Nsfw stuff ahead! ;)

Chapter 21

The holo-clock continues to play the love song, while Kaidan and Shepard are holding tight to each other in a heated kiss. Their demanding mouths are moving fast, their tongues colliding and swirling, their breaths quickening and their biotics humming.

"Loosen your hair, my love," Kaidan murmurs.

She complies without pulling apart from him, her crimson locks falling gently on her shoulders and down to her loins. He moves his lips over her chin, her jaw, the sensitive skin beneath her ear, and then he sinks his nose in all that lavender scented softness, caressing her nape.

"It is so long now," he says in awe.

"Ah– it was the only thing– I liked after I woke up from– my coma. And– I didn't have– the chance– to cut it after– Earth–" she answers, panting.

"Don't do it. It's gorgeous." He slips his fingers through the strands, inhaling deeply.

Shepard rests her hands on his chest, sensing his heartbeats under her palms, when he suddenly nips her throat at her pulse spot and she gasps out loud.

"Didn't you– say that– you wanted to– take your time?"

Alenko reaches her ear, sucking at her lobe. "Yeah. I wanted to take my time to enjoy the dinner with the most extraordinary woman in the galaxy. And now, I want to take my time exploring and tasting every inch of her body, getting lost within her and making her scream my name," he whispers huskily, pleased at her helpless moan.

His attention returns to her mouth, kissing her even more hungrily as he presses her against the fish tank. She slides her hands up from his pecs, his shoulders, and when she reaches his dark curls she digs her fingers into them, shivering lightly. They are mad with desire, their lips moving most desperately, with tongues, teeth and whimpers.

Kaidan needs to feel more of her, needs to feel bare skin. His hands make quick work of undoing her jacket, sliding it off her shoulders and tossing it aside. He breaks their contact to stare at her: her white tank top adheres perfectly to her curves, her black bra is visible underneath and her dog tags drop into the valley of her breasts, the rise and fall of her chest mesmerizing him.

He's caught by an urgent desire to undress her immediately, though he wants to take his time to savor her slowly, to relish in her presence. He forces his eyes to return to hers; she is gazing at him with an expression that seems to be simultaneously embarrassed and eager.

He smiles at her, fondly. "You are perfect, Sharilin." And then he kisses her again, his fingers gliding over the bare skin of her shoulders.

Shepard reacts by mimicking his last action with his jacket, moving away from the fish tank and driving him towards the large bed. When his legs hit the board, his shirt is on the floor as well, leaving his muscular chest naked. She pulls apart a few inches from him, just enough to contemplate his perfect body, her roaming hands exploring the expanse of his stomach, following the trail of dark hair that disappears into his pants. But before she can reach them, Kaidan reverses their positions and pushes her carefully on the bed.

She falls on the mattress, with her long hair scattered all over the sheets and a disappointed look on her face.

"Don't be hasty, my love. We've got all night." He grins. "First, we have to resolve a very complicated issue: removing these hulking boots from your delicate feet."

She giggles as he begins to work on her shoes. "Your laugh is the sweetest sound in the entire galaxy, Sharilin." His voice is full of affection and makes her blush instantly.

Once her feet are finally free, he turns his back to her and settles down between her legs to do the same with his own boots. She takes advantage of the situation, sitting behind him, stroking his bare back and brushing her lips across his olive skin, from his shoulder blades up to his neck. She gets dangerously closer to his body, until her breasts prop on him, and she catches his right earlobe within her teeth, making him quiver and let out a strong groan.

Kaidan snaps, flipping towards her and capturing her mouth with his. He devours her fiercely and his hands find the hem of her tank top; however, when he tries to slide his fingers underneath it, she stops him. He glances at her, confused, and for a brief moment it seems like she's worried about something, then she smirks at him. "Don't you remember that I told you about my new tattoo? Don't you want to see it?"

"Of course I do," he replies, relieved.

She gathers her hair on a side and she backs off from him, twisting and sitting on her knees. While she's taking off her top, Alenko recognizes the old N7 logo on her nape and the Spectre logo on her lower back – which he remembers she got the same day the Council gave her the title. At last she tosses the shirt from her head, and he is able to admire the brand new tattoo on her left shoulder blade, a magnificent bird with unfolded wings.

"Is it a phoenix?"

Shepard nods. "I had it done it the first time we docked at to the Citadel after– my awakening. I found out that imagining me as a phoenix, a mythological creature that revives from her own ashes, somehow helped me to carry on with my absurd situation." The guilt of rejecting her on Horizon stirs within him as soon as he notices that she's now trembling, "I know it's stupid–"

"No, it's not stupid at all." Kaidan swallows hard, chasing away all the bad thoughts. They're together now, and nothing will ruin their night. "It suits you perfectly. You're an extraordinary being with fire in your soul and a wild spirit," he murmurs, brushing the drawing of the bird with his forefinger.

He senses her shuddering under his touch, and he encourages her to lie down on the bed, her face sunken into a cushion. He begins to kiss the phoenix, while his hands wander over her naked skin: he can't help but notice her missing beautiful scars, something that will probably always make him nostalgic. Yet, he can relish in her amazing smoothness and the way he's still able to elicit whimpers of appreciation from her, remembering exactly every single sensitive zone of her body.

His lips move all over Shepard's back, kissing and lapping his way to her Spectre tattoo and then up to her N7 logo, and once more down until he reaches the clasp of her bra. Using his teeth, he manages to open it, making her give a little cry as he succeeds.

