A/N: I have an idea for this story. Set in the future, slightly AU. Let me know what you think.

The Liars have been rid of A for the past 5 years. After college, the girls came face to face with their tormentor: the secret spawn of Ali's mother and Spencer's father. Looks like Jason's twin sister was not as mentally stable as her mother thought. After the sadistic sibling was forever put away, the Liars started to finally live a normal life. Aria and Ezra finally got their act together her sophomore year of college. They were married two years later, and the couple is expecting their first child. Ezra has a teaching job at Hollis, while Aria works at Rosewood High as a Literature teacher. Spencer and Toby have been going strong since senior year. Despite her qualms about him becoming a police officer, she learned to accept his career choice and supported him unconditionally. Spencer followed in her mother's footsteps and is working her way up to being Rosewood's most respected lawyer. Hanna and Caleb continued their rollercoaster of a romance until finally deciding to take a break. After a year apart, they finally decided they were better together. And after a passion filled reunion, the outcome was a very unsuspected pregnancy. Hanna and Caleb are now proud parents of two year old Zoe. Emily and Alison danced around each other for years. The second half of senior year, Emily and Ali finally started dating. Despite the obvious trust issues that put a strain on the relationship, the love shared between the two made it worthwhile. After four months of dating, the Liars were finally graduating. Well, all except Ali. The blonde had to stay behind a year and finish up some missing credits. That year was a tough year for the couple, the distance proving to be too much. Along with the unresolved trust issues, the couple decided to split. They remained friends, both not wanting to break the group apart. Despite having a few 'slips', as Aria calls it, throughout the years the two remained friendly. Until Emily's junior year of college, when a girl from her psych class developed feelings for her and asked her out. This caused a mix of emotions to stir up in the blonde beauty, who ultimately declared her love for Emily. The two reconciled and have been monogamous ever since. Emily now works as the Chemistry teacher/ Swim coach at Rosewood High. Ali works with Hanna at a boutique they co-own. The story picks up in Hanna's backyard, where the gang is celebrating Zoe's second birthday.

Emily Fields scanned the area of her best friend's backyard. It was filled with an immense amount of balloons and character decorations. She smiled to herself at just how spoiled her little niece was. At the ripe age of two she had her parents along with her extended aunts and uncles wrapped around her little finger. She watched as Hanna beamed down in pride as her daughter clung to her aunt Spencer, babbling how great her ballet class was. Aria watched in amusement as her hands subconsciously drifted to her barely visible baby bump. She was eight weeks along, and her and Ezra couldn't be happier. Emily's eyes drifted to the last member of the group, the love of her life. Ali's blonde hair cascaded down her hair in loose curls. She watched as the blonde's hair dipped back in laughter at something the toddler said. Emily smiled to herself. She would give anything to have a family, a family with Ali. The brunette didn't understand why the blonde refused to become a mother. She was great with kids, she had a nurturing side of her that could only be classified as a mothering instinct. And Emily was sure that any child with the blonde's genetics would be the most adorable thing on the planet. But the blonde had relentlessly refused. She claimed that she wasn't fit to be a mother, that she could never make a child endure what she had to experience. Emily tried to convince her that she was different, that she was not her mother. But all of Emily's pleas were brushed off. Ali was convinced that motherhood was not for her. But Emily saw the sparkle in her eye whenever she was around Zoe, or when a child came into the boutique. She loved children. Emily just had to convince her that she loved them. Emily made her way over to her group of friends. As she approached the group, the tiny blonde automatically reached for her favorite aunt, Emily swooped her out of Spencer's arms and immediately snuggled her little Hanna.

"Yeah. Okay, Zoe. Nice talking to you." Spencer muttered slightly jealous of the lack of affection from the two year old.

"She just loves Em, because she spoils the girl rotten." Hanna said with a smirk as Emily glared at her from behind Zoe.

"I do not."

"Yeah? Then why was her birthday present more expensive than mine? Hmm?" Ali replied with a mischievous grin adorning her face.

"You didn't want a trampoline. Zoe did." Emily replied nonchalantly. "She's my only niece. I need someone to pour my affections into. When mini Ezra gets here I swear I'll spoil him just as much."

"Why are you so convinced I'm having a boy?" Aria asked curiously, "I barely told you guys two weeks ago."

"Don't doubt the genie, Aria." Hanna comments to the shortest of the bunch. "She was convinced Zoe was a girl from five weeks along. She was obviously right."

