P. Sawyer and not just because you were standing there when I read it, because I want you to come." She smiled, "Now, get dressed."

"I don't have any clothes."

Brooke smirked, "Well come on then. I'm sure we can find you something nice."

It took them thirty minutes to get ready and by the time, they both looked stunning. Peyton was dressed in a short, navy blue dress with a gold trim, along with golden heels. Next to her, Brooke was wearing a long red dress with a deep V neckline and a slit in the skirt on the left side, exposing her leg. Leaning towards the mirror, she put on a deep red lipstick to top it all off.

"Red has always been your color." Peyton commented.

Brooke nodded with a smile, "We look hot." She said, putting an arm around her friend, "I think it's time we get going." She looked over at clock, "It's already 8:00 and we only have until midnight." She said, taking in a deep breath, "It's game time."

They got in the car and drove over to the house that both of them knew like the back of their hand. They pulled up and Peyton got out, opened his mailbox, pulled another envelope out and then brought back to the car.

Brooke parked the car and then opened the envelope.

Glad you found the first clue. That's further than I thought you'd get. This house has had a lot of times for us. My first time…with you, all the laughs, cries, and talks we had. I remember them all. This house is special. It was where I fell in love with you, Brooke. You and I sat on those stairs a million times and I just fell in love. One day, I remember, you said, I am who I am…no excuses. And you are. And I love you for that.

So now comes the hard part. The next clue is at the place where we had our first date. Hopefully, you can remember. There is someone there waiting for you.

Good luck.

Brooke smiled and set the envelope down. "I know where to go." She said, pulling out onto the street and starting to drive to their destination.

"What is this going to end in, Brooke?" Peyton asked suddenly, "This cute scavenger hunt thing…what happens when you get to the end?" She asked curiously.

Brooke shrugged, "We do this stuff sometimes. Lucas is spontaneous. It could be anything. Maybe he got another book tour, maybe his mom is in town, I don't know…" She shook her head, "But I love him for it."

It took them a few minutes to get to the bar. It looked crowded, probably because it was a weekend right around happy hour. When she and Peyton walked in, a few drunk men tried to get their attention, but they were on a mission.

Brooke walked up to the bartender, who looked to be very busy, preparing a drink hurriedly. But when he looked up for a split second and saw Brooke and Peyton standing there, he slowed down. "Hello ladies, what can I get you?" He smiled.

Brooke smirked, "My friend left something here for me…" She returned her own smile.

"Oh, so you're the famous girl he was going on and on about?" He smirked, "Well, he told me I could only give it to you if you got this question right. The guy came in, he had a tattoo on his arm, a symbol. He said I could only give you the letter if you could tell me what it means…" He raised his eyebrows.

Brooke smiled a little bit, remembering the night she had convinced him to get that tattoo and how angry his parents had been about it. "It's the…" She smiled a little bit, "It's the Chinese symbol meaning 'to be' or 'to exist'…" She looked at the bartender.

He stared back at for a moment before grinning, "That's right." He said, "He told me you have a tattoo too." He said as he pulled out the envelope and handed it over to her, "Can I see?"

Brooke smirked and took the envelope, "Only boyfriends get to see that tattoo." She winked at him before turning and making her way out of the bar, Peyton following her.

"That's what Lucas' tattoo means?" Peyton asked.

Brooke nodded slowly, walking towards the car, "Yea, I convinced him to get it." She said with a smile, "I tried to make him get the Chinese symbol for fun and carelessness, but he wanted that one. And later, when we weren't drunk, he told me it was because he likes the idea of just being and existing…and that nothing else should matter: popularity, basketball, that was all fine, but it shouldn't be the most important thing."

Peyton nodded, "Sounds like something Lucas would say."

"Doesn't it?"

As they got in the car, Brooke opened the envelope.

So you remember my tattoo, huh? I remember yours too… I think about that night a lot and not just because of all the trouble I got into for it, but because it was the first night that I really saw you. I got to know you. And I really liked what I saw in you. I still do. You're spontaneous and fun and that's what I really need in my life. If I didn't have you, I would play it safe. My life would be boring, I would be boring and having you, it makes me interesting. I'm glad I got drunk, I'm glad I got that tattoo, I'm glad I met you. I wouldn't be the same if I hadn't.

Now, only a few more stops. The next place is a place that is really important to me. The place where you and I used to sit and talk and laugh. It's the place where we went skinny dipping…

Brooke smiled and passed the envelope to Peyton as she pulled out of the parking lot.

Peyton skimmed it, "Where did you two go skinny dipping?"

Brooke glanced at her, "The river court."

