A/N: NOOOOOOO HOW CAN THIS BE THE END OF THE STORY?! I love like to individually thank each and everyone of you, for the support, love and kindness over the course of this story. Though this is my story, it's all for you.

Thanks to my followers: 06bromleys, Abidoodles02, Amor Mio, AnaTheGalaxyAvenger, Another Apocalypse, Arinlianette Artimis99, Beccashoe42 ,BeedleBard6789, BlackHamster96, Bootylisha, Broken Lost Teenager, Candyluver2121, Cap's Best Girl, Cmusiclover92, CupcakesAndAlice, DestielWorshipper, Disneysidegirl, Domitia Ivory, Druid Archer, EstelleFay, Evangeline Pond, Evenlight, FIRE ELF MAIDEN, FallenStar92, Forever Fanfiction Lover22, Fraijda the Music Freak, GamerGirl818, HeartofBruce, IsabellaMiles1, JJCME, Jacqualeen, Jane R. Doe , .1995, Just Lindsey, KaiFukugawa, KaiaSnowfall, Kat-SweetHeart92, Kat229, Kitmera , Knighthawk993, Kosongbird, Kowzgomoo911 , LiliAnn Jackson, LunaRoo, MARVELous05, MaddySan5926, MakeUrMark, Marceasdf, MateriaGirl16, Mia , Minthe Faye, MirandaRose22, 3, , NOTagentsofnothing420, NeedtoRead10, Nightsong1771, NinjaAnbuGirl, NotSupposedToBeHere, Nymartian, Only Original Me 27, PeterPan2425, PhanPhicAddict, PhantomGirl1731, Pluv143000, Queensusie, RainbowShelby, RockinRaverRay, SaChan22, Saddles18, Saphirabrightscale, .Uchiha, Shadow the Ranger, Sol981, StarHobbit, StudyInBlack, TabloidTeen, Tazzz, That Punk Rock Fandom Chick, The Athena, The Calm Spy, TheGabification, TheWeepingRaven, Tinymentbien, Tomahawk Girl, TyrantWaffle, Unorthodox-Turian, Updikegirl, Vinghen, Whitwhit1893, Winter Elvish Rose, XXArmageddonXX, YouAreMyRevolution, ZappedOfOriginality, alexis1612, apatheticBaker, arielcm, babydake93, bfggfdr, briannatylo, broweiss27, cheesepuffs46, chrlt7, cnyonghwa, cp6, cr33pingd34th00, dark-prisim, diethumperdie, disneychic248c, emberlies, gearsky, gossamermouse101, graciegirl000, greensaber92, huehnchen, hungergamespettalover, i-need-shine, janedoe4251, jrocha374282, lmcfoy2, marleyxrae, megancullen89, meggieXx,michelleperez14, mollzzzyy, noblandmakeup, okgurl87, osch2001, princessyuki08, redvelvetlover13, sammyxxjames, shadow fox91, skycord1990, smarcoresh, smoonchester, snmuenst, thedeathberry911, thenamerequestedhasbeentaken, titen anwolf, tullamore, wavelights, MoonShoesPotter1011, I'm a fire truck

Love to my favouriters: AnaTheGalaxyAvenger, Another Apocalypse, Artimis99, BlackHamster96, BohemianChic, BookLover4Ever Yay, BrendaBanner1234, Broken Lost Teenager, Candyluver2121, Cap's Best Girl, Carlypso, ChibiCheshire, Cmusiclover92, Disneysidegirl, Domitia Ivory, EmeraldRaider31, EstelleFay, FIRE ELF MAIDEN, INKROSE, Inscribed With Evil Love, IsabellaMiles1, JJCME, Jacqualeen, Kitmera, MaddySan5926, Marceasdf, MarsPlanetsGirl, MiaR, 3, MsRobinsonCrusoe17, NOTagentsofnothing420, Nightsong1771, PeterPan2425 ,PhanPhicAddict, RainbowShelby, RockinRaverRay , Saddles18, Saphirabrightscale, Sapphire Roz, ShelBell25, StudyInBlack, SummerBum95,That Punk Rock Fandom Chick, TheBloodyMadQueen,The Short Shinigami,Tiniii25,Updikegirl,Vinghen,XxmerhxX,babydake93,bfggfdr, briannatylo,broweiss27, castielslittleassbutt, cheesepuffs46, , cr33pingd34th00, dawn08, disneychic248c, gearsky, graciegirl000, hayhay196, hopeless illusion, hungergamespettalover, janedoe4251, lockurhart, lovinurbuks, michelleperez14, mollzzzyy,newty01, osch2001, sammyxxjames, sherlocksbluebox,skycord1990, thedeathberry911, Jupiter's Dragon, I'm a fire truck

