Of course, like everything else in the world, it wasn't perfect.

They had their disagreements, Rin accusing Seijuurou of treating him like a kid, or Seijuurou wondering if Rin really knew what he wanted or if he was just experimenting.

Neither truly believed what they were saying whenever their tempers started to flare, and they never got out of hand before things could be reined in, but it still hurt both of them to know that they had quite a way to go before there was nothing but trust between them. With the way the beginning of their relationship had panned out, it wasn't exactly surprising.

Things came to a head the first time Rin let Seijuurou come to pick him up, all their dates over the previous two months having involved them meeting at their destination. Although he'd started university, the swim team had not yet begun practices, and so Rin had taken advantage of his free time to spend a few nights at his parents' house. He thought he had timed it well enough that his parents wouldn't be around when Seijuurou arrived, as they didn't exactly know about his homosexual relationship, but somehow it had slipped his mind that Gou would still be home. Still, Rin figured that he could sneak out the door before his sister noticed what was happening.

It was around midday on Sunday when there was a knock on the door, but as Rin was busy running around putting the last of his outfit together while hiding what he was doing from his sister, he didn't hear the noise.

It was only when he heard a boisterous exclamation of his sister's name that he realised what time it was, making him swear loudly and awkwardly button his pants as he ran towards the door.

Seijuurou was grinning at Gou, and although it wasn't quite as flirtatious as it used to be, it still made a dark flare stab into Rin's stomach in the brief moment before gold eyes lifted to look into his own.

Rather than indulging the feeling, though, Rin ignored it as he damn near pushed his utterly confused sister out of the way, shoving his feet into the first pair of his shoes that he found.

"Hey," Seijuurou greeted him in a far softer tone, one that Rin only ever heard the older man use towards him, and as Rin smiled back at him, he decided to let whatever else he was feeling go.

"I'll be back later tonight," Rin said over the questions his sister was trying to ask, closing the door in her face before she could try any harder to interrogate them. Seijuurou immediately cracked up laughing, slinging an arm around Rin's shoulders but keeping their bodies far enough apart that anyone watching would just think it was friendly.

"What's so funny?"

"I think Gou thought I was stalking her."

Rin laughed in reply, but his uneasiness returned and it was all he could do to keep it at bay while they had lunch at a quiet restaurant not too far from Seijuurou's apartment. Indeed, he could barely remember how they made it back to Sei's place, let alone how they'd ended up on the couch, vaguely watching some talk show with Seijuurou leaning back against the couch arm, Rin nestled between his spread legs.

There was nothing sexual about the closeness, and Rin knew that that was contributing to the fact that he just couldn't get comfortable against the broad chest behind him, his own body tense and awkward.

There was nothing sexual about the closeness because there had barely been anything sexual about their relationship at all, and Rin just couldn't stop thinking about all the reasons why that might be.

"You okay?"

And of course Seijuurou noticed Rin's discomfort, his arms wrapping around the smaller man's body to coax him into relaxing.

"I'm fine." Rin hadn't meant for his reply to sound so sharp, and he winced at his own stupidity, knowing that he wasn't going to like whatever happened next.

"Rin, you've been distracted all day. Do you wanna tell me what's going on?" Sei's hands were now rubbing soothingly up and down Rin's biceps, and if he hadn't been feeling so out of it, Rin knew he would've been fighting a hard-on.

"Don't worry about it."

The hands kept rubbing his arms as Seijuurou sighed, his breath rustling Rin's hair. "I thought we agreed to talk things through. Keep us from any more stupid misunderstandings on either of our parts."

For a while, the only sounds of note in the room were the TV and the rustling of clothing as Seijuurou continued to rub Rin's arms, still trying to draw some of the tension from his silent boyfriend.

When Rin finally decided to speak, it was so soft that Seijuurou barely managed to hear him, despite the fact that they were sitting so close together.

"D-do you...still like my sister?"

The hands on his arms stilled abruptly, the warmth from the continuous movement quickly fading away as Rin stared resolutely at the wall in front of him. He initially resisted as Sei's grip tightened minutely and tried to turn him, but as it became more insistent, Rin gave in and let himself be turned to face his boyfriend.

Big, gentle hands cupped his face, lifting it until he was looking into concerned gold eyes and he had nowhere to hide.

"Why would you think that, Rin?"

