Peter Parker, son of Steve Rogers and Tony Stark, was known to be an intelligent, well- mannered, adorable, young man. He is always so well behaved, responsible and does what he's told without complaint. He's always so joyful, enthusiastic, and wanting to lend a hand to someone in need. To put it short and to the point, he's a miniature Steve and the only thing linking him to Tony is his intelligence and enthusiasm and love of science. No one knew Peter to ever be jealous, his personality wasn't like that. That's the thing; he wasn't the child jealous type.

Everyone loves Peter; there isn't anyone who hates the child because… you just can't hate him. It's nearly impossible; he's too likeable to be hated by others. Since the day Steve brought Peter back from the hospital, everyone instantly fell in love with the child. Everyone wanted to hold him, play with him, and show him all their attention. Peter was the center of everyone's attention, everyone loved and cared for him and Peter thought nothing could change how happy he felt with his dysfunctional, yet loving, family.

… Until the day Tony and Steve brought home his new baby brother that he's been dying to meet for the past 9 months. He was very excited to be able to be a big brother to baby James, but he never knew having a new baby in the house would cost him a lot more then he was ready to give.


(2 Months Earlier)

"Daddy! Papa!" 6 year old Peter Parker screams as he runs into his fathers' room. "Daddy, Papa!" The hyper active child jumps onto their bed, happiness radiating off his small body. There's a loud groan from the right side of the bed, Tony burying himself further into the bed as he pulls the pillow over his head. Peter giggles happily at the sight of his exhausted father, but his attention is caught by the other side of the bed moving.

A soft, "Hm…" is heard from Steve's side before said man slowly boosts himself to a sitting position in his spot. His eyes are still closed, even when he sits up, but he opens them when Peter leans in and wraps his arms around Steve's neck. "Oh, hey Peter." Steve says hugging him back and ruffling the child's curly brown when he pulls away. "When did you get in here?"

"Now!" Peter screams, unaware of how loud his high pitched voice is in the silent room.

Steve motions for him to lower his volume slightly when Tony lets out another groan at the ear piercing sound. Steve chuckles and leaned over kissing Tony's forehead. "Up and adam sweetheart. When the spider calls," Steve says tickling Peter's belly, the child immediately laughing pushing Steve's hand away. "Then it's time to get up."

Steve pulls away the bed sheets, Peter smiling as the blankets reveal the extra- large T-shirt that Steve has on to fit perfectly over Steve's 9 month round belly. Instinctively, Peter reaches out and presses his hand to Steve's belly. "Baby!" He exclaims happily. "Good morning baby." Peter leans down and presses a soft kiss to the top of Steve's belly, giggling when he feels a kick on his left hand in response. "Daddy," Peter calls gathering Steve's attention. "Baby kicked. Baby kicked." He states, a large goofy grin on his face.

Steve smiles down at his oldest son and chuckles softly, "Yes Peter, baby did kick. Unfortunately, baby kicked daddy's urine and now daddy has to pee." Steve throws his legs off the side of the bed and uses the bedside dresser as leverage to pull himself to a standing position. Peter smiles and lays beside Tony on the bed, curling in closer to him as he watches Steve waddle his way into the bathroom.

When the door closes, Peter turns around and faces Tony's sleeping form. He smiles and reaches a hand out to touch Tony's goatee, chuckling when Tony's eyes suddenly pop open. "Hi papa." Peter chirps.

Sighing loudly, Tony runs a hand over his face before leaning over and kiss Peter's cheek. "Hi Pete." He says tiredly going into a sitting position, placing his head in his hands. He groans into them before rubbing his eyes tiredly. "What time is it?" He asks between a yawn.

Peter looks over at the clock on Steve's side of the bed. "It's 10 o'clock. You and daddy missed breakfast and everyone was so hungry that we ate without you. Sorry, but Uncle Bruce promised he'd make you something when you wake up."

"He better." Tony says offering his son a smile. He ruffles Peter's hair before getting out of bed and heading for the dresser. "Where's daddy Pete?"

"Bathroom." Peter replies immediately jumping off the bed. "Baby kicked when I kissed him and daddy said it hit his ur-… ur-" The child fumbles with the word and his forehead creases in concentration. "… ine."

