HELLO EVERYONE, yes it has been forever and I really have no excuse so I'm really really sorry however I have just finished my GCSE's and so I have a lot more time to do stuff. I really want to thank M-chanchen who reminded me people are still reading so thank you so much and this is for you (I will try my very best to complete it!)

Also side note I have edited chapter 1 to include some backstory as it was confusing before so if you don't know check chapter 1 again! Thank you all so much! ^_^

Anyway replying to stuff:

Gwendolyn117: I'm glad you find my story tasty

Virus: I'm glad you like it, I'm also glad you like bacon it's so tasty, I'm sorry I didn't update sooner but here it is now,

Anyways if you have read this far I congratulate you as no one ever does please leave a review if you have a question or if you don't!

Alex was torn he had long since realised that Tom would be amongst the crowd of school kids and he didn't know how to deal with it, I wasn't exactly something he wanted to discuss with Panther so he kept quiet for now deciding to keep it to himself, he may have opened up to Panther a bit more but he was far from ready to reveal him being part cat and how he came to be a hybrid, and he still didn't know how to deal with Tom.

Alex had taken to observing his classes lesson whenever he wasn't in any himself (his uncle had insisted he attended them so he wouldn't fall behind in his education and so he would learn to defend himself), currently he was watching as his class were trying and failing to complete the obstacle course, it was quite amusing to see Wolf shouting at them until he heard his name,

"EVEN CUB CAN COMPLETE IT," Alex's cat ears pricked up, as one of his classmates said, "Why is Alex even here, I thought he moved to France,"

"SHUT UP, THAT DOESN'T CONCERN YOU," his classmates looked uneasy and talked among themselves as they walked back to the beginning of the course.


For Alex this whole situation was strange, he used to live a pretty normal life, he was an outgoing young boy who loved to play football and hang out with Tom but ever since he was taken and changed he doesn't feel like himself anymore. He was much shyer and didn't like to talk to people, to most his new abilities were pretty cool but to Alex they were the thing that caused him all this pain, the thing that killed his parents and he would give them up in a heartbeat for just a moment with them to say goodbye properly but that wasn't possible. He had to accept that this was his life at the moment and he needed to prepare himself if anything like this were to happen again. His uncle had talked about the secret service and how they were interested in him now because of his new abilities but Alex did not want to use them to hurt others unless absolutely necessary.

He contemplated all of this whilst walking to the spot in the woods where he first meet Jason, it was by far his favourite spot in the whole camp because it was isolated and unknown, and no one would find him there except Jason.

"Alex! Alex wait stop!"

And apparently Tom.

"Alex STOP please," Alex turned around and saw Tom stumble after him, he had been so wrapped up in his thoughts that he hadn't heard Tom crashing through the undergrowth to reach him. "Alex I.. I really don't know what to say, one minute you were there, the next you were gone and now I find you here of all places! How? Where did you go?" Alex sighed and looked at his feet, "It's difficult to explain Tom," he said slowly, "I.. Well I had some family issues and my parents had to go somewhere so I have to stay with my uncle who works here" Alex said hesitantly, not being entirely truthful. Tom just stood there, "You couldn't text me or something? It's been 5 months Alex! You couldn't take two minutes to pick up a phone and explain or even say goodbye!" Alex was about to reply when they heard one of the soldiers yell, "Alright everyone get your butts back here now or you can do 5 rounds of the obstacle course!" Tom paled and turned to Alex, "We will talk later," and he turned around and ran off.

As soon as Tom was out of sight Alex realised how upset he was, the conversation had brought up everything he wanted to forget and he was reminded of what it was like having Tom around again. He crumpled to the floor and curled up in a ball and started sobbing, his body shuddering with every strangled cry that was released. It was like this 2 hours later when Panther found him on the forest floor. "Oh Alex," he said, "What's happened," Panther leaned down and gathered Alex up in his arms and gently rocked him. "I-I don't want this to be my life Jason," he choked out, "I want my parents back, I want Tom to be my friend again, I want everything to go back to normal but it won't," Jason looked at Alex, "Now Cub, I don't know what you've been through but it sounds pretty awful, all I know is that you might be here for a while and if it makes you feel better I will be with you whenever you need me, so will your Uncle. I'm sure if you explained or tried to patch things up you will be able to be friends with Tom again until he leaves and I can give you lessons on how to protect yourself which might make you feel a bit more in control in bad situations. Okay?" Alex glanced up at Panther and wrapped him arms around him, "Yes, thank you," he whispered. Jason looked relived and put Alex gently down on the ground and picked himself up, "Alright then Cub we start first thing tomorrow,"

For the first time since the accident, Alex felt hope.


So there we go, I hope to post another too and if you have any ideas about where the story could go or what could happen leave a review and I will try to make it happen!

Thanks so much xxx