Looking away as his cheeks burned with embarrassment and shame, Rin expressed what he'd been feeling all afternoon, letting the dark feeling in his gut bubble uncomfortably. "It's just...seeing the two of you today...you chased after her for so long, and I...I feel like I'm not even the one you want."

"Oh, Rin," Seijuurou breathed, pulling his boyfriend close and wrapping him up in a hug, letting his chin rest on top of Rin's head.

"Me flirting with Gou...it ended up just being a bit of fun. She wasn't interested, I knew that, and admittedly, I may have pushed a bit much, but...it was never meant to be anything more than harmless flirting, yeah?"

His hands gripping the front of Seijuurou's shirt, Rin let himself breath deeply, taking in his boyfriend's scent as he let the words calm him down.

"But why don't you ever seem interested in me...like, sexually?" The last word was barely choked out, and Rin was fairly certain he was about to die out of shame.

"Wait, wait, wait," Seijuurou said in a tone that was far more amused than Rin thought was necessary. He was about to fight his way out of the arms around him when Sei detangled them himself, softly pushing Rin back until he could see his face. "You serious?"

"I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't," Rin muttered, glaring off to the side as Seijuurou grabbed his hands.

"That is the furthest thing from the truth," Seijuurou said without a trace of shame, almost making Rin feel jealous with how easily he could talk about this stuff. "I'd love to go further with you, but you just didn't seem interested in it. I know you've never been in a proper relationship before, so I didn't want to push you."

Finally looking back at the older man, Rin narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "And you didn't think to, I don't know, discuss that with me?"

There was no real heat behind it, but apparently that was enough to finally make Sei feel ashamed, the man biting his lip and avoiding Rin's eyes.

"Okay, I deserve that. Look, I'm gonna lay it all out right now. I really like you, I like dating you, and I think you're the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. And as much as I'd love to have sex with you, I'm not about to make you do anything you don't want to."

Nodding slowly, Rin rolled the words through his mind, eventually shifting back on the couch and encouraging Seijuurou to scooch down further towards him, until the taller man was lying completely flat. Careful not to let his knees or elbows jab anywhere painful, Rin arranged himself until he was lying half on top of his boyfriend, the other half of his body tucked between Sei and the back of the couch.

They were a little too big for the space, but Rin didn't let that stop him as he tucked his face into the crook of Seijuurou's neck, humming contentedly as a hand twisted around to run through his hair.

"I like you a lot, too," he mumbled into Seijuurou's skin, certain that the man could still hear him from the low chuckle he received in return.

For a while, they both managed to turn their attention to the TV, but Rin couldn't deny the fact that hearing Sei talk about having sex with him had lit a fire in his stomach, even if he wasn't sporting a full-blown erection. Yet.

In all honesty, he lasted longer than he thought he would before the smooth skin of Seijuurou's neck became too much of a temptation, and he let his lips run over it in a series of quick kisses.

He could feel the way Sei's breathing hitched and so pushed a bit further, letting each point of contact go for a bit longer and be a bit firmer. Beneath him, Seijuurou was starting to squirm a little, and Rin took advantage of the movement to slip away from the back of the couch, shifting until he was sitting up on the other man's lower stomach.

Sei's big hands were warm on his hips even through the material of his shirt, and as Rin leant forward his own hands slipped from Seijuurou's pectorals to his shoulders, and then down onto the couch so that they rested on either side of his head.

He started with a quick peck to Sei's lips, soon followed by another, and then a longer, deeper kiss that eventually had Seijuurou gripping Rin's shoulders to separate their bodies.

"Look," the bigger redhead started, the lightest beginnings of a flush starting on the very tops of his cheekbones. "I know what I said earlier, but I don't want you to think that you have to start anything right here and now."

Rin's unimpressed look would probably have been more effective if he wasn't fairly certain that Sei could feel the semi pressing into his abdomen.

"I only held back because I thought you didn't want it." Any embarrassment was quickly being crushed under the weight of his growing anticipation, and Rin shrugged Seijuurou's hands off his shoulders, leaning right down until he could feel the other's breath on his face.

"I'm an eighteen year old virgin and you're my boyfriend who I've been fantasising about since all of a week after I met you. If you don't put your dick in me then I am going to burst a blood vessel in my balls."

