
Two Years Later

Catwoman lounged on the edging of a building, propped on her elbows while she arched her back and enjoyed the feeling of the summer air. It was humid tonight, but she didn't mind too much, freedom cured many woes. She was free. Truly free and completely happy for the first time in her life. A breeze swept by and she grinned a bit, because she knew that breeze well and she knew it carried with it The Dark Knight. Throwing a look over her shoulder, she smiled and swung her legs down, crossing them where they hung.

"You know you don't need to sneak up on me, right?" She sassed, earning that lazy smirk she loved oh so much.

"If I wanted to sneak up on you, you wouldn't know I was here." Batman stepped closer, "Did you get it?"

"Look who you're talking to, of course I got it." Catwoman reached back and pulled a manila envelope from her belt, holding it out to him, "All the times and dates of drug deals being conducted on the East side. It's like a playground for you." Batman took the envelope and peered inside while a presence landed close behind him. "Oh look, you brought birdboy with you. Finally learned to fly, eh?" She quipped, swinging her legs slightly.

Nightwing stepped up and glanced over Batman's shoulder, "That it?"

"This is it. Good work, Catwoman." Batman shot her a nod before he handed the envelope to his former sidekick. "Bring this home to Alfred as soon as possible." Still doing sidekick work. Nightwing's nose scrunched up a bit, he would much rather have stayed out all night fighting scumbags rather than be Batman's errand boy, but with a sigh he tucked it away.

"Or you could stay here with us." Catwoman added, throwing a suggestive grin Batman's way.

"Ha, yeah, no thanks. I'm not a fan of PDA when I'm the one doing it, much less watching you two." He shuddered for emphasis and heard her giggle.

"Get out of here." Batman ordered in a slightly more lighthearted tone, Nightwing saluted before he took off and left them alone.

Turning back to Catwoman—who purred at him with delight—Batman moved close to her, his hands lying on the brick on either side of those hips that could have been a weapon by themselves. She brought her mouth teasingly close, but nothing more than that, just teasing. It was an art she was quite skilled in. Batman was more in the mood for instant gratification and in the spot Catwoman currently found herself unless she wanted to fall off from ten stories she had no where left to run. Leaning in quick, he caught her in a kiss and felt her snicker slightly.

"Someone is impatient." She murmured when she took a breath. He hummed an agreement and raked his teeth across her lip before pulling her back in. While far from innocent, love was woven into every action between them, every touch from gloved hand, nibble, heavy breath and soft spoken word. Finally leaning back, Batman released a contented breath and Catwoman grinned mischievously. "That's quite the how do you do, isn't it?"

"I can think of a few more radical ways to say so, if you'd prefer." Making sure his words dripped with suggestion, Catwoman gave him a purr in return. Sobering from their interaction, Batman straightened some, "Do you know what rooftop we're on?" He asked.

She glanced down to the ground below and nodded. "If memory serves, right there is where we first met." And he hummed in confirmation.


"Obviously." Her hands splayed out onto his. "Is that why you wanted to meet up here?"

"Obviously." His answer made her chuckle. "I have something for you." Batman then stated.

Catwoman's eyes lit up, "Really?"


She slid off her perch to lock her arms around the back of his neck, "If only the scum of Gotham could see you now. The fearsome Dark Knight being all romantic." Her grin was contagious.

Batman's hands found her waist. "Well, don't go spreading it around."

With a huff, Catwoman bounced slightly. "So what'd you get me?"

"And you call me impatient." He replied, planting a quick kiss on her before reaching to a compartment on his belt. "Here, enjoy." And he held a note up between two fingers. Catwoman tilted her head slightly and released him, taking the note and unfolding it.

"Turn around."

Blinking, Catwoman looked up at Batman with confusion burning in her eyes before re-reading the note and turning toward the edge of the building. "What on earth are you planning?" She murmured before glancing up and audibly gasping. There on the edging rested a small, velvet box he'd snuck behind her at some point and her face dropped. Reaching out with trembling fingers, Catwoman carefully picked up and box and opened it to find—

"Catch me if you can."

