My Nan's Death Date is coming up. So this Chapter is dedicated to her. I love you Nan and I feel you with me this is for you:)

Chapter 2: Part 1

The McCarty House

When her fathers sobs slow down Esmaralda pulls away smiling.

"I take it you are glad to see me?" Esmaralda asks smiling

Emmett laughs and pulls her into another hug before helping her up.

"Like you wouldn't believe. I have thought you dead for 90 years", Emmett says holding her at arm's length to get a better look at her.

"We missed you to Dad", Esmaralda says smiling

"We?" Emmett asks hope in his voice

The other Cullen's were excited too.

"Of course. If you saw our graves you know about some of us", Esmaralda says with a flip of her hair

"I would really like to meet them", Emmett says

"Well you can. But first are you going to introduce my too your mate?" Esmaralda asks smiling at the blonde

"Esmaralda this is my mate Rosalie Hale. Rosalie this is my daughter Esmaralda", Emmett says introducing the two women

Esmaralda surprises everyone by hugging Rosalie.

"I am glad my Dad found happiness. I am glad he has you", Esmaralda says pulling away smiling

"Thank you. I am sorry for taking him away from you. But he was dying in the woods after being attacked by a bear", Rosalie explains

"You saved his life. We don't blame you. It is just fate. Everything happens for a reason. That is what we all believe", Esmaralda says smiling at her step-mother

"That is a good saying", the pixie one says

"Thanks. Would you all like to introduce your selves to me first?" Esmaralda asks, "I already know Carlisle from work. What about the rest of you?"

"I am Carlisle's mate Esme Platt. It is an honour to meet you", Esme says

"You too Esme", Esmaralda says smiling because she was a relative

"I am Alice Brandon and this is my mate Jasper Whitlock", the pixie says

"Nice to meet you Alice and you too Jasper", Esmaralda says

"I am Edward and this is my mate Bella Swan and our daughters Renesmee, Elizabeth and Jalice and son Jazem", Edward says

"By looking at them they are only 8 years old. So you're a new vampire?" Esmaralda asks shocking everyone by her knowledge

"Yes. But human blood doesn't affect me", Bella says with a smile

"Good. It was hard on us", Esmaralda says, "Who are your shape-shifters?"

"I am Sam Uley of the Uley Wolf Pack", Sam says

"Paul Lahote of the Uley Wolf Pack", Paul says

"Jared Cameron of the Uley Wolf Pack", Jared says

"Quil Ateara of the Uley Wolf Pack", Quil says

"I am Jacob Black Alpha of the Black wolf pack", Jacob says, "I am also Renesmee's mate"

Esmaralda doesn't look shocked at the age gap between the two. Like she had seen it before.

"I am Leah Clearwater I going to collage here", Leah says

"I am Embry Call. I am Jalice's mate", Embry says

"I am Seth Clearwater. Do you know a girl named Everlasting? She is my mate", Seth says bouncing up and down because he smelt her smell here

Esmaralda smiles, "Yes I do know her. She is part of this mad house family we have. Her mother and father will be pleased to know she found a mate"

"She has a mother and a father?" Emmett asks shocked

"Of course she has parents. I think it is time you meet the family", Esmaralda says smiling, "Follow me"

Esmaralda leads them up to the house and inside was big and you could smell lots of vampire scents and lots of other scents.

"Paul calm down", Sam mutters to a shaking Paul

"We only hunt animals so relax", Esmaralda says

"This is a vampire den", Leah mutters

Esmaralda laughs, "Close I think. They are waiting in the living room"

They follow her to a huge, massive living area that was filled with vampires. And it WAS filled. With vampires and other people. That could be half/vampires or something else.

"So it's him?" a man asks that looked like Emmett

"Yes. Definably", Esmaralda says smiling

"You have a lot of people here", Emmett says in awe

"Yes. And they are all related", a man looking like Emmett says

"How can you all be related?" Carlisle asks fascinated

"That is a long story. But first Dad would you like to re-meet your sons?" Esmaralda asks

"Yes I would", Emmett asks excitedly

"Hey Dad and everyone else I am Emmett Matthew McCarty VI and this is my mate Paige", Emmett VI says smiling hugging his father in a manly hug

"You're alive too?" Emmett asks hugging his son back

"Yep. All of us our alive", Emmett VI says laughing

Everyone chuckles in the McCarty family getting the joke.

"Nice to meet you sir", Paige says

Paige had long blonde hair and golden eyes.

