Welcome to my first Harry Potter fic. I know I have other stories and I have a weird updating pattern but I figured it was high time I made a Harry Potter fic. I normally have so many story ideas but normally don't write them out unless I get a burst of inspiration.

My story idea came from Kandakicksass's story Teddy Bear Troubles and Other Such Oddities. I realize that there are many fics like this but I do hope to make this a bit different.

I am going to attempt to write this in third person but since I normally write in first person I might accidentally switch into first person. If this does, indeed, happen please inform me and I will go back and fix it.

Full summary- Eighth year. The war is over and everything is slowly going back to normal. Classes have resumed and the usual house rivalries have dimmed down a bit but are still there but when Neville manages to screw up and aging potion Harry pushes him out of the way before the potion exploded on Harry, accidentally swallowing some. Where Harry was once standing was a five year old little boy with black hair, emerald slit eyes, with some foxy appendages. The headmaster and Snape dump Harry on Draco to take care of him. Now Draco has to protect Harry from manipulations, memories from childhood, and kidnapping, all while dealing with his growing affections. DMHP. Creature!Harry

Warnings- M/M, past abuse, Alive Dumbledore and Snape. I would say alive Fred, but I don't know how to incorporate them into the story. I can't stand the thought of either one of the twins dead so even if I don't use them, they are alive because I say so. I don't know what else at the moment but if do have anything to add on, I will do so later.

Disclaimer- I will only do this once, I don't own Harry Potter or any of the characters and whatnot nor anything else I may use.

Having double potions with Slytherins would not be Harry's first choice to spend his day. the Slytherins and Griffindors still rivaled each other in class and school but their relationship has from bubbling over boiling to a slightly simmering. They only fight as a reminisce of the old day in Hogwarts. That brought them back to potions, where the class was currently brewing up an aging potion. It wasn't too terribly hard but that didn't stop the usual people from screwing up. Harry was paired up with Draco, actually being civil with each other developing what some would call an awkward friendship. On his way back from turning in the potion he and Draco have created he noticed Ron and Neville's potion. It was a bad idea to put those two together seeing as the both of them suck at potions. One look at their boiling, angry red concoction and you could tell it was ready to explode.

"Every one! Get down!" He yelled as he pushed the two out of the way while everyone else ducked for cover. Just as soon as he had pushed them into safety the potion had exploded on Harry, who had accidentally swallowed some in shock. Harry coughed and sputtered as a white light encased him, blinding everyone in the room. A minute later the light disappeared, leaving a small figure curled up on the dungeon's floor.

Draco poked his head out to find the condition of his friend only to gasp in surprise. He rushed over to the five year old version of Harry, not yet noticing the fuzzy appendages. He took in his condition. The boy had light burns all over his body but luckily nothing major and his eyes were blood shot, most likely from getting potion in his eyes. That's when he noticed something peculiar. Harry's eyes were slit, something similar to a cat or a snake. As his eyes raked over the rest of the boy's body he noticed several other things. He had a pair of black, fluffy ears that rested on the top of his head and nine black, silky tails. He pet the tails as he continued to observe. Harry's hair had become shoulder length and his nails had become sharp and claw like. Draco was certain that if you looked at his teeth that they would be fangs.

"Drake?" Harry moaned in a high pitched voice as he sat up. "Why do I hurt? Did I do something wrong?" His eyes teared up.

"No, sweetheart. You did nothing wrong. If anything those buffoons over there did something wrong." He reassured the boy who was feeling distraught.

"Hey! What did you do to Harry?" Came the overly loud voice of Ron.

Harry squeaked as his ears twitch and laid flat on his head and hid behind Draco, slightly shaking in fear. Draco looked down at Harry, who had all nine tails between his legs. He looked back at Ron angrily.

"What did I do? What did I do?! More like what did you do?! It's your fault that he's like this!" He hissed at the other boy lowly as to not frighten Harry anymore. Harry clutched his robes.

