The afternoon went by quickly when they all returned to Avengers tower. Steve hadn't seen Natasha at all since they left SHIELD HQ. However, the image of her with little Jay in her arms, and the soft gentle look on her face was so contradictory to everything he ever thought about the spy. He couldn't quite shake the image out of his mind, as he found himself dwelling on the subject all afternoon. She had taken the child to her floor, and after he had set up the mobile crib, he had made a hasty departure as JARVIS requested his presence in the lab. Tony and Bruce had kept him busy all afternoon and he had not had the opportunity to seek out the redhead at all.

It was very late, about 2 am, as he swung his legs over the side of his bed. Sleep was impossible. Not only had his thoughts been consumed with his red-headed teammate, but he kept having nightmares. Specifically, the nightmares consisted of watching Bucky fall from that train, and the 70 year nap he had in the ice. The helplessness of it all haunted him more than he cared to admit. He made his way to his kitchen, seeking out the comfort of a warm cup of joe. Realizing he was completely out, he sighed and made his way to the elevator.

Can't sleep anyway. May as well see if there's any coffee in the main kitchen.

When the elevator doors opened, the low light over the stove was on and Natasha was perched on a kitchen stool, feeding Jay a bottle of milk. Her green eyes made contact with his as he walked into the kitchen.

"Can't sleep?"

"No. Nightmares."

She nodded and then pointed her head towards the coffee pot, the fresh coffee smell filling the room.

"Thanks." He pulled out his usual mug out of the cupboard, and poured himself a cup. When he glanced back toward her, she was staring at the baby in her arms, the soft smile back on her face.

"You're good with him." He whispered as he leaned on the counter across from her.

She shrugged. A wistful look crossed her eyes and just as quickly as it came, it was gone. If he hadn't been watching her so intently, he would have missed it.

"Babies like anyone who takes care of them." Natasha put the now empty bottle on the counter and sat the baby up, patting his back until a soft burp came out. She stood and rocked Jay in her arms slowly as she began to pace back and forth in the room slowly. Jay let out a giant yawn as he watched her.

"You ever thought of having a child?" Steve questioned innocently, bringing his coffee mug to his face, and missing the look of pain that crossed the spy's face.

"A kid isn't really in the cards for a person of my profession." Her answer was quiet and hard. Her tone caused Steve to look at her again.

"That wasn't my question."

A moment of silence passed between the two. The question left an aura of tension in the air that both of them felt. Natasha walked over to the bassinet that Tony had placed next to the couch in the adjacent living room and laid the now sleeping Jay in it. After tucking a blanket around the bottom of the bassinet and covering his legs, she looked up to see Steve sit on the couch. Knowing that she couldn't avoid the question, she sat across from him.

"I can't have kids, Rogers."

Steve blinked. "If you wanted to, no one would stop you. Even Fury wouldn't get in the way of you having kids."

Natasha laughed softly, her eyes locking onto hers. "You misunderstand me. I am physically incapable of having children." She paused as Steve's eyebrows shot up as he understood her meaning. "As part of my training in Red Room, they made it so I could never have children." She didn't explain further and Steve didn't pry.

"That sucks."

The anger in his voice took Natasha by surprise as well as his choice of phrase. She couldn't help but giggle.

Her laughter caught Steve by surprise as he too started to smile, her giggle being infectious.

"Don't dwell on it Rogers, I came to terms with it long ago. Maybe it's my punishment for all the lives I've taken."

Just as Steve was about to protest that thought process of hers, the building shook. Natasha immediately leaped up and carefully picked up Jay, cradling his sleeping form to his chest. Steve was on his feet as well, as he made his way to Natasha.

"JARVIS, what was that?" Steve questioned, his body tensing up.

"My security protocols are being over-"

As JARVIS was cut off, Natasha looked at Steve.

"Let's get back to your floor. I get the feeling you're going to need your shield." He looked down, realizing that he only had on his pajama bottoms and a white undershirt. Natasha pulled out a gun with her free hand, her grip tightening on the sleeping child. She was wearing a black sheer robe and some black pajamas. Seeing how light her apparel was, Steve blushed lightly as a question came to mind.

"You always care a gun?"

She smirked at him. "Never leave home without it. Let's go."

He nodded as they made their way to the stairs.