Hey guys. So a little while ago I explained to you guys that something happened to me and that was why I stopped writing.

Lot's of you guys were asking me what had happned and things like that so i'm just going to come out and say it.

A very important person had read one of my stories and claimed it boring in a contest I submitted it in. People laughed and said the same and this person even picked apart my story and pointed out everything I did wrong.

That story I submitted was, I see myself in Daddy's arms. (I know right!)

As you see i have started to write again and thanks to a now very important man in my life, I've gotten my flow back.

I feel as if i let you guys down with my crappy stories and I promise that will happen no more.

If you have not noticed, I have went through my stories and some have been deleted. Don't worry they'll come back after being rewritten. The ones I have not deleted were either new, or just too important to me because those are the stories you guys have followed the most. And with a little help, I'm am training to become better for you guys and started a new wave of stories I believe are powerful and strong that i will share soon.

Thank you all for the support.

It feel great to be back.

I love you dearly.

