Chapter 7

Disclaimer: I do not own the PAW Patrol, I do own Dixie. Unfortunately…

AN: Sorry for not updating in so long, busy with school, but I found some free time, as you can see.

Ryder: thanks Skye…

Skye: Sure, whatever.

Ryder: How are you feeling?

Skye: fine.

Ryder: That's good

Skye: What do you want?

Ryder: Well, I was hoping that you would forgive me, you know, for… you know…

Skye: sure, but don't think this means I am just going to come back begging to be brought back to the PAW Patrol.

Ryder: That is not what I am asking of you… Well I was kinda hoping…

Skye: But I thought you were different than the rest Ryder, but it turns out Alex is my true owner…

Ryder: the rest? You had more than me and Alex?

Skye: well yeah, you were my third, and Alex is my fourth, if Alex didn't adopt me when he did, I might end up like I was before I came back. What was the point of bringing me back just to kick me off of the PAW Patrol? Well thanks, now I at least have someone who actually cares about me…

Ryder: I care about you Skye, why didn't you just tell me that you couldn't go back to the pound?

Skye: The fact that you even considered sending me off made me want to leave, and anyways, I'm used to it, you were the third time it happened to me. I would rather die than be owned by someone wishing they had a dog that wasn't me, OK I get it you didn't want me, now I have someone who does, and I am sure you wouldn't care if I died again, and I am sure you wouldn't have a problem shooting me if I were to kill one of the pups in your crew, but I know you would never kill them if they killed me.

Ryder: I didn't know what to say… she was just putting it all out there, I cant believe that she thinks that I wouldn't care if she died, well I guess I might have made it seem that way. Now I feel awful. Skye…

Skye: Save it Ryder, I know you don't care about me, just leave, I would hate to waste your precious time you could use to play with your pups, go play with them instead of talking to me, you don't have to try and justify yourself, I already said that I forgave you.

Ryder: but, Skye…

Skye: Just leave Ryder… as soon as he left, I broke down and just cried, what did I just do? But then Alex came in, and since I was now well enough to leave the vet, Alex brought be to a cliff overlooking the beach, but after 30 minutes of being there, of course the PAW Patrol showed up, Alex let me play with them. I was playing hide and seek with Chase, Zuma, and Marshall. Chase was it, and I could tell that he was trying to find me because he was looking in the small spaces. Then I lost track of him, and when I turned around, my lips landed right on his, we both kissed back, but with my wonderful luck, Dixie saw this and got really jealous.

Dixie: I saw MY Chase and that little Cockapoop kiss, and it wasn't on accident either. I will get her for this.

Chase: I kissed Skye, I kissed Skye, I kissed… SKYE! Oh my gosh this is like a dream come true! Then I looked over to see Dixie with a murderous look on her face. She started running right at Skye from her blind side. SKYE! LOOK OUT! She turned around, got on her back, and propelled Dixie even farther the way she was running, with her back legs, but unfortunately, Skye sent Dixie right to the edge of the cliff, and she was dangling over the edge. Dixie! Just because I don't like her she is still part of the team, even Skye ran over to help her.

Skye: Well now I am dead, I just about threw Dixie off a cliff, and I know that if she goes down, she is going to bring me down with her, but I just ran over to help her anyways. I helped Dixie up off the cliff, but as soon as I got her up, she tackled me, she was trying to kill me, I could see it in her eyes. I didn't mean to kick you that far over the cliff, I'm sorry!

Dixie: I will send you back to where you came from you little mutt! All you do is get in the way of mine and Chase's relationship!

Skye: Relationship?

Dixie: That's right! Chase is mine again! And once again, you are all alone!

Skye: I thought Chase loved me… what ever happened to that? Soon I was just filled with emptiness, all I had left now was Alex. But I was under Dixie, and I was in no position to fight her, I guess I am just going to die again, but for some reason, I just couldn't bring myself to accept this, so I kicked her back to the cliff again, but this time, I didn't go over to help this time, I was too consumed in my own anger, but of course Chase went to help her, of course he would, I thought we had something, but maybe not, I thought the same thing about Ryder, we see where that went… I guess I just lost control at this moment because what I did, I never wanted to do. So Chase, going to save your precious Dixie? What ever happened to us? I thought you loved me Chase! Well, guess what! You don't have to love me, but I still love you. Well I can tell you lost those feelings and got some new ones for Dixie. Well, if you don't want me in your life I'll leave, I wint come back! Would that make you happy? Would it?!… Answer me!… FINE! I'll just leave, don't try to find me, I don't need you anyway!

