I started writing this just after episode one aired so a lot of the details (such as Rin having his own room) have been completely ruined by canon at this point. We're just going to pretend that this takes place in a parallel universe or something.

Matsuoka Rin: That little redheaded shit on my swimming team is definitely your brother.

Matsuoka Rin: Tell him to keep the hell away from my sister.

Shaking his head, Rin clicked away from his Facebook messages, opening a new tab and bringing up a list of the latest times coming from international swimming competitions. He wasn't quite at their level just yet, but it was always good to keep an eye on the sort of times he was hoping to be competing against within a couple of years.

Before he could get too far through the lists, though, the unmistakable sound of a new message pinged repeatedly through his speakers, making him click back to Facebook.

Mikoshiba Seijuurou: Ha!

Mikoshiba Seijuurou: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha

Mikoshiba Seijuurou: Hahahaha.

Mikoshiba Seijuurou: No but seriously, little Momo's got good taste

Mikoshiba Seijuurou: Though I don't think you need to worry, he's got a couple of years to go until he grows the kind of muscles that your sister likes.

And as much as Rin hated to admit it, that was true. His sister's borderline creepy obsession with muscles meant that the little Mikoshiba wasn't going to get anywhere with her. Although at least Momotarou was closer to her age than Seijuurou...not that Rin wanted either of the Mikoshibas anywhere near his sister.

Matsuoka Rin: I just thought I was done with this shit now that you're at university.

Matsuoka Rin: But no, nothing's ever that easy for me is it.

Matsuoka Rin: You goddamn Mikoshibas are the bane of my existence, I swear.

Glancing at the time in the bottom corner of his screen, Rin cursed as he quickly shut down his laptop, jumping off his bed and quickly getting into his legskins. Being the captain of the team meant showing up to practice early enough to set up, and although Ai was always happy to help out with that, Rin didn't feel good about letting him do all the work.

Training passed about as well as it normally did, with almost every team member posting times above their average. Surprisingly enough, Rin was particularly impressed with Mikoshiba Momotarou: the kid acted like an idiot, but when he put his mind to it, it became obvious that he'd taken after his older brother in the talent department. Rin had no doubt that by third year, the kid would be just as tall and as broad as Seijuurou, with the speed to match.

"Probably just as handsome, too," Rin thought with a scowl, accidentally terrifying the poor first year he happened to be facing. He didn't think that smiling reassuringly at the kid afterwards had helped at all, considering how many times over the years Nagisa had told him that his smiles looked more like he was baring his oddly sharp teeth.

Deciding to call it a day before he accidentally provoked half the team into quitting out of fear, Rin blew the whistle hanging around his neck and waved everyone out of the water.

"Alright guys," he began once the boys had gathered around him, "I know we're in a bit of a quiet period for competitions, but it's good to see that none of you are getting lazy with training. Keep it up, and enjoy the rest of your weekend." Waving the group away, and only stumbling a little when Sousuke slapped him on the back on his way past, Rin waited until everyone had filed into the locker room and then began to stretch out his muscles, lightly bouncing on the balls of his feet to warm up a little.

The obvious downside to being the captain was that he rarely got to train with the rest of the team, often being too busy timing and helping other members to get into the pool himself. That meant that even on a Saturday morning, he had to spend an extra hour or so in the gym, keeping himself in top competitive shape.

It wouldn't do for the captain of the Samezuka swim team to get beaten, after all.

Beginning with a couple of slow freestyle laps to warm up his shoulders, it didn't take long for Rin to be ready to take things seriously and he pulled himself out of the pool, readjusting his swim cap and goggles.

"You wanna be timed?" He heard a voice yell from across the pool, and he looked up to see Sousuke grinning at him, stopwatch in hand.

"Sure, why not?" Rin called back, taking up a starting position as he waited for his friend to make the call. The yelled signal cut through the quiet gym, the other team members having left while Rin was still warming up, and Rin felt good as he dove into the water, legs together as he kicked his way to the surface. The tension in his shoulders bled out as he pushed himself to use perfect butterfly technique, and before he knew it he was turning at the end of the fifty metre pool.