Seijuurou stared blankly into Rin's too-close eyes for a few long, stretched-out seconds, and then all of a sudden it seemed like tension Rin hadn't even noticed was all flooding out of his body at once, leaving Sei to practically melt into the comfortable couch cushions.

"Oh, thank god," he groaned, one hand awkwardly reaching around Rin to adjust himself in his jeans. "My self-control is legendary, but you were pushing it."

"Wait, you mean-" Rin cut himself off, thinking back and quickly realising that not once had he seen his boyfriend with anything close to a hard-on. He hadn't noticed at the time because he was always too busy trying to will away or hide his own, but now that he actually thought about it, wasn't that a little weird?

"I'm a raging bisexual who was on the swim team at an all-boys' school. Did you really think there'd be any way to wear a Speedo that didn't involve being really, really good at staying soft?"

Before Rin could try to answer the rhetorical question, and definitely before he could think about his boyfriend trying not to get turned on in front of the team, Seijuurou had them flipped over, Rin's eyes going wide as the world suddenly turned on him and his back fell against the couch. Seijuurou stretched his bigger frame out along Rin's, avoiding putting his whole weight onto his boyfriend but still managing enough physical contact to keep him happy for the moment.

"But if you're...up for it, then I guess I can let go." Momentarily struck by how similar Sei's smirk was to the one he'd seen in his fantasies however many times, Rin could barely respond as the other man swept in close, pushing his tongue into Rin's mouth for a passionate kiss.

He eventually managed to get with the program, carding a hand through bright hair and using it to keep Seijuurou close, as his other hand shakily ran down his boyfriend's flank and up under his shirt.

Hard muscle was all that greeted him, the swimmer's frame sleek enough to barely have an ounce of extra fat on it, and despite the fact that Rin had seen that torso more than he could possibly remember, he was hit by the sudden urge to get the shirt off Seijuurou as quickly as possible.

The hand buried in red hair quickly joined the other underneath the T-shirt even as they kept kissing, and Rin had it rucked up under Sei's armpits before they even had a chance to separate.

Still, with enough insistent tugging, Rin managed to wordlessly convince the other man to sit up, and it definitely wasn't accidental that Sei repeatedly brushed up against Rin's denim-covered erection as he manoeuvred into a sitting position, knees bracketing Rin's hips.

Rin was certainly acting more confidently than he felt, and he began to feel more than a little out of his depth as Sei grabbed the back of his shirt, pulling it off with one smooth motion and giving Rin the close-up he'd been after for longer than could possibly be healthy.

Fantasy was good and all, but now that he had that expanse of taut, tanned skin right in front of him, he had no idea what to possibly do with his quaking hands. Seijuurou seemed to notice, and although Rin briefly steeled himself for some sort of teasing laughter, he should have known better.

The fingers that encircled his wrists lifted his hands until his own fingers were splayed across Seijuurou's abs, feeling the dips of the well-defined muscles and the way they contracted as he tentatively let his thumbs start rubbing back and forth.

"There you go," Sei mumbled, leaning forward and adopting the position Rin had been in earlier, getting right up in his boyfriend's face. "Don't be so worried, you can put your hands all over me and I'll love it."

Rin's reply was cut off as Sei started to kiss him again, his dick throbbing as he worked his hands out from between their bodies and ran them across a tanned back.

He felt overheated and trapped in his own fully-dressed state, and having Seijuurou on top of him where Rin could just feel his erection sometimes brushing his stomach wasn't helping in the least.

"Is this okay?" Seijuurou muttered, utterly confusing Rin until a determined hand slipped between them and cupped the smaller redhead's dick through his jeans, gently rubbing it and sending shocks of pleasure down Rin's spine.

"Uh-huh," Rin forced out as his fingers pressed into Seijuurou's shoulders, his hips moving up to get more glorious contact from that hand. He quickly ended up wrapping his arms around Sei's neck as the older man unbuckled his belt, pausing to look up for more enthusiastically-given consent before awkwardly shifting their bodies until he could pull Rin's jeans and underwear down his thighs.

It felt odd to be so intimately exposed to someone, especially as none of his clothes were actually off entirely, but Rin wasn't exactly going to protest now that a hand that wasn't his own was slowly starting to rub up and down his dick.

"Fuck," Rin gasped as his hips jolted, one knee jerking and almost slamming into Seijuurou. The older redhead laughed as he felt the movement, his tone amused as he said, "Easy, Rin. I'm not a masochist, so let's keep injuries to a minimum."