Hugs to my reviewers: Ellie, Tazzz, Whitwhit1893, NOTagentsofnothing420, Guest, gearsky, broweiss, Inscribed With Evil Love, Carlypso, yornma, BartWLewis, Queensusie, Guest, Guest, Guest, Knighthawk993, Sapphire Roz, Fanfiction 4 President, Evangeline Pond, Another Apocalypse, dorkycorky88,

Smiles for my communities: GotG Ocs, Guardians of the Galaxies, Star Lord/OC

A million thanks to my 14, 363 readers.

I cannot believe this is the last chapter, I don't care who you are, why you're here or what you think of the story just leave a review! Its the end, please be nice to me XD

For the last time

~I've been Jotunheim Storm~

Thanks xoxo


We all stood together on the Milano, together for what we all knew would be the last time. Over the last month we had become a family, a dysfunctional one yes, but a family all the same. We had been through the thickest and the thinnest. We had done things no one would ever believe, so we decided to keep it to ourselves. Then there was her, the one I was supposed to forget about. The one that was supposed to help us and then leave. The one I was not supposed to fall deeply in love with. Her name, Jasmine.

She stood before me, her deep brown curls tied back out of her face into a messy bun at the back of her head. Her eyes glistened with questions and excitement. Excitement to be alive, considering not that long ago she was dead. In her curly locks of brown hair the flower garland made by Groot was hanging on top of her head, and strangely the flower look was really working for her. She wore the deep maroon jacket of the ravangers, with a light blue cotton shirt underneath. She also wore the red matching leggings of the ravangers, with her brown ankle boots. On one shoulder she hung the black tasselled back she picked up on Knowhere, it held her lilac sun-dress and the blue Nova Corps uniform Irani Rael insisted she kept, to remind her of the bravery she showed in this battle today. Around her neck she had the silver moon pendant, it shimmered in the dim lighting of my ship.

I knew this would be the last time I saw her, and that broke my heart in two. Broke it into the smithereens it was when I watched her die back in the hospital wing of the Nova Headquarters. I never thought I would become so attached to someone I told myself I didn't give a damn about. I knew why I cared though, I gave her a pet name; Jaz. My grandfather always told me, the second you give someone or something a pet name you unintentionally become attached to that person and that's exactly what happened.

I had fallen in love, despite my womanizing past and my lack of fidelity. She had become everything I cared about and everything I worried about. She had really given me a heart attack when she went into the battle and sacrificed herself to save Xandar from the clutches of the Collector, I felt saver in the knowledge he was no longer perusing the galaxy.

Now it was the dreaded goodbye. I had mucked up the courage once to say goodbye, I hated the fact the world wished me to do so again. I had never been good at goodbyes, I hadn't even been able to say goodbye to the man that practically raised me Yondu. He wasn't the best role model in life but I knew he had my back and vice versa. He was like a father and I still didn't dare say the dreaded words.


We had dropped of Sam earlier, he was no longer possessing the memories of us or Jasmine. He was simply a broken wreck, unable to remember the memories that would haunt his every waking second.

We had now come to Greenwich, London, where Jasmine lived. We hovered above the ground, out of sight so no human could see us and be freaked out by a group of aliens and two humans on one ship, saying their heartfelt goodbyes to a woman they should of never come to care about.

I looked out the window of the Milano to see the house Jasmine called home. It was a wonderful sight, the house was built nicely with a Victorian edge to it. Under the sun, it gleamed a deep blue, with pale ivory running along the edges outlining the house. The house in general, gave a feeling of calmness to all who passed by.

It had three floors total, windows popped out of every direction, but didn't -amazingly- make it looked over-rid with windows. Lastly, indentations of small figures were carved into a surrounding line outside the attic window.

Around the outside there were clumps of flowers in small bush like formations. There was also a cobbled path leading towards the wooden door. It was like the houses I only dreamed of owning back when I lived on Terra with my mom. I always told her when I was bigger, we'd move to England and buy a castle. It made her laugh so I elaborated on the story more, drawing pictures and writing stories about what we would do. One of them was about meeting the Queen, and having tea with her. Now that was farfetched even for me.