He could feel that his time was going to be fast and so he pushed himself that little bit harder, wanting his national team-bound friend to see just why he was team captain. Cruising home at the end of one hundred metres, Rin slapped his hand against the pool wall, pulling off his cap and goggles in one smooth motion and seeing Sousuke hold his hand out.

Grabbing hold, Rin couldn't help but notice just how easily Sousuke lifted him from the pool, those ridiculously broad shoulders and well-muscled arms containing a stupid amount of strength.

Before he'd even left Australia, Rin had admitted to himself that guys like Sousuke were exactly his type: tall men with powerful upper bodies, the kind of guys who looked like they could pick him up and fuck him against a wall with little effort.

...He and Gou were more similar than he would ever admit.

Despite that, though, he'd known Sousuke for too many years for the man to be anything more than a close friend, even if the other boy hadn't been straight and in a relationship with a girl back in Tokyo. Rin had never been more grateful for those facts than he was in that very moment, because the wet tiles of the gym caught him off guard, causing him to slip towards Sousuke until strong arms caught him like a damsel in distress.

"Clumsy asshole," Sousuke laughed, propping Rin upright again and then patting him condescendingly on the head. Rin slapped his hand away with a glare, this time purposely baring his teeth until Sousuke raised his hands in mock surrender.

Despite outward appearances, Rin was happy that he and his old friend could still dick around with each other: he'd only told two people he was gay, with Sousuke being the second after his sister. It had just been easier to tell the brunet than any of the Iwatobi boys, because Rin knew that he couldn't have told one of them without the others finding out. Makoto tried to hide things but eventually got too guilty about it, Nagisa was a horrible gossip, and Haru had never understood why people kept secrets when they could just "let the water know everything."

So that had left Sousuke, and thankfully now that they were together again, there was no awkwardness between them. Always open with physical contact as a child, Sousuke had possibly gotten even worse as he grew up, forever slinging his arm around people and slapping team mates on the back. He didn't treat Rin any differently than he did their straight club members, and Rin would be forever thankful for that. If anything, in fact, Rin was fairly certain that more than one person around the school thought they were dating, with their physical closeness and long-standing friendship the main causes of suspicion.

But there was only one tall, broad and handsome swimmer that could keep Rin awake at night, and his name certainly wasn't Sousuke. Rin bit his lip as the man's image flashed in his mind, and he squirmed a little awkwardly in his legskins as he pushed the visual aside.

"You okay?" Sousuke called from where he was comparing Rin's new time sheet with the folder that held every team member's times, and Rin shook himself back to reality before he could embarrass himself. "I'm fine. How'd I go?"

Sousuke was grinning widely as he looked up from the sheets of paper he was holding, and Rin immediately knew that he was about to get some good news. "You fucking tank, you knocked point seven seconds off your best lap time and point four seconds off your best total time. How long since you were last timed?"

Rin grinned back, immensely pleased with himself. "Not for a while, I've been too busy helping everyone else and we haven't had any competitions yet this year."

"Dude, keep going like this and we'll both be going to nationals."

"We'll see," Rin smiled before moving towards Sousuke, pushing him lightly in the arm. "I'll get you to time me again another day, but for today I was mostly planning on taking it a little easier than competition level. Go enjoy having the rest of the day off."

"Yes, sir, Captain, sir," Sousuke snickered, turning around and ignoring Rin flipping him off. "Don't push yourself too hard, and text me later if you wanna grab some lunch."

"Yes, Mum," Rin snarked back as he started to put his swim cap on. "Now fuck off, you're distracting me."

Sousuke's laugh echoed through the gym as the man left through the heavy double doors, making Rin smile to himself as he set back up on the starting block. The Iwatobi boys were good friends, but Sousuke was just that little bit more on his level.

The rest of the day passed in a bit of a blur for Rin, between the rest of his training session, lunch with Sousuke and a few other boys from the team, and studying for an upcoming test. It wasn't until he was settled into bed for the night that he finally grabbed his laptop again, opening Facebook and seeing a couple of new messages waiting for him.