Another note. She stared for a few seconds, trying to comprehend this turn of events, but when she spun to question him, she found Batman was already long gone, his silhouette grappling off in the distance. Eyeing the empty ring box again, something clicked and a smile spread wild and bright across Catwoman's face. This was his way of doing it. A laugh bubbled out of her as she took off running along rooftops to find the man proposing to her. What a strange concept, yet a fitting one.

Batman would stop long enough for her to find him, see which way he was going before he continued leading her along. Of course, the path he chose was far from random, winding through some of the nicer areas in Gotham and blazing by a few places they shared dates, including their first. Catwoman kept up well, even taking a small shortcut and gaining some ground on him. But he made sure she didn't catch him, not until he was ready.

Down alleys and over buildings, through a park and around landmarks, their chase went on until finally Catwoman paused on a rooftop and looked around. He'd disappeared. She panted softly, then dropped down to the sidewalk.

"Oh my God." She breathed as she took in her surroundings. He'd lead her to the movie theater. The movie theater. This was where they'd become themselves with each other, where they became real with each other, where their relationship had truly begun. Swallowing, Catwoman strolled through the empty street, streetlights illuminating her way as she walked by memory. Coming to a familiar building, with a familiar indented and sheltered doorway, she stopped when she found Batman leaning casually back against the wall.

Her breath was still jagged, but now out of emotion more than fatigue. "You chose here." She whimpered softly, her smile still cemented on her face, "Of course you chose here."

It was where he'd grabbed her, kissed her senseless, changed everything. Batman's smile was softer than hers, his expression more relaxed. "This seemed appropriate." He replied. He heard Catwoman sniffle slightly before she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him. With a hush, Batman hugged her back and soothed some of her overwhelmed sobs away with gentle caresses. "Where should I start, hmm?"

"Start wherever you want, I'm going to be a blubbering mess either way." She said into his shoulder, earning a soft laugh.

Moving her back some, Batman took a moment to look at her and swipe away a tear that made it by her mask and onto her cheek before catching her hands. "I'll keep it short, then." Straightening up and taking a deep breath, Batman swallowed his nerves and spoke, "I never gave much thought to the idea of marriage," Her breathing heaved at the word, "I never really thought it was possible, given my… lifestyle." His hands tightened slightly on hers,

"And then there was you. You didn't mind the duality, in fact I think you enjoy it." Catwoman whimpered again with a little laugh, trying to control her sobs as he continued, "You became the light of my life. My everything. Before I knew it, you made an idea that would never happen a reality." He took a steadying breath when she reached up and cupped his jaw, careful not to accidentally scratch him, "I love you," Batman said a bit softer before taking her left hand and pulling out another small box, "Selina," Dropping down to one knee, his cape pooled around him, he tipped open the box that most certainly didn't have a note in it, "Will you—"





"Yes!" Catwoman swooped down and threw her arms around his neck, nearly bulldozing him in the process. Batman chuckled against her as they shared a long embrace. When Catwoman finally pulled away, she looked down at the ring and nearly shrieked, "Oh my God, it's beautiful!"

The ring was stunning, as she had dreamed it would be. The diamond in the center was squared—and probably could be seen from space, she'd ask Superman later—flanked by two triangular diamonds on a platinum band. Even considering its size and that it no doubt cost five times more than her previous apartment, it had an elegance, wasn't too busy. And even better, it appeared it would fit nicely under her glove.

"Did you not see it a minute ago?" Batman asked, Catwoman absently shaking her head before she yanked her glove off. He placed a soft kiss to her hand and then carefully slid the ring on her finger. "Perfect."

"Perfect." She agreed, holding her hand out to look at it. She was officially taken. Gladly, proudly, for the world to see. Rewrapping her arms around him, she pulled him into another hug and kissed him, "I," She pulled him back in, "Love," Another kiss, "You," Another, "So," Another, "Much." And she pulled him into a long one for good measure.

When they eventually stood, Catwoman forced herself to glove her hand again, though she could have stared at her finger all night. "I've been meaning to ask you," She finally said softly, leaning into his body and enjoying his warmth, "What is this place, exactly?" Gesturing at the doorway beside them, her eyebrow rose beneath her mask.