Peyton looked over, "You two went skinny dipping in the river?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Well first, we played strip horse….which was my idea." Brooke smiled a little bit and shrugged, "And when I got down to my bra and underwear, all he had was a shirt off. And then he went to the three point line and made a shot…and I knew I wasn't gonna be able to make it too so I just took off towards the river, pulled the rest of my clothes off and jumped in." She shrugged.

"Typical Brooke."

She nodded, "And then to my pleasant surprise, he followed."

Peyton laughed lightly, "You corrupted him."

Brooke shrugged and nodded, "You could say that."

They drove down to the court they'd both been to a thousand times, but when they got there, it wasn't empty. Standing there on the court were Skillz and Nathan, both dressed in tuxedos.

Brooke and Peyton stepped out of the car.

Skillz whistled, "You two are lookin' damn fine."

"Always the charmer, Skillz." Peyton said sarcastically as they walked up, "Don't you two look nice?" She grinned.

Nathan nodded, "We know." He grinned, a basketball in his arms.

"So do you two have the next envelope?" Brooke asked, eager to get the next one.

Nathan nodded and glanced at Skillz, "But the only way we give it to you is if you two can beat us in a game of two on two." He dribbled once and then shot towards the basket. It went in with a swish before bouncing to the ground.

Brooke looked at Peyton, "You have got to be kidding me."

Nathan shook his head, "That's why we're in tuxes. So it's fair because you two are in dresses."

Brooke blinked in disbelief, "This is definitely not fair. You two are basketball players, Nate, you played in the NBA for a little bit. There's no possible way for us to be able to beat you." She said, shaking her head.

Peyton nodded in agreement, "Yea, let's even this out." She said, walking up to Skillz. "We'll play you two in two on two if…" She reached up nad undid Skillz' tie, pulling it off. Slowly, she reached down, "you guys play with your hands tied together." She tied his wrists together with the tie.

Brooke nodded, laughing.

"Fine." Nathan said as he started to undo his tie, "I'm sure we could still beat you."

Brooke rolled her eyes and took Nathan's tie, tying his hands together tightly, "Ladies first." She said, walking over and picking up the basketball. "First one to 10 wins. Let's do this." She said, dribbling the ball.

Nathan immediately ran towards her so she turned and bounced it to Peyton, who caught it and then started dribbling towards the basket with Skillz running beside her. When she stopped, Skillz was blocking her from shooting so she held the ball, turning, trying to find Brooke.

Brooke jogged over, her heels uncomfortable. Nathan was in front of her so she pushed him, laughing and ran over to Peyton, who passed her the ball. She turned and Nathan was right there, blocking her so she pushed past him, running towards the basket.

"Traveling!" Skillz yelled.

But Brooke wasn't listening, she dribbled once right before she got to the basket and then shot when she was close enough. It went in.

"Yes!" Peyton yelled.

Nathan rolled his eyes and walked over, "I guess we'll just disregard all the rules now." He said with a smirk.

"Wow, you are such a sore loser." Brooke said, standing in front of him, arms out, trying to block him from passing to Skillz.

Nathan started dribbling, which was extremely challenging with his hands tied. He was basically dribbling with both hands at once. He looked over at Skillz, who was open, standing by Peyton. So Nathan pulled up, standing over Brooke, who was shorter and throwing the ball to Skillz.

The ball hung in the air for a long time before it reached Skillz, but because his hands were tied, when he tried to catch it, it bounced off of his palms and out into the middle of the court.

Nathan ran towards it, but Brooke jumped his back, keeping him from running there fast enough.

So Peyton got the ball and with Nathan impaired, she ran towards the basket. Skillz beat her there and tried to block the basket, holding his tied hands up. Peyton tried to shoot, but Skillz knocked it down and started dribbling, sloppily until he reached the basket and shot. It went in.

"That's it, Skillz." Nathan called over.

Brooke hopped off of his back, "Fine then." She said, pulling her heels off, "I'm ready to play now." She said determinedly.

For the rest of the game, the scoring went back and forth. Every time Brooke and Peyton scored, Skillz and Nathan scored right after until it was 8 to 8. Whoever made the next basket would win.

Brooke looked over at Peyton, "Okay I have a plan." She said, walking over. Quickly, she explained a simple, but what she thought to be an effective plan.

Peyton started with the ball and as Skillz approached her, she threw it over to Brooke and then ran up behind Skillz, hopping onto his back and covering his eyes with her hands. "Go Brooke!" She yelled as Skillz tried to hobble in the direction of the basket.