Chase: I am such an idiot, I should have at least said something to her, now she is gone forever… oh no! I still have to save Dixie! I ran over to Dixie and helped her up, then she kissed me, I saw Skye turn around for a second, tears in her eyes as she saw us kiss. Then she slowly turned around and walked away, ears and tail down…

Skye: Wow, I wasn't too surprised about the others not caring about me, but Chase was a huge surprise to me, I can't believe I actually thought he cared for a second, all I have now is Alex. That's what I thought at least. When me and Alex got home, we saw the house all packed up.

Mr. Porter: Alex… My business hasn't been making enough money, so we are going to have to move to somewhere other than Adventure Bay…

Alex: By plane?

Mr. Porter: What else?

Alex: We can bring Skye… Right?… Right?!

Mr. Porter: Alex, we can't bring dogs on these kind of planes, trust me, I have tried to find an airplane that could bring her with us, but all of them have a no pets policy… I'm sorry Alex…

Skye: I was in a different room, but I could hear them very clearly, but I couldn't afford to go back to the shelter, so I wrote them a letter saying:

Dear Alex,

I heard your conversation with Mr. Porter, but I can't afford to go back to the shelter, so I have to run away, I'm sorry alex, I will miss you very much, and have a great time wherever you are going.

Love Skye 3

After writing the note, I ran away, crying once again, wishing I had never been brought back again, because now I am truly alone, now I don't even have Alex. I made myself a little den, and a bed, then went to sleep, I wonder if anyone is thinking about me, probably not…

Chase: Alex came to the lookout with his family to tell us that they were moving, and that Skye ran away, to look out for her if we see her. I wonder what would happen if the shelter found her. I don't want to imagine…

Skye: I was in the forest getting water from the stream, and then went to look for food, which was not too successful, so I just went hungry that night. Then I fell asleep, once again a stray.

Chase: Ryder called us late at night to send a search party to find Skye, but Dixie refused to go, how are we going to find her now? Well hopefully one of us can find her… We searched for 5 hours trying to find her with only one clue, we saw claw marks on trees, so we followed them until we came to a hole, we went in the hole and found he asleep, so we carried he back to the lookout and put her on a bean bag chair.

Skye: When I woke up, I didn't see my den, but I saw the lookout, ugghh. To make things worse, they dragged me along to the cliffs again. Chase came up to me, and I attempted to walk away, but he went into a sprint and caught my leg. I spun around and demanded what the wanted.

Chase: Skye, I do care about you, I was just shocked about what you said, I love you, but I also love Dixie, and I am dating her.

Skye: If this is an attempt to make me feel better, this is not the way to go.

Chase: That's not what I meant! But as I said that, Dixie tackled Skye, and they both flew over the edge of the cliff, and to my horror, they ran into some unstable rocks, and they both were thrown underwater, the rocks on top of them. I knew there was no time to get Ryder and the pups in time, so I used my breather and jumped in after them, and as I got close enough to see them, they were stuck in the rocks pretty firmly. I only had a limited amount of air, so I could only save one, I hate making choices. They were both conscious, Skye was telling me to choose Dixie, and Dixie was telling me to save herself, but I couldn't bring myself to choose, but I eventually made my choice… I was going to save Skye! She was always there for me and I felt it was time to return the favor, so I got Skye out from under the rocks, when we got to the surface I swam to the beach, but when I got there, everyone asked where Dixie was, I said, still under the rocks, Ryder, gave Skye back her position and we started dating and eventually got married. I have realized that Skye was the only pup for me.

Skye: I am happy to finally have my old life back.

AN: Sorry for the long wait, but now the story is finally over, took more work than you would think. Thanks for the support, but now I have a new obsession, and that is Super Monkey Ball, if you haven't heard about it you should look it up because if I am going to make another story, it is going to be on Super Monkey Ball. Tell me how you liked the story please!