"Urine?" Tony supplies.

"Yeah! Urine." The child giggles and shakes his head. "Daddy is silly."

"Daddy sure is silly." Tony agrees going to the bathroom door. "Pete why don't you go tell Uncle Bruce that we're awake and starving."

"Okay!" Peter says bouncing out of the room, closing the bedroom door behind him.

***** Later On That Day *****

Later on that day found little Peter playing with his action figures, his two companions, Natasha and Clint, happily playing along to make the child happy. Who would've thought the Black Widow and Hawkeye would actually sit down, pick up an action figure that resembled them and begin an imaginary battle just to please their nephew.

It was up to the point in battle where Captain America, held by Peter, was about to give the final death blow to the villain of today when Steve walked in, a bag slung over his shoulder.

A smile suddenly spreads across his face at the sight of his father. "Daddy!" He says excitedly dropping the action figure in his hand and rushes over to where Steve leans against the door frame of his son's room.

Peter wraps his arms around his father, but Steve's stomach only allows Peter to hug his belly. "Hey Peter." Steve replies a little breathless, a small grimace on his face.

Clint and Natasha notice immediately whereas Peter stays oblivious. "Steve you alright?" Clint asks as Natasha pulls Peter back to her side.

"Yeah. Just fine." He says even though he doesn't look fine. Before the spies could question him further, he smiles at all of them. The smile pained, but still a smile. "The baby is coming."

"Really!?" Peter asks excitedly, his body starting to vibrate with happiness. Before he can take a step in Steve's direction to pounce on his father, Natasha steps in front of him.

"Peter what did we talk about? You can't be rough around your father." She reminds softly.

Peter looks down shamefully, "Sorry aunt 'Tasha, I'm really excited. The baby is coming!" He exclaims happily up at her.

"So I heard." She smiles down at him before turning her attention back to Steve. "What are you doing here than? Should you be with Tony and Bruce?"

"I will, they're setting things up, but could you and Clint watch Peter for us. Than bring him down after the baby's born."

"'Course we can." Clint says hoisting Peter up on his shoulder. "We were just in the middle of a battle at the moment."

"Thank you." Steve says, his gratitude showing his voice.

"Come on Cap. I'll take you down." Natasha offers coming to his side and grabbing his arm. She assists him to the elevator and shoots Clint a 'you better not do anything destructive while I'm gone' look. Clint only has time to give her a goofy grin before the elevator doors close putting a barrier between Natasha and Steve and Clint and Peter.

Clint sighs and looks up at Peter who was still perched on his shoulder and was currently staring at the elevator door in awe. "Well Pete, you want to finish this battle without your aunt 'Tasha."

"Yeah." Peter plops back down on the floor and grabs the doll he was previously holding and the doll Natasha had. "Watch out Uncle Clint! Doctor Doom is about to throw a laser beam at you, look out!"

**** Hours Later ****

The doors open and Tony walked in smiling really large. Clint, Natasha and Peter looked from the movie they were watching. Transformers. The three smiled back when they saw Tony and stood up immediately.

"How is he?" Clint asked.

Tony shrugged, "Tired, but he's okay."

"The baby?" Peter asks excitedly.

Tony smiles down at his son, "Perfect. Do you want to see your new baby brother?"

Peter beams, "Brother!? YEAH!" Tony scoops his oldest son in his arms and nods for the other two to follow. The three make their way down to the medical center and find Pepper, Thor, and Bruce standing outside the room. The three meet up with them. "Give me a sec." He places Peter down and disappears behind the door before emerging moments later. "Come on in."

The door opens and Peter walks in timidly, eyes searching everywhere for his father and his new baby brother. "Pete?" He hears his father's gentle, yet tired voice call to him. Peter eyes focus on the hospital bed in the middle of the room and his eyes sparkle with joy when he sees a blue bundle in his father's arms. He wants to run over and jump on the bed to see the baby, but he's scared he'll hurt his father or wake up his brother. And the thing Peter feared the most was being a horrible big brother to his sibling. He smiled at his father and got on his tippy toe to look over the bed edge and see the baby from where he stood near the door. Steve smiled and nodded for Peter to come over, "Come see your new baby brother." Peter took a tentative step near the bed and stayed his ground. He was afraid.