"Don't call me sir. It is just Emmett", Emmett says to his daughter-in-law

"I'll try. Don't hold me too it I am old fashioned I was born in 1905", Paige says

"So you are over a century old?" Nessie asks excitedly

"Yes sweetie I am. What is your name?" Paige asks

"Renesmee Carlie Cullen. But everyone calls me Nessie", Nessie says smiling

"I am Jazem Edward Cullen", Jazem says

"I am Elizabeth Helen Cullen", Elizabeth says

"I am Jalice Emmalie Cullen. Nessie's, Lizzie's and Jazem's quad", Jalice says shyly next to Embry

"Pleasure to meet you four. Who are your parents?" Emmett VI asks Paige in his arms

"I am their father Edward Cullen and this is their mother Isabella Swan-Cullen", Edward says

"Call me Bella", Bella says smiling

Esmaralda smiles as she hears Swan. Wait too they meet one of their Swan's.

"Will do", Emmett VI says smirking

"I think he is so much like his father we should be afraid. If his emotions are anything to go by", Jasper says

"Does that help?" a male asks

Jasper, Edward and Alice realise now they can't use their powers

"What did you do?" Edward asks

"We'll get to that. Emmett Matthew McCarty VI! I told you to be on your best behaviour tonight", Esmaralda says sternly

"I am sister dear", Emmett VI says innocently

"Innocent my ass", a vampire woman says

"I am Alice Brandon-Cullen", Alice says bouncing up and down

Esmaralda smiles again she has to be another relation.

"I am her mate Jasper", Jasper says

Another relations.

"I am Carlisle head of this family and this is my wife Esme", Carlisle says

"I am Sam Uley, and these are Jared Cameron, Paul Lahote and Quil Ateara", Sam says

Some looked shocked but don't say anything yet. This they found weird.

"I am Jacob Black. These are Embry Call. Leah Clearwater and Seth Clearwater", Jacob says

Leah was staring at one of the younger boys. The Cullen's realised she just imprinted on him

"There goes the pack", Jacob mutters

"Hey Dad remember me? I am Emmerson Elsdon McCarty", Emmerson says smiling and giving his Dad a manly hug

"Hey Dad. I am Emelrich Emem McCarty", Emelrich says hugging his father smiling

"Hey Dad. I am Matthew Harold McCarty I", Matthew I says hugging his father

Emmett hugs him back.

"You have all grown up wonderfully", Emmett says looking at his five children who had their mates with them.

"Thank you. This is my mate Andrew. Andrew this is my father Emmett V", Esmaralda says smiling

"Nice to meet you sir", Andrew says

"I hope you are good enough for my daughter", Emmett says

Everyone laughs at the father thing to do especially the females that knew them.

"I am sir. I have been with her for 87 years", Andrew says

"Good to know", Emmett says with a small

"Hi Mr McCarty I am Emmerson's mate Linda", Linda says

Linda had black hair and golden eyes.

"Hi Mr McCarty I am Emelrich's mate Nicole", Nicole says

Nicole had blonde hair and gold eyes.

"Hi Mr McCarty I am Matthew's mate Jimenez", Jimenez says

Jimenez had caramel hair and gold eyes

"Please call my Emmett. In fact all of you should call me Emmett", Emmett says

Getting laughs out of the whole McCarty family.

"What?" Emmett asks confused

"We are all related to you. Well most of us are", a woman says smiling

All the Cullen's eyes go wide. How was that possible?

"How is that possible?" Rosalie asks

"Well we better start at the beginning. We will introduce the person as we tell it. Sound fair?" Esmaralda asks

"It does", Emmett agrees with his daughter

"So what do you want to know first?" Emmett VI asks

"What happened after I 'died'? Emmett asks

"We were very upset. We missed you a lot. Grandma and Grandpa didn't survive long after your death they were riddled with grief and couldn't take care of us the way they should", Esmaralda says sighing

"What happened after they died?" Emmett asks

"It was left to the towns people to raise us", Emmerson replies

"Why not just one family?" Alice asks

"It was how they did it in the olden days", Carlisle replies

"Correct. That was how they did it in 1905", Esmaralda says smiling at Carlisle

"It was a stupid custom", Emmerson says

"It was", Emmett VI agrees

"Definably was", Matthew I says

"Very stupid", Emelrich agrees

"Did the villagers treat you right?" Emmett asks

"They treated us like orphans. Kept saying we were", Esmaralda says not liking remembering that time period

"Also said we were witches because we were unnatural to be Quads", Emmerson adds

"And survive to give birth to another baby and died in the process", Matthew I says

Emmett clenches his teeth.

"That must have been horrible", Esme says

"It was. We grow up with barely little clothes or money. The towns people gave us food for chores", Emmett VI says

"How old were you?" Bella asks

"4 at the time", Emmerson replies

"3 at the time", Matthew I replies with a shrug

"How could they expect kids to work at the age of 3 and 4?" Alice says disgusted

"It was how it was done in that time. Am I correct?" Edward asks

"Yes you are. It was how it was. We were lucky to survive without our parents", Esmaralda replies

"How did you?" Esme asks

"We worked together as a team. We visited Dads grave every week or more. Till we got older and needed to work more", Emmett V replies

"In 1916 I was raped by one of the villagers", Esmaralda says shuttering

Rosalie and Emmett growl.

