
This isn't my first ever fanfiction, but is the first on this account (I may, or may not have forgotten the email address I used for my old account...)

Personally, I love fanfics where Harry or someone has had enough of England and so leaves and moves elsewhere. I also noticed that there were no Harry PotterxMarley Rose fics on here(that I could find) so I started one myself! So yes, this will be Harley? Martter? Rotter? :P whatever the pairing name is!

BTW I am English, so if I get any of the school stuff wrong, feel free to correct me!

DISCLAIMER: Do I look like I'm making stacks of money? Is this a website for those who are already rich and famous? The answer for both of these is NO. (although if you are rich and famous... Hi! *fangirls*) THUS I DO NOT OWN HP, GLEE, OR ANY SONGS USED.


Harry had had enough. He was fed up with his fame. Ever since he had defeated Voldemort he couldn't even leave the house without screaming fans harassing him. I didn't help that the witches and even quite a few wizards would follow him around in the muggle world as well. He was only seventeen for Merlin's sake!

After four months of that torture, Harry had made the decision to leave England for good. He had nothing left for him there. Hogwarts had been repaired. The Weasley's and Hermione had fallen to some stray Death Eaters in an attack at The Burrow mere days after the final battle. All the others he had cared for had perished during the aforementioned battle.

He had no one.

So Harry decided to leave. He had always wanted to see the world as a child. Unfortunately, anywhere in Europe was out. Those countries were too close and too easy to follow him to. It would be best to go somewhere as far away as he could get. America perhaps. Harry could even go back to school and get a muggle education!

With that decision made, Harry started to make preparations. He bought himself a detailed map of the whole USA (it was a rather large) and started to cross off the places that he knew he didn't want to go. Eventually Harry realised that it was an impossible task. The place was just too large to choose where to go as a simple process of elimination. So, Harry decided to let fate, the entity that seemed to mock his entire existence, choose for him. It couldn't be any worse than England.

Harry picked up a dart from the table beside him, turned around, and threw it over his shoulder. It landed with a satisfying thud. With more than a little trepidation Harry turned around to see where it had landed.

Harry was off to Lima, Ohio.

It took another week for Harry to make all the specific arrangements for his move out of the country. Gringott's was a big help. The Goblins were able to secure Harry a house in Lima, emancipation documents so that he wouldn't have to live with an adult, a passport, a birth certificate claiming him to be sixteen so that he'd be able to go through the whole of high school, and they even were able to fake muggle schooling certifications. All for a reasonable price, of course.

Before he knew it he was in America, walking out of the airport and hailing a cab to take him to his new home.


His new home was a three bedroom detached house roughly three blocks away from McKinley High School, one of the bedrooms was magically expanded and had been made into Harry's personally library. The room in magical actuality was huge, however there was a warded bookcase that swung open to admit one into the magical section of Harry's realm of books, making the room at first glance seem the same size as the other normal bedroom in the house. Harry also had decided to keep all of his magical items in this room as well, so that some muggle didn't see anything they shouldn't have by mistake. This other bedroom was the guest room, despite Harry's lack of friends to have over as guests he didn't have any other uses for the room, so kept it as a spare room just in case he did need it one day.

Both the spare bedroom and the master had en-suites. The master bedroom of the house was Harry's bedroom; said bedroom being Hogwarts themed. One wall was entirely taken up by a mural of the castle in all its glory, the view that one could see from the lake. Whoever had painted it had done their job well. The other three walls were simply painted in complementary shades of green blue and yellow. Gryffindor had not been forgotten. The bed that was up against the wall opposite the mural was an almost replica of his bed from the Gryffindor dorms. On closer inspection of the bed Harry found out that it indeed was the exact bed that he had occupied at Hogwarts. Harry supposed that the Goblin's had been able to procure it somehow.

The rest of the house wasn't a very extravagant. Despite having more money than he knew what to do with, Harry liked to live relatively simply. He would splash out on the occasional item he needed or wanted, but after years of living with the Dursley's he didn't want or need tons of stuff cluttering his home up. Downstairs was a moderately sized living room, dining room and a large kitchen that Harry was pleased with. The only chore that he had ended up enjoying at the Dursley's was cooking the food. There was something in the way that such simple components could come together to create something delicious, something special that had just fascinated him since he was small. That was also part of the reason for his early fascination with potions. Snape had put a dampener on that spirit, but Harry was a lot better at potions than he let on at school.

It didn't take long to unpack, magic went a long way to speeding that up, and Harry soon found himself with nothing to do. He decided to, seeing as it was only two o'clock in the afternoon, go on a walk around the area, explore a bit.

Harry was lost in his thoughts whilst walking and so didn't even notice that there was someone else walking along the pavement until he literally bumped into them, knocking them over. It was only Harry's honed reflexes from the war that enabled him to catch the other person before they hit the ground and help them up straight. Harry was immediately stuttering his profound apologies.

"I'm so sorry! I was lost in my thoughts and I wasn't looking where I was going, and Merlin, I'm so sorry! Are you okay? I'm sorry. I- I'm so sorry! I-"

Harry was suddenly interrupted by the person whom he had knocked over.

"Gee, you really like to apologise, don't you?" They said with a smile.

"Err, Sorry."

The girl laughed again and it took Harry a moment before he realised that he had apologised again and he joined her in laughter.

"I'm Harry Evans." he said, introducing himself to the girl. He had had the Goblins use his mother's maiden name to make him harder to find. "I just moved here."

"Me too!" exclaimed the girl. "Are you in school?"

"Yeah, I start McKinley High in a few days" Harry said with a smile. School was only three days away from starting for the new school year. A grin broke across the girl's face.

"Awesome, so do I! I'll be a junior this year. What grade are you in?"

Harry blinked at the question.

"I honestly haven't got a clue. I just recently turned 16 though." he said, using his new age from the Goblins.

"That means you'll be a junior as well. Is it that different in England?"

"Yeah there's no confusing names for the years. We Brits use logical numbering of our years!" Harry said, slipping into a stereotypical posh English accent, eliciting a musical laugh from the girl.

It was then that Harry realised he still didn't know the girl's name.

"What was your name again?"

The girl gasped.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I completely forgot to introduce myself properly. I'm Marley, Marley Rose."


There once was a youngster called Stu,

Who simply refused to review.

His computer broke down,

And the next day he drowned.

So let that be a lesson to you!

Yes, listen to the limerick, people. The limerick knows best.