He skipped past the one from Gou, knowing that he couldn't be bothered dealing with whatever his sister wanted right then and there. The more interesting messages, in his opinion, were from a certain redheaded ex-captain currently attending university in a nearby city.

Mikoshiba Seijuurou: It's a good thing that I know you're joking and that you actually love us both

Mikoshiba Seijuurou: Otherwise my feelings would be seriously hurt

Mikoshiba Seijuurou: But anyway, if you want Momo to do something, tell him yourself

Mikoshiba Seijuurou: You're his captain.

Rin ran a hand through his hair, trying to figure out how to phrase his point without sounding too whiney.

Matsuoka Rin: I just don't want your brother getting distracted whenever we have a joint practice with Iwatobi, and considering how similar the two of you are, I figure he's not going to listen to a damn word I say.

Although the little green dot next to Mikoshiba's name told Rin that his former captain was online, he certainly wasn't expecting the immediate response that popped up in his inbox.

Mikoshiba Seijuurou: I didn't let you order me around because you weren't my captain

Mikoshiba Seijuurou: Momo will listen to his captain

Mikoshiba Seijuurou: He's a little shit, but a good kid.

Rin groaned, knowing the source of all his insecurities but not really wanting to tell anyone about it.

But then again, who else other than Mikoshiba would know exactly what he was going through? Swallowing what little pride he had left, Rin quickly typed out his next message, hitting send before he could think about regretting it.

Matsuoka Rin: I just don't think I can be as good of a captain as you were.

Slamming his laptop shut as his cheeks flamed with embarrassment, Rin shoved it onto the desk next to his single bed, flicking his lamp off and burrowing under the covers of his bed.

He'd deal with all this some other time.


Rin woke up late the next morning, feeling far more refreshed and relaxed than he thought he would. His dick was semi-hard with morning wood, but he didn't feel any particular urge to deal with it right away, instead ignoring it to lean over and grab his laptop.

He could get off later, when he was awake enough to really enjoy it- one of the benefits of being a third year and a team captain was getting to have a single dorm, and not having to schedule his jerking off around a roommate. In the meantime, he idly scanned through a few different websites, eventually succumbing to the ominous pull of his Facebook inbox.

The message from Gou was still there, and it was ignored once again. Rin could only bring himself to care about the message thread accompanied by a picture of a grinning Mikoshiba. Forcing himself to deal with the consequences of his ill thought out actions, Rin clicked through to his new messages.

Mikoshiba Seijuurou: You gotta be kidding me

Mikoshiba Seijuurou: If you're just fishing for compliments I'm gonna kill you

Mikoshiba Seijuurou: Matsuoka

Mikoshiba Seijuurou: You there?

Mikoshiba Seijuurou: Rin

Mikoshiba Seijuurou: Alright, serious talk.

Mikoshiba Seijuurou: I wouldn't have named you captain if I didn't think you could do a good job

Mikoshiba Seijuurou: The others respect you a lot, and I know that I would've been happy with a captain like you.

Mikoshiba Seijuurou: If you ever need anything, you can talk to me.

Rin could practically visualise the dumb, encouraging grin that would've been on Mikoshiba's face as he typed those words, and it honestly did make him feel a little better. The man wasn't a bullshitter: he didn't lie just to spare people's feelings...something Rin knew all too well after that relay debacle.

Though it had been very lucky for Rin that Mikoshiba was only strict and serious when he needed to be, because otherwise he would have had a very hard time keeping it in his legskins during training.

Then again, what the hell was Mikoshiba thinking, training and competing in a ridiculously Speedo? Rin could name all of about five high schoolers who felt that particular need, although Seijuurou certainly pulled it off a lot better than any of them. All those long limbs, tanned skin and well-developed muscles...

There was no doubt in Rin's mind that the older Mikoshiba knew exactly what he was doing to people whenever he strutted about in a tiny piece of material that left very little to the imagination, the fucking show-off.