"Sorr-" Rin started before he was cut off, Sei gripping him a little better and making him lose the inclination to speak.

"Nuh-uh, no feeling bad. This is about feeling good."

Smiling a little bashfully, Rin shifted on the couch, only to wince when his shoulder hit an uncomfortable angle. "Um...do you think we could maybe, uh, do t-this somewhere else?"

He felt like an idiot the moment he said it, but Sei's excited grin assuaged most of his worries, the taller man bouncing to his feet and somehow managing to pull Rin's pants off almost entirely as he went. The cool air on his now-untouched dick didn't feel particularly pleasant, so Rin wasn't about to hesitate as he took the hand that Seijuurou was holding out to him.

As he was pulled up, he shook his jeans off his ankles, only barely managing to avoid the urge to cover his painfully hard dick with his free hand. The pair of them probably looked ridiculous together, Rin in just a shirt and Sei in just his pants, but it wasn't like anyone else was around to see them as Seijuurou led Rin towards the bedroom by his hand.

The afternoon light coming through the bedroom window lit Seijuurou from behind as he very obviously looked Rin up and down, an excited smile on his face as he stepped in close and pulled Rin's shirt up and off, tossing it carelessly aside. Even though he knew he had nothing to worry about, a pang of self-consciousness hit Rin as it really clicked that he was standing naked and hard in front of Seijuurou, hungry eyes taking in every detail of his body.

He started to lift his hands to cross them defensively over his chest, but he forced himself to let it go, instead reaching out to grab the buckle of Sei's jeans.

Thankfully he managed to get it undone without embarrassing himself, and it didn't take long before Sei was just as naked as Rin was. Somehow, though, that just made Rin more self-conscious.

"What the fuck," he said flatly, his eyebrows rising as he flicked his gaze between Sei's face and cock. "How do you fit that in a Speedo?"

Truthfully, Seijuurou wasn't enormous, and probably didn't come close to most of the dicks Rin had seen in porn over the years, but he'd spent too much time surreptitiously looking at Sei during practice and occasionally in the showers, and his cock hadn't been as big as it was now.

Apparently Seijuurou was a grower.


"I'm gonna take that as a compliment," Sei laughed, one hand on his hip as the other slowly worked his dick.

"How are you even real?" Rin muttered under his breath, feeling himself throb as he watched Sei. The heated look he got in return had him forgetting any ideas about being self-conscious and swallowing hard, Rin pointed to the neatly made bed.

"Sit on the edge for me?"

Seijuurou clearly had no intentions of playing it cool, because he was almost immediately in the position Rin had requested, his legs spread comfortably so that Rin could see every detail of his shaved crotch.

Rin was definitely glad that his first time was going to be with another swimmer- he felt like some guys would probably have questions about his generally hairless body, but Seijuurou was exactly the same as him, so he didn't feel any embarrassment about how much time he clearly put into his shaving routine.

The apartment floor wasn't exactly comfortable on Rin's knees, but he barely noticed any discomfort due to the fact that he was about to get his mouth onto Sei's cock.

He'd never really fooled around before beyond a bit of making out, due to his dedication to swimming and then the depressive rut he'd fallen into, but he figured a dick was a dick as he made a light fist around Seijuurou, letting his thumb brush over the head like he did to himself.

When he wasn't immediately told to stop, Rin felt a boost in confidence and he let himself grip a little tighter, picking up a more natural rhythm. Precome was starting to appear on the head of Sei's dick now that his foreskin was out of the way, and Rin bit his lip as he decided it was now or never.

Leaning forward and letting his hand stop at the base of Sei's cock, Rin let the flat of his tongue collect the beading liquid, barely registering the odd taste due to the shuddering breath that Seijuurou let out.

Recalling what he'd read while absently flicking through the women's magazines that Gou occasionally left sitting around their parents' house, Rin took a deep breath to steady himself as he awkwardly tried to cover his teeth with his lips, taking the solid heat of a hard dick into his mouth.

Being completely unpractised, he didn't exactly get far before he thought he'd better stop pushing forward, not wanting to accidentally nick Sei with his sharp teeth. Still, the bigger man didn't seem bothered by Rin's lack of technique, his hands gripping the bed cover.

