There you have it! Pika's vision!

I'm so sorry for the long wait but studying had caught up with me. (bleh!)

I want to thank you so much for sticking with me and this story.

I own nothing.


Chapter 15

Meanwhile in the holding area, Captain America and Ironman were having another argument.

"I said no Tony."

Tony groaned loudly. "It's the perfect opportunity old man. We can catch-"

"Now it's not the time to escape Tony!" Steve whispered the 'escape'. For the past hour, Tony and Steve were arguing about when it was the perfect time to escape their cells and put their second part of their plan in motion.

Crossing his arms in front of his chest, Stark let out an angry sigh. "I know what this is about." He stated and walked closer to the front wall of the cell that was facing the cell the Captain was occupying.

"Oh boy." Natasha mumbled and ran a hand through her red hair. She knew that a bigger argument was coming up.

Stark continued talking. "It's about your little murder bot friend isn't it?"


"No, my grandma!" Stark said sarcastically. In the back you could hear Fury mumbling to himself that he was better off alone.

"What's your problem, Stark?" finally asked Steve. It bothered Tony that the Captain was calm.

"My problem, Rogers, is that you don't realize that he is not your friend anymore. He is a monster."

Steve's eyes hardened and he clenched his jaw. All his calm was floating away with every word that came out of Starks mouth.

"Bucky is a good man, Tony. It's not-"

"He murdered my parents, Steve!" Tony cut the Captain off. "The bastard deserves to d-"

"DON'T you dare finish sentence Tony!" Steve stressed as he looked over at the millionaire. "I'm sorry. I didn't know about Howard and your mom. I truly am sorry. You know that Howard was my friend." He said truthfully. "But it was the Winter Soldier who killed your parents. Not Bucky."

"That's bullshit!" he spat at him and ignored Natasha when she told him to calm down. "He is the same man, Rogers. He killed my parents, he killed all these people. Their blood are on his hands, brainwashed or not."

"What about the blood that is on your hands, Tony, hm?" Steve simply asked, while shrugging his shoulder.

"What blood?" he asked frowning and Steve raised his eyebrows. "Now who's being forgetful in his old age?"

"Oooh, burn." Natasha said and looked at the ground when the two men stared at her blankly.

Steve shook his head and focused on Tony again. "I read about what happened with your weapons Tony back in the day. How many innocent died by them, huh? How many waited for 'Tony Stark' to kill them?"

"That was never my life."

"But it was Tony! You killed all these people." Both Natasha and Fury warned Steve that the conversation was getting out of hand.

"You don't know anything." Tony seethed at Steve. "It wasn't my fault. I didn't know that my weapons were used like this. It was Obadiah! He lied to me! He killed, not me."

"Oh." Steve muttered. "So you were manipulated?" he asked and Tony was quick to answer yes.

"So what makes you so different from Bucky? You were manipulated by your friend and Bucky was manipulated by Hydra."

Tony clenched his jaw. "It's not the same."

"Yes." Steve agreed and nodded his head. "Bucky was brainwashed. Tortured physically and mentally. You are right, it's not the same."

Sighing hard, Tony shook his head in exasperation. He knew that the Captain had a point, but he would never admit it. Running a hand through his dark hair, he walked towards the small cot and sat down, his back facing Steve. He didn't have anything more to say to him. He wouldn't give him the pleasure of admitting he was right. Because he isn't right. He killed my parents, end of story. He deserves to pay.

On second thought, he had a few words just for the Captain. "Fuck off Rogers." Mmm, much better, he thought and lied down on the cot.

Closing his eyes, Steve rubbed the back of his neck. He let out a deep breath and opened his eyes, only to see Black Widow staring at him.



"He said a bad word." She said with a smirk, and Steve looked at her with his 'are-you-serious?' face.

"You know what Romanoff…?"

She had Pietro in her hold. She was sure of that. But after the sudden pain in her mind, she realized that she was holding nothing but thin air.

Looking around, she expected to see the enhanced twins but she was alone.

She walked towards the middle of the room she was into. Looking down at herself, she saw that she was not dressed in her usual Hydra uniform but in simple jeans and a t-shirt.

Turning her hands in front of her, she gave a small smile at the sight of her flesh and bones arm.

Just then, right before her eyes the scenery changed into that of an empty cemetery.

"That's not weird at all." she quietly mumbled as she glanced around.

Tall trees seemed to surround the area and the sky had lost its blue color and it was instead a depressing grey. It actually looked like it was going to rain.

The green field was all empty except from a lonely tombstone that stood in the center of it.

Here lies

Michael B. Seger.

Beloved son

She read out loud the encryption once and then one more time again. The name was ringing several bells in her head but she couldn't place it yet.

Hearing footsteps behind her, she turned around only to come face to face with a dirty blond man.

Her hand brushed her the side of her thigh where her knife was usual strapped, and frowned when she didn't retrieve it.

"Hello." He greeted and pointed at the tombstone. "That's mine if you are wondering."

She took a few steps forward, towards the blond in the hopes of intimidating him. "Who are you?"

It didn't work, as the young man remained in his place, his eyes never leaving the brainwashed assassin.

