Okay... I've temporarily become too lazy to write a few chapters, so I'm going to revise a few chapters and straighten out my priorities for this story. I'm sorry this wasn't a real chapter, but I'm planning on turning this note into one by the end of the month. I actually had a chaper ready to upload, but I got this laptop (My first one!) and downloaded everything off of the computer used by my family onto a nook, but the nook wouldn't connect to my computer at all, so I was forced to downolad all the chapters off of fanfic. (Thank kami for that download thing) And therefore, couldn't get the chaptr. the nook is currently in the posession of my younger sisters, who wiped it. Well... Sorry for making you think that this was a real chapter...

And to you, awesome reveiwers, favoriters, and followers: Thank you for sticking with me, and reading even part of this authors note. My new goal will be to write or revise at least one chapter every week, and I will do it. I think.

I am now working on wordpad though, because I haven't gotten microsoft word or anything else yet, so please inform me of any grammar and/or spelling mistaakes if you see them. wordpad has no spellcheck, (something I love and hate at the same time) and my keyboard is usually either nonresponsive or highly sensitive.

Thank you! ^-^

~Rosa, who is back, at least for a while!