Seijuurou's knuckles went white as Rin suddenly gagged and pulled back, breath coming fast and hard through his nose as he flicked his tongue around the head as a consolation for his perceived failure.

"Don't push yourself," Sei said in a huskier tone than usual, his fingers running through Rin's hair and then tracing the line of his jaw even as Rin tried to take him in again. "Look, come up here so I can do you too."

Honestly surprised by how reluctant he was to let Sei's dick drop from his mouth, Rin stood up as his knees ached from the uncomfortable floor. He assumed that Sei was offering mutual blowjobs, and although he wasn't averse to the idea, he felt like he had an even better one.

"I...I want you to fuck me."

"You sure?"

Hoping that he wasn't going to fall and embarrass himself, Rin hooked his arms over Sei's shoulders, putting his knees on either side of his boyfriend's body and leaning in to kiss him. Strong arms went around his body to support his weight as he relished the feel of Seijuurou's tongue in his mouth, only pulling back when the insistent ache in his groin became too much.

"I'm sure."

Sei's gleeful expression was the only warning Rin got before he was suddenly being lifted, hands repositioning themselves under his ass as he was physically picked up, spun around and then deposited in the middle of Sei's queen mattress. The older redhead was digging through the drawers next to his bed, and Rin eyed the half-full bottle of lube that bounced onto the mattress, quickly followed by a condom.

"You okay to bottom? I'm happy to switch."

Rin tilted his head to look at Sei, still standing beside the bed. He hadn't exactly considered the possibility of topping, but although the idea put a throb of arousal in his lower stomach, he decided to put it aside for now.

"Later. I want you to top me first...if that's cool with you?"

"Of course," Sei smirked, crawling onto the bed and settling himself between Rin's spread thighs. Rin let himself fall back into the frantic making out, distracted enough that he didn't notice his boyfriend's multitasking until a finger covered in cool lube was rubbing over his asshole.

"You ever done this to yourself?" Sei asked as he gently slipped his finger inside, feeling out how much resistance Rin's body was going to put up. Rin gasped and let his head fall back on the pillow, squirming from the sensations of Sei's finger and the light kisses being placed across his bare chest.

"I have a dildo," he eventually forced out, slamming his mouth shut to muffle his moan when Sei added another lubed finger.

"Oh do you, now?" Sei asked, sounding like he was considering a million and one possibilities. Rin would've flushed in mortification, but he was fairly certain that his dick had stolen all of the available blood in his body, from the way it pulsed and throbbed as Seijuurou fingered him.

When Sei looked up, Rin felt like his heart was going to burst. Seijuurou's normally slicked-back hair had been thoroughly messed up by Rin's fingers, some of it falling onto his forehead and framing his face beautifully, his lips were a little swollen, and the expression on his face was one that Rin had never actually thought he'd get to see outside of fantasy.

"Fuck it," Rin blurted out as gleeful gold eyes stared up at him. "Hurry up and put your dick in me."

"Romantic," Sei drawled, but he pulled his fingers out after one more stroke over Rin's prostate, watching the way Rin's entire body seemed to shudder with pleasure. "How do you wanna do this?"

"Just like this," Rin said, gesturing to the way they were face-to-face. He'd get Sei to fuck him from behind while dirty talking some other time.

The bigger redhead gave him another one of those blinding grins, leaning up and dropping a pillow onto Rin's stomach. "Chuck that under your hips, make sure you're comfortable."

Following the directions he'd been given, Rin watched as Sei ripped open the condom, confidently rolling it onto his dick and adding more lube.

Then Seijuurou was back between his legs, lifting them up until they were draped over broad shoulders and Sei's hands were free to tease at Rin's dick and balls. "You ready?"


"Just keep breathing steady, yeah?"

The feeling of the blunt head at his hole made it hard for Rin to stay relaxed, and he fought his body's instincts to tense up as the pressure at his ass increased. He breathed deep, but it caught in his throat as Sei suddenly pushed through Rin's muscle resistance.

He wouldn't exactly say that it hurt, thanks to the fake cock he had sitting at the back of his wardrobe, but Seijuurou was real and bigger and he wasn't under Rin's complete control. It certainly wasn't the most pleasant experience as he tried to adjust to the feeling of Sei inside him, slowly pushing further in and spreading him like nothing had before.