Nathan ran after Brooke and ran out in front of her, just as she was about to shoot, but she wasn't having that so she elbowed him in the stomach, which pushed him backwards for a split second as she shot the ball up. It bounced off the rim and then went in.


Nathan smirked, rubbing his stomach, "Ow."

"Sorry…" Brooke said with a small smile, "I'm competitive…"

Nathan shrugged, "Fair enough." He reached into his pocket and pulled out the envelope, "Here you go. Better get going. It's almost 10." He chuckled lightly.

Brooke gave Nathan a quick hug, "Good game guys." She called over her shoulder.

"Yea, just not good enough." Peyton added, laughing.

They both climbed into the car and Brooke ripped the envelope open.

Wow, I'm impressed. I knew you had skills. Alright, this next stop is the last stop. Go back to the school, go to the library and find the book that I made you read when we first started dating.

"Alright, this is the last one." Brooke said, "We have to hurry." She said, pulling out and heading for the school. When they got there, she and Peyton jogged inside, surprised that it was open on the weekend, btu Brooke had a feeling Lucas had something to do with that. They got into the library and Brooke knew exactly where to go. She headed for the "S" isle, looking up and down until she found Steinbeck. Slowly, she pulled out The Winter of our Discontent.

Flipping through, she found the letter folded up on one of the pages. Slowly, she unfolded it.

"I wonder how many people I've looked at all my life and never seen."

Every time I read this, I think of you. All the years that I spent seeing you around, but not really seeing you. If I hadn't looked closer, you would have been lost in the crowd. I would have never gotten to know the amazing, extraordinary person that you are. The person that I have come to love. I love the way you laugh, your optimism, your spontaneity, the way that you always put everyone before yourself, I love the rare vulnerability that you let me see. I love you, Brooke. I really do.

"I guess I'm trying to say, grab anything that goes by. It may not come around again."

You are so rare, Brooke. There is no one in the world like you, I'm sure of it. And, I almost let you go…several times, but Steinbeck is right. I'll never let you go again because I can't stand the idea of you never coming back.

I'm glad you went on this journey with me. I hope you had fun. Now, there's just one more stop. Drive down to Nate's beach house and follow the roses.

Brooke smiled and handed the envelope to Peyton, "Let's go." She said with a smirk. She looked up at the clock as they were walking out. It was 10:50. She glanced back at Peyton and walked a little bit faster.

They both got into the car and then Brooke started to drive down to Nathan's beach house. When they got there, there were a lot of cars parked outside, but the buiding itself looked empty. They both got out of the car only to find a path of rose petals in the driveway.

Brooke smiled, "This is so cliché, but I love it." She said as she followed the rose petals around the side of Nate's house towards the beach. Reaching down, she pulled her heels off and carried them as they walked through the sand. They walked over the sand dunes and as the beach came into full view, Brooke finally saw everything.

There were torches stuck in the ground, forming an isle for Brooke to walk down. And between each torch were all of their friends, on the left she saw Skillz, Nate, Mouth, Chase and Jamie, dressed in tuxedos. And on the right, Haley, Millie, and Peyton, who had walked past Brooke to stand next to Haley.

And standing at the end of the isle was Lucas, dressed in a tuxedo, holding a rose.

Tears filled Brooke's eyes before she even started walking. She shook her head and after a few seconds of her not moving, Jamie stepped out into the isle and held out his hand.

Brooke looked down and took it squeezing it tightly.

Smiling, Jamie pulled her forward, leading her down the isle. And when they finally reached Lucas, he bent down in front of Jamie, "Thanks buddy." He patted the small boy on the back.

Jamie gave a small nod, let go of Brooke's hand and then returned to his spot in the row.

Brooke shook her head, looking incredulously at Lucas, "Luke, what is this?" She asked, completely in disbelief.

Lucas smiled a little bit, but didn't say anything. He reached into his pocket silently and pulled out an envelope, handing it to her.

Without taking her eyes off of him, she reached out and took the letter. Slowly, she opened it and quietly read it out loud, "Brooke Davis…" Her void cracked and she smiled a little bit, "Brooke Davis, you are the strangest, craziest person I have ever met. I can't even believe some of the things you and I have done sometimes and it almost scares me to think about what we're gonna do in the future. But you know what? I love the thought of having a future with you. I love the thought of waking up every morning and seeing you laying there next to me. I love your laugh. I love your smile. I love your personality. I love everything about you. You're perfect. And I don't use that word a lot. It seems to pristine and too unattainable. Nothing is perfect. Except for you, Brooke." She stopped and took in a deep breath, trying to keep herself from crying, "Everything about you is different. You're extraordinary, astonishing, stunning. When you walk into a room, the energy changes. You changed my life, you changed me. I was lost for a long time. I didn't know who I was. I didn't know who I wanted to be, but you taught me that worrying doesn't make thing fall into place. They just do. And that's what happened to me. Everything fell into place for me. My life was like a puzzle and I'd finally connected all the pieces. Except one. You."