"How dare they do that to my baby girl", Emmett says in raged

"Nothing you could have done would have stopped it. I was a beautiful un-wed woman. Orphan. Any man was going to have their way with me", Esmaralda replies

"I was raped too and nearly killed. Carlisle changed me into a vampire. Is that how you became a vampire?" Rosalie asks

"No. One was stillborn the other two survived. I was raped again as soon as I gave birth 1917 and gave birth again to a baby", Esmaralda says "In 1918 I was raped again, gave birth then was raped again and gave birth in 1919", Esmaralda says shuttering again

"So you were raped 4 times?!" Rosalie asks outraged

"Yes", Esmaralda says

"So you came a vampire then", Emmett says

Esmaralda shock her head, "I didn't become a vampire that day. But I did get pregnant again"

"Hello Grandfather I am Eliott Matthew McCarty I was born in 1917", Eliott says Eliott had dark brown hair and gold eyes

"Hello Grandfather. I am Eilana Layla McCarty. I am Eliott's twin", Eilana says

Eilana had black hair and gold eyes.

"Hello Grandfather. I am Elsa Opal McCarty. I was born in 1917", Elsa says

Elsa had blonde long locks and gold eyes with a hint of blue in them.

"Hello Grandfather. I am Ealair Nate McCarty. I was born in 1918", Ealair says

Ealair had blonde hair and gold eyes.

"Hello Grandfather I am Elyzabeth Emma McCarty daughter of Esmaralda McCarty and Granddaughter of you", Elyzabeth says smiling

Elyzabeth had long dark brown locks and gold eyes.

"I think that step-grandmother is going to be a pain. I vote we just make her our grandmother", a man says

"Yeh!" everyone says

Rosalie was shocked they were letting her be their grandmother. She had always wanted children. Now they were letting her be theirs.

"You can be our mum too. Our real mum was a trap before she met Dad", Emmerson says

"Emmerson! There are children present", Linda growls at her mate

"Sorry", Emmerson says hands up in defeat making everyone chuckle

The kids were giggling like they were used to this.

"It is true. Even if she did die in child birth", Emelrich says

"Well there you have it. Will you be our grandmother and mother?" Esmaralda asks

"I will be honoured", Rosalie says

"Thanks now Next", Esmaralda says

"Hi Grandpa I am Emiliana Esmaralda McCarty", Emiliana says smiling

Eilana had brown hair and gold eyes

"It is nice to meet you. Come here and give your grandpa a hug", Emmett says

Eilana laughs and hugs him tightly

"It is great to meet all of you", Eilana says stepping back

"Hello Grandpa I am Emeric Elsdon McCarty", Emeric says stepping up shaking Emmett's hand

Emeric had black locks and golden eyes.

"Great to meet all of my little Esmaralda's children", Emmett says

"Thanks Daddy. Now on with the story you next Emmerson", Esmaralda says

"But me first I disappeared after Ealair was born. I was transformed into a vampire in 1918", Matthew I says, "In 1919 I got my mate here pregnant with half/human half/vampire triplets"

"I am Matthew Harold McCarty II born in 1919. I am half/human half/vampire", Matthew II says

Matthew II had brown hair and brown eyes.

"I am Madlenka Jemina McCarty born in 1919. I am half/human half/vampire", Madlenka says

Madlenka had caramel hair and brown eyes.

"I am Miracle Esmaralda McCarty born in 1919. I am the last of the triplets. I am half/human half vampire", Miracle says

Miracle has brown hair and hazel eyes

"So your like us?" Renesmee asks

"We are. We haven't aged a day in ages", Madlenka says

"Well at nearly the same time I got a town's woman pregnant with my own children. She died in the birthing process", Emmerson says

"You had twins?" Carlisle asks fascinated

In that time it was dangerous for a woman to give birth.

"Yes. Would you like to meet them?" Emmerson asks

"Yes I would", Emmett says to his son

Emmerson nods to two of the group who come forward.

"I am Emmett Matthew McCarty VIII", Emmett VIII says bowing at his grandfather

Emmett VIII had dark brown locks with golden eyes

"He takes after you", a woman says coming up glaring at him

"Who are you?" Emmett asks

"I am his sister Echo Horizon McCarty. Your Granddaughter", Echo says

Echo had blonde hair and golden eyes.