Jasmine turned to look at us, her eyes glistening with tears that I was unsure whether or not she would cry. The first person she said goodbye to was Rocket, she rubbed the back of his head affectionately, feeling the soft fur underneath her fingertips. She then turned to Drax, giving him a firm handshake and warm smile, a warm smile which said everything she needed to. Then there was Gamora, I assumed they had a special bond as they were the only women on the team. Jasmine enveloped Gamora in her arms and to my surprise Gamora hugged her back tightly. Groot just smiled at her warmly, and Jasmine repeated his phrase "I am Groot."

I tenderly and slowly stroke her soft skin on her face with my forefinger and thumb. Her brown eyes were glassed over with tears. I gently pressed my lips to her, the warmth of her body filling me with joy despite the sadness that sat at the bottom of my stomach. Her lips pushed back against mine, it was soft and full of an unspoken passion. It was not as desperate nor as passionate as the last kiss. It was slower and more thoughtful. It was filled with broken promises and unshed tears. I pulled away pressing my forehead to hers and holding her in my arms for a while.

"I'll miss you most of all," she whispered.

"Now I know I have a heart because it's breaking," I mumbled.

She gave us all an earnest smile, before opening the door to the Milano, the gush of wind almost blowing her flower crown out of place. She turned around to look at us all one last time.

"Jasmine I…" I tried to tell her what I felt all along.

"I know, goodbye Star Lord," she smiled brokenly.

"Goodbye Jaz," I called out as she jumped off of the ship, fading into the horizon. Like a memory.

I didn't stay around to wallow in the sadness of my team, I walked straight to my room and laid down on my bed, the warm duvet not filling me with the comfort it once did. I felt a sharp edge underneath me and I reached underneath my back to find a small crumpled up piece of paper, I unfolded it and began to read.

I knew the beautiful, calligraphy almost instantly.


Dear Peter,

I hope you find this letter, if not writing this was pointless but alas I'll do it anyway. If you're reading this you might imagine my voice reading the words out to you, but I won't be. Let's pretend I am anyway though, for the thrill of it?


We did a lot.


You kidnapped me, after leaving me for five years. And yes I am still hung up on that. Took me to Xandar, Knowhere and god knows where else. Insane, right? If anyone had even suggested that to me last year I'd laugh.

And laugh.

And laugh.

But it happened didn't it?

That Collector guy though, what is with him? Honestly someone must have dropped that freak on his head when he was kid. Hoarder much.

Sorry for the heart attack I gave you, I didn't know you cared that much.

I didn't know I cared either.

I still remember the first time I fell for you. Again. When you gave up your bed for me, and held me through the night while I cried not complaining once that I soaked your shirt. I know I hit you, but if we're being honest about feelings and that shit; I was in denial.

I couldn't care about you.

I shouldn't care about you.

But I did.

But I do.

You are obnoxious, arrogant and sarcastic. You are a womanizing bastard with the biggest ego in the galaxy, and no I was not just writing that for the pun.

But you are also sweet, kind, outrageously funny and even though it annoys me; stupidly charming.


And you are handsome.

But's not why I like you.

You are brave and stupid all in one gesture. Selfless in one word. And completely and utterly sexy. Even without having to take your shirt off…

I hate how your green eyes glisten in the moonlight even though I yearn to gaze in them one last time. I hate how you only know old music and how much I love to hear those blasts from the past. I hate how your beautiful hair and how it's still gorgeous when is bedraggled when rising in the morning.

Everything I should hate about you, makes me adore you even more.

Because all your bad is always balanced out by your good.

We took too long to do nothing.

That is my only regret. From the day we met to the time we parted.

We took too long to do nothing.

To say nothing.

And too long denying everything.

I didn't fall in love with you. I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way. I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe we are only fated to do the things that we'd choose anyway. And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you

Peter, Star Lord, Quill, Pete, idiot, moron, bastard, not a complete dick, Star Prince.


I love you.

I'm not going to write goodbye, I don't do goodbye.

I can't say goodbye because I love you. So I'll say it like you're going to come back.

See you around, Peter Jason Quill

Jasmine xxx

I fingered over the soft handwriting, feeling my heart go off to the girl I just let go. All these years I thought love was simply a dream, words for books, films and songs. I thought I was nothing but child's play.

But she taught me it wasn't, she opened my eyes to a world full of possibilities. She took my heart and shattered it.

I now knew what love was.

It was her.

Jasmine Antonia Turner.

And I knew the songs and stories were right.

Love was real.