Brooke smiled at him.

"I broke your heart, Brooke. I admit that. And it's something that I hate myself for. But it made you strong and that strength, I love that. It makes you who you are. You're tough, you're sassy and even though I hate that it had to happen, we both grew from it. And if you let me, I promise I'll never hurt you again. I promise that I'll make you laugh. I promise that I'll make breakfast and bring you coffee. I promise I'll never stop trying to make you smile. I promise that I'll support you. I promise to tell you look beautiful. I promise to trust you. I promise you that I will be by your side, always. I promise to love you."

A tear streamed down Brooke's cheek as she eyed the last line without reading it.

Lucas smiled a little bit and bent down, getting on one knee. He took her hand in his.

"'How many moments in your life can you look back to and think 'that's when it all changed...?' I want this to be one of those moments."

She looked away from the letter down at Lucas, who was smiling up at her, the light from the torch fire dancing across his face. He pulled out a small black box and opened it, a charming, diamond ring twinkling inside, "Brooke, will you marry me?"

Brooke smiled down at him and closed her eyes for a moment, memories coming to her mind in flashes.

"We are going to be a power couple! He's going to be a famous novelist and I'm going to have a fabulous fashion line."

"But we're still going to have the time to have a big family."

"Two boys and a girl!"

"And I'll coach little league…"

"Oh! And I'll bake treats for the team."

"And we'll spend our summers in our beach house."

"And winters in the south of France."

"It won't matter where we are…as long as we're together…"


"I don't like you guys to see me like this…vulnerable."

"That's how I always see you, Brooke."


"I'm the guy for you. I know we're just part-time, that's cool. You know, do whatever, have your fun, but one of these nights you're gonna realize it. I'm the guy for you, Brooke Davis. You'll see…"


"The truth is…I care about Peyton…"

"Then what is the difference?"

"The difference? The difference is that I love you, Brooke. I wanna be with you, not Peyton."

"But why? I need to know why."

"Because you kink your eyebrows when you're trying to be cute. Because you quote Kmo even though I've never actually seen you read. Because you miss your parents, but you'll never admit that. And because…because I've given exactly two of these embarrassing speeches and they've both been with you. And because we're both gonna get pneumonia, but if you need to hear why I love you, I can go on all night."


"It's just that…you're the first great guy I've ever dated and that really scares me because I never gave a rat's ass before, okay? But I do now…"

"That's good…because I give a rat's ass about you too."


"There are 82 letters in here, all addressed to you. I wrote them all in the summer, but I never sent them to you because I was afraid."


"I was afraid of getting my heart broken again, like before…You hurt me so bad, I was afraid to be vulnerable. And I was afraid of you and the way you make me feel. I know it doesn't matter now after what I did, but I thought you should know. This is how I spent my summer, Luke…wanting you. I was just too scared to admit it."

"Brooke, I'm sorry. What you did with Chris…it's okay."

"It's not. It can't be. It's too much to forgive."

"Well, too bad because I forgive you."

"You can't…"

"I just did, so you're just gonna have to deal with it. I'm the guy for you, Brooke Davis and I know I hurt you last time we were together, but…"

"I love you."

"I love you too, Pretty Girl."


"This is a speech by John F. Kennedy. I think it could work for you."

"This is all about courage…nobody is going to believe this coming from me."

"I would."


"Wanna take a look inside?"

"Uh, no. People live in there, Luke."

"Oh come on. What happened to the 'fun Brooke'? The one that "took the plunge"?"

"We can't do this, Luke."

"Oh come on, Brooke. We're just taking a look around, I bet they keep a key under the rug. What's the harm in it?"

"Luke! What the hell are you doing right now?"

"What? We're just looking around."

"There's a word for this, Luke. Trespassing. And trust me, it's completely illegal. I would know.".

"You would know?"

"Not the time. Let's just go. I'm not ready to go to jail. It looks nice from the outside, lots of memories, so nice. Why don't we go get some coffee or something?"

"Take a chance, Brooke. We're only young once, you know?"

"Oh god. Breaking and entering, trespassing, so much jail time. God, I wouldn't survive a second in jail, Luke. Not a second! We have to get out of here."

"If you want to leave…you're gonna have to come inside."

"Oh god, there it goes. I just broke the law. This is bad. This is so illegal. Luke, I swear if I go to jail…"

"Lucas! Luke, get over here!"