"Okay let's walk you to it." He said with a small smirk on his face. "I'm Michael Seger, dead." He pointed at tombstone again and then at her. "…your real name is Ella Seger. Well actually Ella is short for, nevermind you are not ready for that cultural shock yet." He started rumbling and she stared at him with confused eyes.

Her previous conversation with the Winter Soldier sprang back to mind when she confessed to him about maybe having a brother.

"My brother?"


Pushing a wild strand of hair behind her ear, she forced her mind to remember. She could taste the memory but she couldn't see it. She shook her head.

"I can't…the wall is blocking you."

He laughed. "That's it? Well, there is only one way to bring down a wall sis." He paused for dramatic effect. "You break it." And with that, he moved quick as a lighting, grabbed her from her hair and brought her head down with force on the tombstone.

She couldn't help but cry out due to the pain that engulfed her. Blinking rapidly she tried to remain conscious and not pass out on the ground.

"What the fuck was that?" she asked with anger in her voice, as she wiped the blood from her face.

"Bringing down the wall."

She took her head in her hands and cradled it. The pain was unbearable. "No." she muttered.

Suddenly, with just a blink of an eye, at least five more tombstones appeared next to Michael's.

"What?" she whispered and approached them.

Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark

She pulled slightly at her hair in agitation. She knew that name. Tony.

Captain Stephen Grant Rogers

"Steve?" she kept asking herself, why he was dead.

Robert Bruce Banner

"I don't want to remember! It hurts."

Natalia Alianovna Romanova

Her eyes started to water. "They are not dead." She whispered.

Clinton Francis "Clint" Barton

She averted her eyes from the remaining tombstones and turned to look at Michael.

"Why are you doing this?!" she yelled at him.

He shook his head. "I'm not doing this. It's you. Well you and that girl with the jazz fingers."

She couldn't breathe. "I killed them." She stated. "As I killed you. Oh god."


"I'm a monster! I killed them…I killed them…" she kept repeating and dropped to her knees.

She hit the side of her head with her fist. "Take it away, take away all the memories, please."

"We are all dead Ellie." Michael said to her. "You are all alone now."

"I don't want to be alone."

"Everyone you've ever loved is gone. Left you." He stressed the words.

"Alone." She mumbled and Michael kneeled down on her level.

"Enjoy the rest of your loneliness, sis." He said with a low voice and clapped his hands right front of her.

Taken aback from the sound, she closed her eyes.

When she opened them, she found herself back in the Hydra training room.

And she was pissed.

She looked around and saw the twins a few feet in front of her and her handler trying to stand up.

Scrunching up her face, she realized that what seemed like hours in her dream or vision, it was actually seconds maybe a few minutes.

She was in pain, her head was killing her and she wouldn't admit it but she was feeling scared.

Walking closer to the Soldier, she shared a look with him. "Move away." She ordered, her chest moving rapidly up and down. He didn't question her, he simply moved several feet away from the area.

He had a feeling what she would do.

She put her hands on the ground, palms open and smirked. Pietro could run fast but he couldn't fly.

And with that thought in mind, she released a powerful surge of electricity throughout the floor.

And underneath the twins's feet.

Pietro took Wanda in his arms and tried to run away but eventually the surge caught up to them.

She signed in contempt when she saw Wanda and Pietro drop to the ground like flies.

Literary the moment the twins fell to the ground unconscious, Strucker gave an agonizing shout and rushed towards them.

"What have you done!?" he shouted at her, as he checked their pulse.

Shadow simply shrugged and glance at her side when she saw the Soldier walking towards her.

The Red Skull, who was silent the whole time, approached his assassins. "Very good." He praised and turned to look at Strucker. "Same goes to your enhanced twins. I'm very impressed."

He kept looking at the fallen Wanda with interest. "Are they finished?"

Strucker shook his head. "Not yet. I have more tests to run, their abilities are not yet to 100%."

"Ah, so there is place for improvement?"

A nod. "Definitely. And that brings me to a request. I'd like to take the twins to my personal lab to finish them. The supplies here are simply not sufficient."

Skull seemed to think his request over. "Where is your facility?"

"Sokovia." He answered as he wiped his monocle clean.

"Very well." He nodded. "Take a few of my men and depart immediately. I want the twins ready by the end of this month."

"Yes sir." Strucker bowed and after sending a glare at both brainwashed assassins, he left.

Obviously satisfied with himself, Skull didn't even bother to speak to the Winter Soldier and Shadow. He simply nodded his head to follow after him.

Without a word, the pair followed the scarlet man, only thinking about what transpired in their heads.

"What did you see?" she whispered, knowing that he had heard her.

With glazed eyes, the Soldier, turned his head slightly to look at her and then to look at the back of Skull.

"My worst fear."

Nodding, she chose not to ask the man anything else, at least not until they were alone. She opted instead to stare in front of her at the walking back of the Red Skull, who was oblivious to the fact that his two brainwashed assassins remembered everything.

tada! it was about time, no? hope you liked it ^_^

(Also anyone else freaking out about CA: Civil War? i know i am!)