"Pleasure to meet you", Emmett says smiling

"Thanks. It is great to meet you too", Echo says stepping back

"It's me next. At the same time as the others I got a townsperson pregnant", Emmett VI says, "9 months later I had twins. The woman who gave birth to them died in the process"

"Who are your children?" Emmett asks

"Hello Grandfather I am Eria Esmaralda McCarty", Eria says hugging her Grandfather

Eria had brown locks and gold eyes.

"Pleasure to meet you Eria", Emmett says smiling at her

"Hello Grandfather I am Euroka Linn McCarty. Eria twin", Euroka says smiling at her grandfather

"Nice to meet you Euroka", Emmett says

Euroka had black locks and golden eyes.

"You too Grandfather. I am looking forward to getting to know you", Euroka says stepping back into a man's arms

"The next year time. I got a townswoman pregnant with my baby. She died in the birthing process. That was in 1918", Emelrich says

"Hello Grandfather I am Eaige Linnaea McCarty. I was born in 1918", Eaige says hugging her grandfather

Eaige had brown hair and gold eyes.

"Nice to meet you", Emmett says

"You too Grandfather I am looking forward to getting to know you", Eaige says

"In 1919 I got a townswoman pregnant again with my baby she died giving birth which added to the witch theories", Emelrich says

"Hello Grandfather. I am Earl Emmett McCarty son of Emelrich and Grandson of you. I was born in 1919", Earl says

Earl had brown hair and gold eyes

"Hello Grandfather I am Emigdio Emelrich McCarty son of Emelrich and Grandson of you. I was born in 1920", Emigdio says shaking his Grandfathers hand

"So that's all my grandchildren?" Emmett asks

All the McCarty's chuckle.

"This is just the start of it", a woman says

"So what's next?" Rosalie asks

"So because of the deaths of the woman who bared our children. The town thought was were witches", Emmett VI says rolling his eyes

"And got tougher on us. Supporting a family was hard then", Esmaralda adds

"That must have been terrible", Esme says

"It was", Esmaralda says

"But as a family we stuck together", Emmett VI says

"Always", Emelrich says

"And", Emmerson says

"United we stand", Esmaralda says

"Forever", everyone says

The Cullen's and the Pack were surprised by the unity of this massive family.

"We should carry on", Esmaralda says, "But first Renesmee, Elizabeth, Jalice, Jazem and the wolf pack do you want anything to eat or drink?"

"Mummy can I have something?" Renesmee asks

"Yes. We can trust them", Bella says looking at Edward who nods

Esmaralda nods to a person who closes her eyes and a tray of cookies, truffles and milk appear in her hands.

"My special chocolate chip cookies, chocolate truffles and some milk to wash it down", Esmaralda says taking the tray from the woman and sitting it on the table

"How did she do that?" Jalice asks

"It's her power", Esmaralda replies smiling at the young girl

"Do you all have powers?" Emmett asks

"You will just have to wait and see", Emmett VI says smirking

His wife hits him over the head.

"Play nice", she says

"Thank you Paige", Esmaralda says, "Now take some food. We know you must be hungry"

"You didn't poison it did you?" Leah says in distrust

"No. As we said we are NOT going to harm you. You are all family to us. We protect family. That now includes all of you so feel free to call on us whenever you need us. Here is each a special iPhone 6. 5TB of data space all our numbers are in there and you can add your music and videos. When you know who is who you can call on them. What colour do you want Renesmee?" Esmaralda asks

"Pink", Renesmee says

"Here you go", Esmaralda says handing her the pink one, "Jalice what colour?"

"Purple", Jalice says

"Here you go", Esmaralda says

"Thank you", the twins say

"Now the rest of you pick out a phone. Don't be hesitate", Esmaralda says

"We will pay you off", Carlisle promises

"No. We ARE family. We won't hear of you paying us back", Elsa says for her mother

"Are you sure?" Carlisle asks

"Yes!" everyone says

"Thank you", they says taking up their new iPhones

"Now in 1920. Emmett VI, Emelrich, Emmerson and I went for a walk into the forest to collect some fire wood. When two red-eyed strangers cross our path", Esmaralda says

"They didn't mean to turn us but they did. They left us there", Emelrich says

"We burned for three days before we woke up in the forest", Emmerson says

"Lucky a bear and not a human crossed our path. We immediately started drinking the bear dry", Emmett VI says

"Do you like bear?" Emmett asks his children

"We all like different things. But bear is a favourite", Esmaralda replies

"I love bear", Emmett says

"You play with your food Em", Jasper says

"What's the fun in not playing around with them?" Emmett pouts

"Forget it", Jasper mutters

"Have any of you killed a human?" Sam asks

"No", everyone says

"How can we believe a big family like you haven't killed a human?" Paul spats

"You will find out why", a woman says

The Cullen's all look at each other this was interesting and they weren't even half way through the people in the room…

Author's Note: What do you think? Please review and i'll update as soon as possible:)