"Looks the same, doesn't it? I can't believe they kept all of your furniture, what a coincidence."

"Luke. We need to leave. This was fun, completely fulfilling, but I think I'm ready to go."

"Wow, this looks nice…I doubt they'd even notice if it was gone."

"Oh my god, I did not just see that. Luke, put that back right now. Put it back. I didn't see it. I'm not an accomplice, oh god."

"Oh come on…be cool, Brooke."

"I swear, if you don't put that back right now, I'm going to-"



"Hey Brooke, what's going on?".


"What's going on?"

"Ask Lucas."


"About a week ago, when you put your house back on the market, we all decided to help you look for a new house. A day after, Nathan called me up and said that your old house was back on the market and then we all had an idea. We called the realtor, all pitched in on a down payment of this house and then a few days ago, we moved all the stuff from your storage unit here. Me, Peyton, Haley, Nathan, Julian, Mouth, Millie, Chase, my mom and even your dad, we all donated money, just enough to take this house off the market. It's been a year since anyone has actually lived in it, but it's still fully furnished and with monthly payments and homeowners insurance…it will be yours, again. What do you think?"

"What was all this, just now?"

"I thought we should have a little bit of fun before we told you. Everyone agreed. You didn't really think I was going to steal that, did you?"

"I don't know! Oh my god, Lucas, I almost killed you just now."

"Luke, thank you…so much. This is just…amazing, really. And about this little prank you put together, make sure you keep in mind…payback is a bitch."


"What you saw, what you saw when I didn't even know you were there, that wasn't what it seemed, okay? Lindsay…she lost her mom. She was shaken up, she needed a friend and I was that to her. She has a new boyfriend, but she'd editing my book and she really needed me someone close to her to help her through it I didn't know you were there and I didn't know that was why you left…until Haley heard from Peyton and then she told me. And I…I couldn't let you go…I've let you go so many times, thinking that you'll just miraculously come back to me, but not this time. I'm tired of waiting and hoping and wondering. I'm tired of pretending. When is it our turn, Brooke? Nathan and Haley got their happy ending, Mouth and Millie got their happy ending, when do we get ours? Because I'm so damn tired of waiting. All I know is that I'm in love with you…And I flew all the way out here, so please don't make me fly all the way back."

"You flew all the way out here…God, Luke, I'm tired of waiting too. I think it's finally our turn."

"I was hoping you'd say that."


"Are you saying you love me? Seems too good to be true, if you ask me."

"I do love, you know that right? I mean, if I don't say it…you know, don't you?"

"Of course I do. You don't have to say it, Brooke…as long as you look at me the way you do, I'll know. And just in case you didn't know, I love you too, pretty girl."

"I know."

Brooke looked down at Lucas, a smile on her face, "Yes, yes, I'll marry you."

Lucas grinned and slipped the ring on her fingers as their friends cheered. He stood up and wrapped his arms around her, leaning in and pressing his lips gently to hers, feeling like he was in a different world.

"Thatta boy, Luke!" Skillz called out.

He pulled away and smiled, wrapping his arms around her in a hug. And the next thing they knew, all of their friends were around them, joining in a group hug around them.

Lucas looked down at Brooke, meeting her eyes. And even though they were surrounded, he only saw her.

And then he blinked.

And there they were in the church and he was staring down at her. She was in a beautiful long white dress, a veil hanging back of her head, her curly brown hair cascading down to her shoulders. She met his eyes again, eyes sparkling with tears.

Everyone's eyes were on them.

But all Lucas saw was her.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." The priest said, "You may now kiss the bride."

Lucas smiled a little bit, leaning down and kissing her as he wrapped his arms around her waist the sound of clapping was drowned out as kissed her. And he knew he'd made the right choice. When they disconnected, Brooke was looking up at him, a smile on her face.

"You ready to do this, Lucas Scott?"

"Only if you're by my side."

Brooke chuckled a little bit as they faced their friends, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Sometimes it's easy to feel like you're the only one in the world who's struggling, who's frustrated, or unsatisfied at barely getting by. But, that feeling is a lie and if you just hold on; just find the courage to face it all for another day, someone or something will find the way and make it all okay. Because we all need a little help sometimes, someone to help us hear the music in the world. To remind us that it won't always be this way. That someone is out there, and that someone will find you."

Lucas Scott

"People who are meant to be together always find their way in the end."

Brooke Davis

A/N: So this is the end. This is a good place to end it, I think. Thanks to all of you who have been reading and reviewing. I loved writing this story and I hope you guys loved reading it too. Thanks again!