The worst part was that it worked every single time. Practices the previous year had often ended in very uncomfortable ways if Rin couldn't find some time to himself, or in frantic masturbation sessions if he could. And, as it turned out, those masturbation sessions weren't over just because Seijuurou was no longer at Samezuka.

Just remembering how the previous captain had looked whenever he casually posed nearly naked around the pool had Rin's cock taking a renewed interest in the situation, and this time he didn't think it would be anywhere near as easy to ignore what his body wanted.

Shoving his laptop aside, Rin looked down to where his newly-excited semi was somewhat visible under his sheets, and he threw those off his body before there was a chance of them getting messy. His grey sweats were unceremoniously shoved down and off his body, and he didn't see any point in teasing himself before wrapping one hand around his dick, coaxing it towards full hardness.

As they always did, memories of Seijuurou thoroughly did the trick, remembered moments and fantasy images blending together to create Rin's favourite type of porn. He had a pretty good idea of what Mikoshiba would look like naked and aroused: a few stolen glances in the showers had never hurt anyone, and the former captain had had a bad habit of slouching down on the spectator bleachers, his legs splayed apart and Speedo straining to contain his package.

Tightening his grip a little, though still mindful of his dry hands, Rin wondered how it would go if Seijuurou was to walk into his room right then and there. Logic took a backseat as fantasy took over, and Rin breathed heavily as he pictured the man's usual happy-go-lucky expression twisting into something seductive and predatory. The movements of his hand sped up as he imagined Mikoshiba pulling off all his clothes, exposing his own hard cock as he walked towards the bed, settling over Rin as a warm, heavy presence that demanded all of his attention.

Rin had long since decided that Mikoshiba would know exactly what he was doing, being able to show off his strength without actually hurting the smaller redhead. Flipping himself onto his knees and elbows, pretending that it was Mikoshiba's big hands lifting and pulling him into position, Rin let the side of his face press into the mattress, his hand going back down to jack his dick.

He let his knees splay apart, back arching and blood pumping as he fantasised about Mikoshiba taking his rightful spot behind him, strong fingers running up and down his body as a deep voice told Rin to keep touching himself. Sharp teeth sank into Rin's bottom lip as he tried to keep himself from making too much noise when his fist sped up: he might have had a private room, but that didn't mean that the walls weren't uncomfortably thin.

However, noise was no issue in his fantasy. Mikoshiba let out a pleased groan as his slick cock slipped between Rin's ass cheeks, the head briefly catching on his hole before sliding past, tapping against the back of Rin's balls before pulling away completely.

Knowing that he wanted to come as soon as possible, Rin settled himself more comfortably on the mattress, his hand jerking his dick frantically as he imagined what it would feel like the first time Mikoshiba slid right inside him. Rin had his suspicions, thanks to a not-too-big dildo that Gou had bought him as a gag 'Welcome Home' gift that had been a lot less of a joke than she would ever know, but he hoped that the real thing would be even better than impersonal plastic.

Unfortunately, he was too close to the end to be bothered to dig the toy out of his wardrobe, instead settling for remembering how it felt to be stretched and filled, while imagining the kinds of things Mikoshiba might say as he pushed his way inside Rin.

Somewhere around hearing Mikoshiba's deep voice telling him how hot and tight he was, Rin vaguely managed to throw his free hand out to quickly grab a handful of tissues, barely avoiding overbalancing before he rolled onto his side, one hand quickly beating himself off as the other cupped the head of his dick.

With a muffled grunt, Rin let himself come into the wad of tissues in his hand, hips thrusting awkwardly as he kept stroking himself through his climax. He felt boneless and satisfied from his orgasm, the way that only fantasising about Seijuurou could leave him, and it took a good few minutes before he frantically tossed the filthy tissues into the bin, embarrassment flaring up as he shoved a pillow over his face and sighed into it.

Getting off to his older captain was one thing, but it was a completely different issue when it came to the fact that he had to be captain to a mini replica of the man he'd just fantasised about fucking.

If Rin was lucky, maybe Momotarou would be sick or something on Monday.