Author's Note: Not dealing with the potential cancellation of Naruto very well, so I decided to write my first fanfic for my 7 year old OTP. I could never find the right words to express the pure love I have for these characters so after multiple failed attempts over the years, hopefully this will make up for it ~ KennyEchelon

Sakura wandered into the house, stumbling slightly. She'd been spending the evening with Tsunade and Shizune at the local bar, who was trying (and failing) to stop the Hokage from misbehaving. Sakura had taken up Tsunade's bet that Shizune wouldn't be approached by the handsome looking ninja across the room. Sakura had protested, saying that she would, and given Tsunade's unlucky reputation, she thought she was safe. Sure enough, when he walked over and bought her a drink, Tsunade reciprocated and placed a bottle of sake in front of Sakura.

"Drink up, loser" she giggled, taking more pleasure in winning than was probably necessary.

About an hour later, she'd returned home feeling very drunk. She hadn't meant to have so much to drink but she couldn't exactly deny the Hokage having her fun.

"Sasuke-kun? I'm home!"

He walked out to join her, dressed in a pale blue robe ready for bed. He ran a hand through his hair, messing it up.

"Did you have fun tonight?"

"Yes, we did. Shizune even has a new admirer" Sakura slurred slightly, giving a small giggle.

"I have a feeling someone's drunk" replied Sasuke, one eyebrow rising.

"Only a lil' bit"

Sakura tried to gesture a small amount with her fingers but failed.

"I think you need some sleep and water." Sasuke's voice was laced with concern.

"Pssh, I'll be fine" Sakura replied, waving one hand in a dismissive action.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah m'sure."

Sasuke cupped her face with one hand, gently pushing her against the wall with the other. He pressed his lips against hers firmly, the taste of sake still lingering there. Sakura's eyelids fluttered at the sudden pressure, as Sasuke's kiss was filled with a sort of quiet urgency; the kind of need reserved for her. For someone so stoic in public, he let his guard down behind closed doors when no-one but Sakura could see him. They pulled apart slightly, leaving only milimeters between their lips. Sakura's eyes were heavy; hazed with a combination of lust and intoxication. She was all too aware of his body against her own and her cheeks grew pink.

"Not tonight" whispered Sasuke, and he withdrew but not before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. Sakura felt his hand brush her jaw line as it returned to his side.

"Come to bed. We'll continue when you're sober."

Sakura followed him into the bedroom, removing her clothes as she did so. Sasuke took a moment to look at her, drinking in the sight of her dressed in nothing but moonlight. She slipped on her night gown and joined him, curling up into the crook of his arm. Sasuke breathed in the scent of her hair with one hand at her waist, a thumb tracing the line of her hipbone.

Sakura took his other hand in hers, and she kissed it softly.

"Thank you, Sasuke-kun."

She fell asleep almost instantly, the lack of sobriety giving way to exhaustion. The corner of Sasuke's mouth turned upward in a soft smile.

"Goodnight, Sakura."