"I'll show that bloody fat lard magic is real!" England threw another magic book onto the floor, smirking once he found the right one. "Let's see how Alfred likes not being able to eat his precious hamburgers! "

"What is this?" England blind and looked over to see France skimming threw his magic books, leaving his gross frog prints all over. "What the bloody hell do you think your doing!?" He quickly ran over grabbing the book glaring. "I also would like to know what your doing in my house frog! " the French man only laughed putting a hand on England's shoulder. "I came to over to mess with your needle work, but seeing that your not and playing with your little toys-" a devious smirk grew onto the man's face. "I'll just watch you fail at 'magic'."

"I don't not fail at magic!" England placed the book on the table, flipping to the right page. "I'll show you," he growled and started reading the spell, a green light flooding the room making France shiver. A look of shock came to the French man's faces as he looked around the room taking a step closer, not noticing England's cape just below his foot.

Everything happened to quickly for them to react, only thing the two men could do was stare in fear. The green light turned red and books started flyin out of the shelves, papers spinning around the room with bottles falling onto the floor with their liquids staining the cobblestone floor odd colors. A large snake appeared, it's read skin glowing as it slowly opened its mouth letting out a loud scream. France and England covered their ears screaming in pain and mirrors started to shatter around them only causing their fear to grow.

After a few more seconds, ever thing stopped. Books and papers fell the floor, the large snake disappearing along with the red light. England was the first one to make any movement and looked around the room, his body shaking never experiencing any spell like that. "F-France? " the said man slowly got up looking around the room as well, his face pale and was just as shaky.

"What have we done,"

"Hamburger and milkshake-shake-shake-shake!" America spun around his kitchen, tossing a bag of fast food on the table along with his keys. Taking a large sip of his milkshake laughing. "Nothing can get better than this!" He set the drink down and moved to sit, but froze hearing a loud bang in his bedroom. The american's eyes widened and he slowly grabbed the metal bat resting on the fridge, and slowly started making his way down the hall. All that could be heard was the soft sound of his foot steps and the loud rapid beating coming from his heart. "W-Who's there?" America gulped. "Broboma, is that you dude?" He laughed nervously opening his door. "This isn't cool yo,"

America let out a loud battle cry swingimg his bat around aimlessly till his eyes opened, seeing nothing. On the ground was his Caption America shield that had fallen to the floor after the nail had fallen out of the wall. "Your such a paranoid dumbass America-" the blond was stopped mid sentence after being shoved to the floor, the baseball bat flying under the bed. America quickly looked at his attacker only to see a large glowing red snake wrapping itself around the Americans body. A loud scream came from his mouth as the snake tried to bite him, dodging the attacks trying to get away. He flipped himself over and reached out to grab the bat only a few centimeters away, but his hand froze unable to move. The snake has sunk its teeth into the blonds neck, making it too late. America's body began to shake and his eyes rolled back inside his head, the shaking only worsening.

The glowing red snake let go over the shaking American, slow evaporating into the air. Once the snake dissappeared, America slow starting getting up with fear in his eyes. "W-What...the hell," his eyes widened and he threw up all over the floor. America's eyes slowly opened only to see his vomit was blood and the world went black.

This idea just came to me after listening to one of my new favorite songs 3 but I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!

I will update every week at random times, unless school starts getting in the way since I'm starting m first year of high school soon!

See you next chapter~