"Well I want a girl. I want her name to be Eriza."

"What!?" The four other members of the group questioned in unison.

"Its our names smushed together." Aria defends, "You can't name a boy, Eriza."

"You shouldn't name a dog Eriza." Spencer retorts, "That's just cruel."

"I like it and it's unique."

"We better pray it's a boy." Hanna mutters receiving a mild glare from Aria. Alison stays uncharacteristically quiet during the baby talk. Already knowing Emily is going ambush her with a conversation as soon as they returned home.

"When are you guys gonna get yourself a baby?" Spencer asked directing the question at the couple of the group. Emily's eyes immediately sought Ali's, the blonde keeping her gaze fixed on her shoes.

"I don't know, Spence. Why don't I just put .'baby' down on the grocery list, I'll be sure to pick one up next time at the market." Ali bit back, clearly uncomfortable.

"It was a question. Lighten up." Spencer replied as her stare held Ali's. These two never backed down to an argument, especially to each other.

"How about you, Spence?" Aria began desperately trying to change the subject. "Are you and Toby trying?"

"We're not trying, but we're not trying to prevent a pregnancy, either." Spencer replied as she reluctantly tore her gaze from Ali's. "We're heading up to the lake house for our three year anniversary in a few months. Trust me, we'll have loads of time to practice."

A loud yawn emitted from Zoe's lips as she snuggled into Emily's neck. The little girl had a long day, the events of which were starting to catch up to her. Emily kissed the little girl on the forehead as she handed the girl to her mother. The baby blonde let out a slight whine.

"I go with Aun' Emmy." The toddler declared sleepily. Emily walked over to her god daughter and swept blonde curls from her face.

"Next week, okay sugar? You can send the weekend with me and Aunt Ali." Emily offered. "That sound okay?" She got a mumbled 'tay' from the baby's lips. Hanna called Caleb over, from where he was sharing a beer with Toby and Ezra. He immediately scooped up his daughter and hoisted her up on his shoulder. He bid goodbye to his friends, and carried his baby girl into the house.

"Well, the birthday girl is out. I guess that's our cue to leave." Aria suggested as Ezra came behind her and placed a hand the small of her back. "Em, is it my turn for coffee? Or yours?"

"Its yours. But every time you go you seem to forget that you need to order decaf."

Aria responded with an eye roll and sticking her tongue out at her best friend and colleague.

"7:30, my room?" Emily offered and Aria agreed. She bid goodbye to everyone. As her and Ezra left the backyard.

"You ready to go, babe?" Alison asks her lover as she intertwines their fingers together. Emily gives her a soft smile and the duo follow after Aria.

"You okay?" Emily asks her girlfriend softly once they're inside Emily's car.

"I guess so." Ali replies half heartedly.

Emily doesn't press. She knows what's wrong with the blonde. She knows what conversation they're going to have when they get home. But she can't help but feeling that this night is going to change everything.

"Why can't you just consider changing your mind? For me?" Emily shoots at the blonde who is currently sitting on the couch downing a bottle of red. "I mean, I let you talk me out of getting married. Even though I don't entirely agree on your reasoning." Ali had insisted that they didn't get married. Claiming that even though gay marriage was legal in Pennsylvania, it was still fascist knowing that there was even a ban on it at all. "I don't see the big deal, Ali. You're great with kids. You'd be a great Mom."

"I don't want to be a mother." Ali replied. "That was never a goal of mine. I refuse to become Jessica Dilaurentis."

"You won't be. I promise, you're just scared-"

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Em."

"Ali, every promise I make you I intend to keep. Just trust me on this." Emily pleaded. She saw her lover's eyes soften as the blonde contemplated her words. And then Emily saw Alison's eyes harden, which was never good.

"Just look at your life ten years from now. What do you see?" Emily tried as a last ditch attempt to convince the blonde. "I see us, in a big house. Your boutique has just expanded to the bigger location you and Hanna talk about. And my swim team has just won the state championship. We've just purchased a puppy and our child is ecstatic about it. Sometimes, I see a little boy with your eyes. Or a girl with my smile. Our child is running around chasing the puppy, while you and I sip white wine and talk about our day." Emily finishes with a dreamy smile. Alison downs the contents of her now fourth glass of red wine.

"I see, me and you in your sexy little red bikini on some hot beach in the middle of December. I see us sipping Margaritas and taking shots of tequila. That's where I want to be in ten years." Emily sighs clearly agitated. "Don't you care about what I want? Do you care about my dreams?"