"Actually," Batman followed her gaze, "I'm pretty sure it's a funeral home."

Catwoman's laughter was uproarious.

The Batcave was mostly quiet and almost deserted, only the squeaks of bats as they fluttered about in their home and the pair occupying Bruce's chair filling otherwise silence.

Having changed into clothes less fear inducing and more comfortable—while having a great deal of fun in the process—Selina now leaned back against him in his chair. He kept one arm secured around her waist while the other held her hand, keeping out of the way so as not to disrupt her leering at the ring occupying its new home.

"Your hands are so small." He mused softly, placing a kiss on her mostly bared shoulder.

"No," She contradicted, "They're normal, yours are just massive." Unfolding his hand, she made her point by lining up their palms and showing her fingers only stretched halfway up his.

"Six of one." Bruce replied, clasping her hand once more and earning a chuckle.

Selina leaned into him a little more and took a deep breath. "We're really going to get married." She murmured.

"We really are."

"Do you think things will be different at all?"

"No, I don't," Bruce assured, "Let's face it, you already live here, your cat has grown accustomed to sleeping on me, and we have sex on a regular basis. We're practically married already, we just need papers."

Laughter poured from her and she nodded a bit, "That's a very good point. We've kind of been doing the dance already, haven't we?"

He hummed confirmation, "Plus, you'll get another ring."

Selina sat up with a gasp and swung her legs side saddle over his while she looked down to her hand, "Ooh, that's right. A major benefit, I must admit." She wiggled her eyebrows at him and received an amused snort.

"My bank accounts are in trouble, aren't they?"

"You better believe it." She felt his hand slide up and down her back before she slung her arm around the back of his neck. "Bruce?" He hummed in reply, "You know that's not what I care about, right?" Her eyes narrowed on him, and even though she knew the answer, she just wanted to hear it again.

"Yeah, I know." His smile turned warm and his other hand found her thigh, "That's why I love you."

Her fingertips brushed his jaw as she planted a lazy kiss on him, quietly returning his sentiment before she leaned back, "I would love to take you upstairs and show you just how excited I am about this," Selina's shoulders sagged, "But I'm exhausted."

Bruce laughed. "Well maybe tomorrow, then."

"Oh, tomorrow you're going to be begging me to leave you alone."

"I doubt that."

"We'll see." Selina grinned and brushed the tip of her nose against his. "For now, how about we just get some sleep?"

Bruce showed a gentle expression and released any remaining tension on a breath. "I'd like that very much."

And that's what they did. Wrapped up in each other, they fell into a peaceful slumber that had become their norm. No more nightmares, sleepless nights, heartbreak, or pestering doubts. They finally had what they'd each wanted. Bruce found something—someone—that repaired his broken heart and calmed his soul. Selina found the most valuable thing she could ever—would ever steal, him, and her raging desire for thrills was quenched everyday through their partnership.

In truth, they both knew neither one of them was flawless. They knew the other's faults, shortcomings, knew there would be fights, times they'd want to strangle one another. They certainly weren't perfect, but they were perfect for each other. Complementary. Together, they were whole.

And that made their complex relationship simple.




THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING! I can't thank you all enough for taking this journey with me, for being patient and for all your kind words. It not only meant so very much, it also helped keep me going and push out fifteen chapters. I CAN'T THANK YOU GUYS ENOUGH!

Now, I will no doubt write one-shots based in this storyline, because what BatCat marriage is complete without Helena? And I might, at some point, should the mood strike me, go back through and fix it up a little (I.E. grammar, format, ect.). But for now, that's all, folks! It's hard to believe I wrote this much, starting from a couple of ideas that I couldn't get unstuck from my brain, I crossed 70,000+ characters with this. WTF. :'D I know it could be improved upon, but I'm insanely proud none the less because normally I'm kinda flaky. *smacked*

P.S. When I say two years, it's really more like one and a half. Considering it's summer. That was just bothering me. GREATLY.

I hope you all had half as much fun reading this as I did writing it!