Hey! Pebblemist here! So, due to the lack of Riley/Lucas fics on FFN that don't involve kids and stuff, I wrote this.

Disclaimer: Yeah, sure, I TOTTALLY own Girl Meets World. . . NOT.

It all started that day on the subway. When she was trying to be like Maya. When Maya flirted with him in order to teach her how to flirt. When she made her let go of the pole, sending her flying into his lap. That was when Riley had gotten her first major crush.

It had come as a huge shock to her when the he walked into her History class. She had no idea that they were going to be in the same school. And when they were partners for that No Cell Phones assignment, her heart nearly stopped.

And even when her father dragged him away from her, or when she couldn't speak to him, and when she stuck her finger up his nose, he'd never stopped being her friend. Not even when Missy asked him out. He'd refused when he learned that she, Maya, and Farkle couldn't come with them. He'd shown how strong their friendship was then.

But she wanted to be more than friends. She'd been waiting for that kiss, when they had gotten the parts of Romeo and Juliet. And Farkle had stolen that moment. And when Lucas told her that his moment would be his moment, Riley had been convinced that he liked her back.

"It's obvious he likes me back, right Maya?" she asked her best friend. It was a Saturday night, and Maya was sleeping over for the weekend. For the past ten minutes, they'd been deep in conversation about none other than Lucas.

"You're really crushing on him, aren't you?" Maya asked.

Riley's face paled. "Is it that obvious?" she fretted.

"It's that obvious," Maya told her. Riley sighed.

"Do you think he knows?"

"I can almost guarantee he knows."

"Why do you say that?" Riley asked.

"Oh, I don't know," Maya said in a sarcastic tone. "Maybe the fact that you used to freak out every time you were near him, you danced with him at the dance, and you wanted him to kiss you during the Romeo and Juliet play. . . Yep. Unless he's really stupid, I'm pretty sure he knows you like him."

Riley sighed, flopping down on her bed dramatically. "How can I argue with that?"

Maya smirked, flopping down next to her. "You can't."

"I just can't wait for his moment to come."

"What exactly do you see in him?" Maya asked. Riley looked at her like she was crazy.

"What exactly do you not see in him?"

"That doesn't make any sense," Maya told her.

"How does that not make any sense? You don't make any sense!"

Maya grinned. "Fine, he's kind of cute. But that's the only thing I like about him."

"Not his accent, not his politeness, not his sweetness, not his eyes?"

"Oh, yeah," Maya said in her fake country accent. "How could I forget his PURDY EYES?"

Riley rolled her eyes, just as there was a knock on the door.

"Girls, dinner's ready," Topanga cracked the door.

"Just a sec, Mom," Riley said, sitting up. Maya sat up with her.

"Okay. But if Auggie or your father eats up all the pizza, don't blame me. . ." Topanga said, backing out of the doorway. Riley jumped up.

"You ordered pizza?" Riley asked.

"Yes," Topanga said. "Why?"

"You never order pizza!" she cried.

"Well I did tonight. Your father begged me not to make chicken, and so it was either pizza or peanut butter sandwiches."

"Thanks, Mom!" Riley said.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Did you look at the note I left on your test, Maya?" Cory asked while grabbing his second slice of pizza.

"Mmm-hmm," Maya said through a mouthful of pizza.

Following this was a conversation about how much Maya's grades had improved in the past few months, but all Riley could think about as she ate her slice of pizza was Lucas.

Maya had admitted that he was cute. Was that a threat to a possible relationship between Riley and Lucas? No, Riley mentally scolded herself. They fight too much. If anything, they're more like brother and sister than a couple. Besides, Maya would never put up with him for more than two minutes on a date. I'd have to save his life! What was I thinking?

"Earth to Riley! Come in, Riley. . . RILEY!" Maya waved her hand in front of Riley's face. "Hello?"

Riley jumped back, sending her chair reeling backwards. She hit her head on the ground.

"Ow! Maya, don't do that!" she yelled, sitting up. Maya was choking back laughter.

"Sorry, Riles," she finally said, wiping a tear.

"Riley, honey, are you okay?" Topanga asked, helping her daughter up.

The twelve-year-old was grinning. "I'm fine," she laughed. She pulled her chair up and sat down again, smiling.

Somehow, Riley made it through the whole night without zoning out again. She and Maya finished their dinner and went back up to Riley's room, where they stayed up late, talking about school and boys and homework (Which Maya hadn't done. Again.) Soon, they fell asleep.

That was Chapter One! Sorry it was so short. So, tell me what you think!