"The same question goes to you." Ali replies challenging the brunette. "Have you ever stopped to think that I don't want a child with you? That bringing a child into this world with you is the last thing on my bucket list?" The blonde shouts her last accusation, with venom on her lips. She sees the hurt flash through her lovers eyes, and she immediately regrets it. Blue eyes are locked with brown for what seems like an eternity.

"I can't do this right now, I have to go." The blonde admits as she leaves to gather her things. She hadn't meant to hurt Emily. And she needed to get out of there before she ruined the only good in her life. Permanently.

"You can't leave every time something doesn't go your way, Ali!" Emily exclaims, clearly enraged. "We're not seventeen anymore!" Ali grabs the rest of her wine bottle and makes her way to the door. She doesn't dare to look back at Emily, because she knows if she did her resolve would crumble in seconds. She tries to ignore the sob that emits from her throat as the door clicks shut.

Alison sits at the bar, alone with her own personal bottle of Jack Daniels. She hates fighting with Emily, but fighting about babies is the worst ever. She's used to being able to give Emily anything her little heart desires. But with this, she just can't give in. She vowed to herself at a young age that she would never become the woman her mother was. And if not marrying or having a baby with Emily kept her from following in her mother's footsteps, then so be it. It was a sacrifice that she was willing to make. Alison threw back another shot of whiskey, and tried to drink away any thought of her mother, who she blamed for her predicament. As Ali continued to drink her sorrows away, she didn't notice a warm body that had occupied the stool next to her.

"Go away." She commanded with a slight slur as she downed another shot. She turned and faced her unwanted visitor. She recognized him almost immediately: he was Toby's partner a guy who she had met on several occasions.

"You're my man, Toby's friend. Aren't ya?" The officer asked with a slur. "The one who owns the store? What are you doing here all by your lonesome?"

"I'm trying to be alone." The blonde replied icily at the intoxicated police officer.

"Oh! Me too!" He exclaimed enthusiastically, "I got into a fight with my girl." He finished rather somberly. "She's mad at me."

"And why's that?" Alison asked feeling the slightest bit of empathy for him.

"She thinks I'm cheating!"

"And are you?"

"Well, not anymore I'm not." He admitted sheepishly. "I had a couple slips with my ex about 6 months ago. But ever since then I've been good."

"Do you blame her for being suspicious?"

"I've been good since then! She still thinks I'm the same guy I was back in high school. But I'm not." Ali didn't know if she was drunk, or high off of the feeling of empathy but she was feeling a strong pull towards her newfound companion. She urged him to keep talking.

"She wants to get married." He sighed. "Even though we are practically married she wants to be 'legal'." He laughed, "Honestly, I'm only still with her because she's pregnant."

"You're going to have a baby?" Alison asked, wide eyed. She was feeling the effects of the whiskey more than ever now.

"She's due in a few months." He sighed. "I want to be a good dad, I do. But something is holding me back. I don't know, I'm confused. Why are you here Blondie?" He asked while downing another shot.

"My girl is mad at me too." She confessed sadly.

"Maybe we just need to forget about our women for one night?" He asked half questioning.

"I don't ever want to forget about Emily." Ali sighed at the thought of her girl. She was amazing. And she loved her.

"I love my girl too." The officer replied taking another shot. "But sometimes, you must remember: its okay to lose control every once in awhile." With that, Toby's partner got up from the bar and sauntered his way over to where the restrooms were located. Ali contemplated his words. Lose control? Alison felt her whole life she was trying to do the opposite. She always liked to have control of situations. Whether it be with her friends, or her parents or even at work. She always had some type of control of the situation. She rarely let herself get caught up in the moment, a state of vulnerability is a weak one. So maybe, just this once. She's allowed to lose a bit of control. Just maybe, she'll let whatever was supposed to happen, happen. She won't try to control anything. So she took a long drag of her Jack Daniel's, and slowly made her way to the bathroom stalls.

By the time she regained control of the situation, it was too late. She had committed the most unforgivable betrayal known to mankind, and she hated herself for it. As she made her way out of the stall, she decided right then and there that she could not lose Emily. Losing control felt good in the moment, but not as good as Emily's love made her feel. She vowed that she would spend the rest of her life making it up to Emily. The love of her life could never know about her infidelity. No one could.

A/N: So I don't even knew where this came from. Let me know what you think. I kinda know where this story will go, but I'm up for suggestions. Shoot me a review or PM. Either is much appreciated!