Tony walked in the room, Natasha and Clint opting to stay in the hallway with Pepper, Bruce and Thor to give the family some privacy. Tony went to his son, "It's okay, you won't hurt them. Don't you want to see him?"

Peter nodded, "I don't wanna wake him up."

Tony smiled and kissed the top of his head, "You'll be fine. Come on." Tony picked Peter up and brought him over to the bed.

Steve scooted over on the bed for Tony to place Peter down which he does. Peter leans over Steve's lap and looks down at the bundle. He frowns when he realizes the blanket is concealing his brother's face and he can't see very well. "I can't see." He whispers softly to not wake the baby up.

Steve chuckles before moving the blanket out of the baby's face for his eldest to see his new baby brother. Peter couldn't help the large smile that was plastered on his face. He reached out a hesitant hand to touch the baby's cheeks, but stops halfway. Steve nods, "its okay. You can touch him. You won't hurt him, I promise."

Peter reaches out and traces a circle on his brother's cheek with a loving look in his eyes. "What's his name?"

Steve smiles, "That's what we wanted to talk to you about."

"Me? Why Me?" Peter asks confused glancing up at his father.

Steve and Tony share a glance and a smile before looking down at Peter. "We want you to name him."

Peter's eyes shoot up in excitement and pride. "Really?" He whispers/ shouts with happiness.

"Yeah, he's your brother and we want you to give him a name." Steve nudges his son. "So what do you want to name him?"

Peter stared down at his new baby brother, his face hard in concentration. While he thinks, the others walk inside the room to see the new arrival of their little dysfunctional family. Peter doesn't even notice, too lost in his thoughts as many names pass through his mind. He doesn't even hear the small conversation made between the adults, his eyes only for his brother.

Suddenly, moments later, Peter looks up from his baby brother and faces everyone in the room. One word escapes his lips. "James."

"What?" Bruce asks.

"James. I want his name to be James." Peter looked up at Steve and smiled. "Because of your best friend Bucky."

Steve stares down at his son shocked, "Really? Peter you don't have to do that."

Peter nods, "I want to honor Uncle Bucky."

Tony nudges his son, "Peter that's nice of you and it does have a nice ring to it. James Rogers- Stark." Tony stares lovingly down at his baby son, at baby James and whispers in his son's ear, "Do you want to hold him?" Peter nods excitedly. Tony reaches past him and grabs the baby before helping Peter adjust his arms so he can comfortably hold baby James in his arms.

Peter smiles down at James, and brushes the small tuff of hair he has on the top of his small head. "Hi James. It's me, Peter. Your big brother. I'm going to take good care of you and I'm going to teach you how to play baseball and all kinds of stuff. I love you." Peter leans down and presses a soft kiss to baby James' forehead. At that moment, James decided to open his eyes and look up at the boy who will be his role model for the rest of his life. James peers up at Peter and smiles largely before letting out a soft giggle. Peter looked up excitedly at Steve, "He smiled and laughed at me!"

"He sure did."

"Can I hold him!?" Pepper gushes rushing to the side of Steve's bed.

"Of course. Peter you want to hand James to Aunt Pepper?"

No, he didn't. He wanted to keep holding his brother, but he reluctantly handed the baby over with Tony's and Pepper's help. Peter watched with a smile as his baby brother, James, was passed around everyone in the room. His eyes never strayed from his brother even when he was past to different arms. This was his new baby brother and he knew, the minute he looked at baby James, that he loved with so much. James wouldn't change anything; he would make his family even better and let his fathers have more love to give to both of them.

Now James was excited for life after today. How mornings would be, afternoons and nights. His aunts and uncles would play with both of them and give them both love. Maybe, when James is old enough, they can share a room so that whoever was tucking Peter in, can tuck James in as well. Many thoughts run through his head, all except the possibility of getting forgotten. He wasn't worried about that; he knew his family wouldn't forget him. They love him too much too.

But he didn't realize how much he was wrong.