So this is my first story in about five years, as I previously deleted my account. But now I'm back, and felt inspired. Please guys, if you notice any grammatical errors or gross misuse of punctuation, please tell me. Any comments or helpful criticism is certainly welcome. Enjoy :]

The night was quiet and the city of Konaha's lights were all but diminished. It was nearing 3 am, and Naruto remains unable to achieve restful sleep.

Naruto stared at his palm where a stark circle tattoo stared back at him, and rubbed it thoughtfully.

"I suppose you can't sleep either, huh?"

Slipping into a jacket and sweat pants, he left his quarters and kept out into the brisk autumn night air.

It was three days after his twenty third birthday, and three years after his appointment to Hokage. Time seemed to have slowed to a dull ache after the events of the war. It is good for the village, these ensuing days of peace, but Naruto felt a stirring of uneasiness in his heart. Sitting at a desk made him bored, longing for adventure and less paperwork.

The climb to the top of Hokage mountain was waking him up, the wind pressed up against his face exhilarating as he quickly jumped to the top. He took a deep inhale of the night air, and smiled as he landed next to the dark figure standing there. He laid back on the rough face of the rock with his hands behind his head and gave a warm smile in his companion's direction.

"When did ya get back?"

Sasuke lowered the hood of his cloak, and turned his face toward Naruto. The light of the moon washed out his already pale skin, giving it a silver glow.

"A few hours ago."

Sasuke. although boldly stating his intent to lead the village after his return during the war, was never trusted completely again by the civilians or shinobi of the village. Naruto fought fiercely with the elders of the village after his appointment to Hokage to allow Sasuke status as an ANBU member, provided Naruto would be personally responsible for whatever indiscretions he may take. Naruto felt pangs of guilt, for not convincing them to allow the two to rule together. Even till, the two remained in close confidence. But deep in his heart, he was glad Sasuke was able to leave the village and carry out missions the black haired man was known for brutally carrying out. He knew it kept the other man sane, even if it made him worried.

However, since the two were linked by palm, Naruto could always tell somewhat what Sasuke was feeling. It was hardly ever fear, and gave him no excuse to be legitimately worried for the other's safety.

"How did it go, then?"

Sasuke sat down beside him, setting his katana at his feet and adjusted his cloak. With all the wind on top of the mountain, Naruto could detect the faint smell of blood.

"Do you really want me to discuss business right now? Isn't that what those inane meetings in your office are for?"

Naruto had to laugh at that "Haha, yeah, fuck. Guess we have one of those tomorrow. And lots of bullshit paperwork to fill out, as usual."

"Hmm. Why are you out so late?"

Naruto turned to Sasuke and grinned, "I felt you also couldn't sleep after you came home, figured I would come welcome you."

Sasuke stared at the other man for a long moment, taking him in. The rumbled sweats, the more rumbled than usual blonde hair, that cheerful grin looking back at him. Slightly uncomfortable with eye contact, looked down at his black gloved hand.

"Well when ruling the country goes to shit because of that habit, don't blame me."

Naruto laughed again, standing up and offering Sasuke an arm. "Nah, I won't let the country fall to shit for another ten years at least. Or until you know, another horde of zombies fights us or something"

Sasuke snorted and ignored the hand, pushing himself up. "What am I, a girl?"

"Fuck you I was being nice! Speaking of nice things I was going to offer you, did you want to come back to my house?"

About a year ago, Naruto started offering the spare bedroom of his luxurious new Hokage accommodations to Sasuke when he came back from missions. Even though the invitation always stood, he always asked as a formality of sorts. But the other man never said no, for Naruto knew Sasuke's barren apartment was nothing he was eager to get back to. He craved the company since their schedules do not allow them to visit as often as he would like.


Sasuke noted Naruto's happy smile in the moonlight at his answer.

"Awesome! Race you back!" With that Naruto took off at full speed, disappearing from sight.

With a small smile on his lips, Sasuke took off after him.

Laying in his own bed again, alone, Naruto's could hear the sound of the shower going. He knew Sasuke was rinsing off the grime and filth of the mission, both literally and figuratively. This act was not unusual, Sasuke even kept spare clothing in the extra bedroom without ever asking. Naruto only just realized this recently when he found a white shirt with a small Uchiha symbol embroidered into the collar in his laundry. It would seem silly to make comment on the action now.

The shower stopped, and after a few minutes, a soft knock at entrance way of his room. Naruto looked up, seeing his friend standing in clean clothes with wet hair in the doorway.

"Whatsup?" Naruto sat up in his bed, swinging his legs over so they touched the floor

Sasuke approached him, handing over a small medic kit. "Can you bandage me up? I can't reach it."

"Yeah, of course." He scooted over as Sasuke sat down to his right and pulled the hem of his shirt up slightly, revealing a small but deep gash on his left side. Naruto opened the kit and pulled out gauze and tape, as well as a small alcohol pad. This was also not an unusual occurrence. Sasuke told Naruto bitterly around two years ago, that he would have to stop using his sharingan except in exceptional circumstances, for doctors predicted he would go blind before thirty if he did. This resulted in more injuries, ones that Sasuke privately kept to himself.

"Why don't you go to Sakura to have this kinda thing handled, huh?"

Sasuke turned his head around and raised a single thin eyebrow in a deadpan look before twisting his neck away.

"At this hour? Not likely."

"Yeah, she would probably think you were there for some sort of love confession, haha."

Naruto set to work cleaning the little bit of remaining dried blood off of Sasuke's pale back with the pad slowly. Sasuke made no indication of discomfort, so Naruto went ahead and attached the bandage.


"Why don't you ask her out, anyway? Pretty sure she still loves you, ya know."

Naruto having finished, Sasuke lowered his shirt back down and stood up, giving him another look devoid of expression. He was good at those, to Naruto's frustration.

"And why haven't you asked Hinata out then?"

Naruto reddened slightly, fussing with the medical kit and quickly stuffing the remaining supplies and trash inside it. "Well, you know, I guess… I mean she's beautiful and smart, but…"

"But what?" Sasuke's tone was tired. Naruto looked up, and hadn't noticed before the dark circles under his friend's eyes. He became suddenly aware that it was nearing four in the morning, and both men had things to do tomorrow.

"I just don't have that connection with her like that, I guess."

"Well there you go, idiot".

Naruto bristled at the response. "Don't call me an idiot! Don't you have a clan to revive and or some shit?"

Sasuke shrugged a shoulder nonchalantly, replying, "That's no longer a goal of mine, anymore. I'm going to let the clan die with me. Then nothing evil can ever come of it again."

Naruto was aghast at the seriousness of the answer, "Do you really mean that, Sasuke? Be alone forever?"

Sasuke was already walking away, waving a hand lazily in the air behind him, reminiscent of their former Sensei. "Yeah, I do. Night."

Naruto looked at his empty doorway, light blue eyes wide in shock. 'How could Sasuke really mean that," he thought to himself. He laid back in his bed, setting the medic kit on his nightstand and drawing the covers to his chest.

The lights in his room were still on, but Naruto suddenly felt too tired to get back up and turn them off. He raised his right hand in the air, looking at his downturned palm. He felt a slight tinge of exhaustion and loneliness, but the raven haired man had always been good a hiding his emotions.

"But what are you really thinking about, eh, Sasuke?"

Next Chapter will be up in about a week, folks, perhaps sooner if bugged :]. I'm thinking perhaps a five part series.