After reassuring his boyfriend that he was okay, Rin pushed a hand between their bodies as Sei bottomed out, stroking his dick back to full hardness and hoping that the pleasure would help erase his discomfort. Sei's thumbs were rubbing comforting circles on the inside of Rin's thighs where he was supporting the smaller redhead's legs, and eventually Rin felt like he was doing well enough to stop Seijuurou from overexerting himself in trying to stay still.

"Fuck me, Sei."

Considerate bastard that he was, Seijuurou started off slow, keeping a close eye on Rin's expression to make sure that he wasn't hurting silently. The concern would've had Rin rolling his eyes at any other time, but the weird, stretched feeling was gradually being replaced by an oddly intense type of pleasure, which was only helped by the way Rin managed to keep jerking himself off.

With a little urging from Rin, it didn't take too long before Sei was speeding up, his fingers flexing around the muscles of Rin's legs and his dick constantly brushing over Rin's prostate. The shocks of pleasure sparking through his body were enough to reduce the discomfort to little more than a memory, and Rin found himself pushing back to meet Sei's thrusts, his hand working to keep the same rhythm as his boyfriend's hips.

Apparently Sei was uncharacteristically quiet in bed, but as he thrust harder Rin found himself letting out winded little gasps every time Sei hit home. It didn't look like he was going to be one of those guys he'd heard about who could come just from being fucked, but Rin didn't think he'd have any particular qualms about bottoming again- it was definitely feeling a lot better than his toy ever had.

Stretching forward, Sei caught Rin's lips with his own, and they kissed messily as the bigger man found his quick rhythm, making Rin's back arch away from the mattress.

"Holy shit," Rin gasped as he pulled back as far as he could, hand frantically working himself. "Think I'm gonna come."

He was momentarily put out when Sei suddenly batted his fingers away from his dick, only to let out a guttural groan when his boyfriend took over himself, his hand less practised in exactly what Rin liked but no less enjoyable for it.

"Fuck," was all Rin managed to get out before the insistent heat in his gut boiled over, his hips working frantically as Sei jerked him through his orgasm. When he felt his boyfriend start to slow his thrusts, Rin grabbed at his sweaty shoulder, fingers biting into the tanned flesh.

"Keep going!"

Rin felt boneless as his dick finished spurting, his tense, arched spine falling back onto the mattress as Sei's frantic thrusts jolted him around. He was just managing to stay one step below over-sensitive, and the lazy pleasure of Sei moving inside him had a sigh coming from his throat, even as Sei grabbed his hips, holding him close while the older man groaned and came into the condom he was wearing.

"Damn," Sei muttured as he gingerly pulled out, slowly bringing Rin's legs off his shoulders before taking off the condom and tying it up, tossing it towards the bin in the corner. "You good?"

Rin's response wasn't exactly made up of words, his chest heaving from the force of his orgasm.

"Gonna say that's a yes," Sei laughed a little breathlessly, pushing his hair away from his forehead and grinning down at his tired boyfriend. A clean towel from the pile of laundry on Sei's desk wiped up the come that had ended up splattered on both their chests, but Rin barely even moved as Seijuurou tidied him up.

Stretching himself out on his bed, Sei smiled as Rin immediately attached himself to his side, and he scratched lightly through Rin's hair as he clearly started to fall asleep. He figured that a nap was as good an idea as any and, after making sure that he wasn't jostling Rin any more than was strictly necessary, settled down to sleep next to his clingy boyfriend.

When Matsuoka Rin was 24 years old, a photo of him standing on the Olympic podium in first place, leaning across to third place to kiss Mikoshiba Seijuurou on the lips after they'd both received their 100m Butterfly medals, went viral within hours of the ceremony. He couldn't say for sure, but he was pretty certain that Gou had had something to do with it.

Their managers nearly killed them for outing themselves in front of the entire world, and there were murmurs of discontent, but all was forgiven when there was a sudden sharp rise in sales of absolutely anything with either of their faces on it.

Something to do with representation, Rin found himself explaining one evening to Seijuurou as they lay in bed together. Not that he thought their popularity was particularly important; all he cared about was the fact that the subsequent increase in his sponsorships had paid for the extraordinarily gorgeous ring he had ready to offer his boyfriend.

His infuriating, talented and beyond gorgeous boyfriend (who Sousuke still glared at whenever he was feeling particularly pissy).