"Drake, who are all these people. I am scared. Do they want to hurt me too?" Tears were freely falling down his face now. Draco's eyes widened in shock as the he asked this. He doesn't remember anyone other than him?! And why does he think everyone is out to hurt him, a five year old? Draco shot a quick glare at Ron before turning around and knelt at Harry's height,

"No, they aren't going to hurt you." He said softly trying to calm him down. When words didn't work he pulled Harry into a hug and started to pet hair and scratch behind his ears. The tension started to slowly leave the body of the five year old boy until he tensed back up seeing a looming shadow over them. Ron was standing right behind the two. Draco noticed too late as he was tossed aside and hit the edge of the desk.

"Drake? Drake!" Harry panicked.

"Mr. Weasley. 50 points from Gryffindor and a weeks worth of detention for laying your hands on another student. Find your way to the headmaster's office. We will continue after this mess is cleaned up." Snape commanded.

Ron ignored him as he advanced to Draco, his face a furious red. "How dare you handle Harry in such a manner." He seethed. Hermione ran up to him and tried to get him to stop. Calm down. Anything to stop this vulgar display. Sadly, her attempts failed. Ron pulled his fist back and swung wildly at Draco. Just as his fist was about to hit, Harry jumped in front of Draco, taking the full hit. Ron looked at Harry in surprise who was in turn looking down at the ground, fists clenched.

When Harry looked up, the green in his eyes were swirling and bleeding into red. His claws and fangs were elongating. Harry could be described in no other words but pissed.

"How dare you hurt my mate?" He took one step forward. Draco looked up in shock as he hurt those words fall from his mouth.

"Harry." He tried to calm the boy down but it seemed as though he didn't hear him.

"You hurt my mate and now I hurt you." He swung his hand flat so the claws were like knives, slicing his stomach like it was butter, but that didn't satisfy him. He jumped on Ron and bit him deeply in his arm. He added several scratches and bites before he was satisfied and thought that Ron had learned his lesson.

He looked over to Draco and saw the horrified look that had taken place on his face. When he looked back and forth from Ron and Draco, a terrified look had taken place on his face and his eyes slowly became green once more. The shaking started back up and tears started to fall again. Harry raced out of the classroom, tails swishing behind him, as he ran with inhuman speed.

"Harry!" Draco cried, realizing his mistake. Harry was expecting to find a proud, loving expression after protecting his mate, not a horrified one.

Snape sighed as he cast a cleaning charm. "Draco, go search and find Harry. I will report to the headmaster and get the other teachers to aid in the search. Hermione, Seamus, and Dean. go and take Ron to the infirmary. then go straight to your dorms. The rest of you will go directly to your dorms. If I find a single one of you out, you get a month's worth of detention and no Hogsmeade weekends for the rest of the year." Everybody ran to go do as told, fearing detention and no Hogsmeade weekends. Draco ran down the halls looking for the five year old everywhere. He just couldn't find him. He looked in the Astronomy Tower, the Great Hall, empty classrooms, everywhere! the only place he hadn't looked was the... Draco just about slapped himself. How could one be so stupid! The Forbidden Forest.

Draco ran out and into the fields heading towards the edge of the forest. Just as he thought it was no use he heard small, little whimpers. He turned to the direction of the almost inaudible whimpers and found Harry, curled up into a ball, his tails wrapped around him.

"Harry." He whispered softly enough that a normal human wouldn't be able to hear the word, but Harry's ears twitched and he turned around suddenly and stared up at Draco, eyes wide. He could see tear tracks on the five year old's face and cursed softly. He took a step forward. Harry shot up and took a step back.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry. I d-deserve to b-be punished." He said with his clawed hand gripping his other arm, he hung his head and closed his eyes as if expecting to be hit.

"I'm not going to hurt you, how many times will it take for that to go that to get through your head." He said softly as he took the young boy into an embrace.

"I'm sorry." He repeated.

"There's nothing to be sorry for. you did that to protect me. It's your insticts." He murmured into his ear as he rubbed his back in small massaging circles and scratched behind his ears as Harry started to cry into Draco's shoulder. "That's right. Just let it all out." As this continued, Harry started to calm down and eventually began to purr. They sat like that for a while, snuggled together until Harry fell asleep.

I do hope this is okay. I know they are OOC but seriously, how can they not be. Again this is my first time doing a story in 3rd person and would greatly appreciate your opinions on the story so far.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this story and have a great day.