Hi! It's me again, with this story... hope you like it! I was inspired by a lot of stuff, I hope this will be of your liking... ^^ Enjoy!

It was a cloudy day, a lot of chances that it would rain. First day of classes and as such, everyone was getting ready for school.

A blonde boy walks down the street with a bored expression upon his face. He walked slowly with both of his hands in his gray pant's pockets. Since it was a little cold, he wore a black sweater, which had a large V neck and three buttons at the bottom. And to complete his school's uniform he had on a white cotton shirt with the school's logo and black shinny shoes.

He looked gorgeous. Several girls stopped to look his way but he, as always, ignored them. 'How annoying can they get?' He though uncomfortable as he continued walking until he stopped in front of a two-level high white house. He rang the doorbell and waited.

"Coming! Ouch!" A voice form the second floor screamed, the blonde looked up to the second window as a head with brown wild hair popped. "Hey, Matt. I'll be down in a minute." And with that, the boy disappeared.

Matt, eyes closed, sighed as he ran a hand through his shinny golden hair. Suddenly the door open, a petite brunette looked at his blue-navy eyes. "Matt! Oh, hi! Tai'll be out in no time, wanna come in?"

"No thanks, Kari, if I do your brother might take even longer." He gave her a small smile which surprised her. He didn't smile often and truly meant it. At least to girls, that is. She felt herself blushing under his gaze and quickly lowered her head.

"Yo! Sorry it took me so long," the boy who had popped out of the window said. He had toasty skin and chocolate eyes; he was dressed just like Matt except his sweater wasn't buttoned up and he wore some black Skechers instead of regular shoes, "but I was combing my hair."

Matt blinked once or twice and looked at his hair, still it was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. He snickered and put an arm on the other boy's shoulders, "Ok, Tai, let's go over the concept of combing one's hair."

Tai jerked away from the blonde's grip. "Oh, shut up Mr. I'm-so- perfect-and-you're-not." He started walking down the street.

"Hey!" Matt screamed. "What's that supposed to mean?" He ran to his friend side.

The brown haired boy chuckled. "Oh, nothin'," he turned his head to look at Matt, "Better hurry up, y'know how the teachers get all stingy and shit when we're late."

"Well, excuse me, but I wasn't the one who was late."


The two boys were talking for a while when they see an electric blue Mini Cooper stopped at the traffic signal getting Tai's attention. "Whoa! Check it out, Matt!"

Matt turned around and chuckled. "Yeah, cool car, huh?"

"Actually," Tai grabbed both Matt's shoulders and leaned to his right, "I was looking at the driver."

"How can you prefer seeing who is driving than this beauty! You don't see one of those often." Matt turned his head to the right so he could see the leaning Tai who was behind him.

"Cuz you don't see one of those often!" He grabbed Matt's jaw and turns it in the direction of the car, to the driver to be more specific. "Plus, she's more of a beauty than the car!"

Matt blinked twice before looking at the driver intensely. It was a girl. She looked around his age, maybe a year younger than him. She had long chestnut hair; in some parts it almost looked golden. She had on sun glasses, which made her look sexy, but still he wanted to see her facial features more clearly.

'Funny. a cloudy day and she's wearing sun glasses.' Matt snickered, he tried to look at her clothes when suddenly the light turns green and she speeds up until she disappeared on the street.

Tai sighed. "She sure was a babe. hope I see her again."

"That is practically impossible, Tai, and you know it."

"Hey, man of little faith."

"Whatever," Matt started walking with his usual expressionless face, but he kept thinking. 'Who's that girl? I wish I could see you again. sometime.'

Tai looked at his friend's back walking toward their school, he took one last glance in the direction the Mini Cooper disappeared then he sighed and sped up to Matt's side.

Hey!^^ Watchya think? I know it's short but should I continue? Your reviews will make a difference! Plz, review!