"Look at me, my love," he whispers in her ear while he's working to free her from the useless fabric. She hesitates, though when he aims at her neck, nipping and licking it, she twists towards him, letting him finish his work with her underwear.

Alenko stares at the breathtaking woman under him: her hair ruffled on the pillow, her cheeks flushed, her eyes looking at him, shyly. In a burst of pure passion, he takes her face in his hands and he kisses her again, and again, and again. "God, you are so beautiful, Sharilin."

She giggles against his mouth, a giggle that soon turns into a delighted moan as he returns his attentions to her chin, her jaw, her throat, her collarbones, and lower, between her breasts. He caresses them, gently, and moves to the left one, where he's aware there's her most important tattoo: he almost reached it when he notices that it isn't exactly the same drawing he used to know.

During the shore leave they had spent together, after defeating Saren and Sovereign, she told him the history of that tattoo, that it represented her family who died on Mindoir, each star being one person of her family, and that she always had been very protective and reserved towards it.

Now a little broken heart joined the other three symbols. "What…?"

He hears her breath halting, so he raises his head to face her: her eyebrows are knitted in a guilty scowl, her expression full of concern.


She sighs, nervous. "I extended this tattoo– after Horizon."

Suddenly, he understands why she looked so worried to remove her tank top and her bra: she was afraid he'd judge her for it. "My love…" his own heart breaks, thinking about how they both had suffered because of his stubbornness.

"It seemed clear, after our meeting, that I– I had lost you forever. But I knew that I could never love another man in my life, so– I wanted– something, which reminded me of the time spent with you– that no one could ever take away from me." Her voice is faltering.

Kaidan swallows hard, helplessly. "I am so sorry. I don't know what to say."

Then, unexpectedly, Shepard relaxes and her frown disappears. "Now you are here– you are with me again. This is not a dream, is it?"

Just one of her gorgeous smiles, and Alenko melts down, comforted. "No, absolutely, it isn't. And, as I promised you before, I will never leave you anymore, my love– my only love."

Without waiting any longer, he focuses on the drawing of the broken heart and he begins licking and sucking at it, like he wanted to delete it, along with his regret. The woman groans at his actions, spurring him on and on: he moves down, reaching her rosy nipple, and he wraps his lips over it, lapping and nipping it, while his left hand pinches its twin.

"Kai– d'n!" she gasps, almost shouting.

He inverts the position, kissing her right breast and caressing the other, hearing her heartbeats quicken, her fingers disarranging his short hair and her sweet voice calling his name wantonly.

He continues to lavish his attention on her soft skin, going down on her belly but without removing his hands from her bosom. She cries out as he plunges his tongue in her navel and soon he reaches the top of her trousers.

He sits on his heels to have easy access to her belt and free her from the rest of her garment. When he's done, he reveres her sexy black panties with a predatory stare, his right hand moving of its own volition to touch her deeply through the starkly damp lace and the other caressing her velvety leg.

Her face flushes, her eyes close and she sucks in her bottom lip, trying to control her own lustful whimpers as her fingers cling to the sheets. Kaidan leans over her to whisper in her ear, without interrupting his ministration, but, suddenly, her lids spring open and she leaves her hold on the bedding to pull him near her.

"Now it's my turn," she states, and she nimbly swaps their position, pushing him beneath her: her lips are on his brows, his nose, his cheeks, the dimple of his chin, his jaw, his neck, and further down. He can't stifle his groans of pleasure, feeling the woman he's always madly loved, caressing and kissing him ardently like she used to do years ago, the way that never failed to drive him utterly insane.

Completely lost in his entranced state, he almost fails to notice that she has just reached his pants and she has started to unbutton them. Before she can actually complete her action, he sits and wraps his arm around her waist, pulling her near his chest, and then he turns her down back on the bed, crushing his mouth on hers.

"I didn't finish with you," she grumbles.

He chuckles. "Your time was over, my love. Now you're going to be mine." And with that, her panties are thrown away, along with his trousers.

He rests on his knees, towering over a beautifully naked Shepard, her long legs splayed before him. His throat goes immediately dry at the sight of her intimate parts, the idea of tasting her there making him dizzy with desire.

Unfortunately, though, it'll have to wait for another moment, because the tightness in his boxers is becoming unbearable, something that Shepard must have noticed, given that she begins to stroke his arousal through the cloth.

"Fuck–" he mutters, her initiative catching him unprepared. "St– stop– stop. I– Fuck. I– I want you so badly, Sharilin." His voice is faltering with urge. "I need to be inside you."

His underwear joins the rest of their clothes on the floor, and he lies down above her, positioning himself between her thighs. As soon as their limbs touch, their biotics jolt alive, scattering tiny discharges of energy that run deliciously all over their skins.

Kaidan's eyes lock onto hers and she meets his gaze, her eyes dark with desire, her breath heavy on his lips, his right hand cradling her cheek.

"Are you ready? Can I–"

"Yes, please," she answers, almost begging him.

He inhales thoroughly, and he buries himself within her oh-so-slowly, their eyes never breaking their contact, while feeling her amazingly wet walls clenching on him, inch by torturous inch. When he is fully sheathed inside her, they both groan in unison and their implants that buzz wildly.

His heart is about to explode from the joy of being joined with her again after all those years of mourning and longing, and when he starts to move his hips, he is damn sure it halts its beating for a split moment.

"God–" All his memories about the sex they had before never got even close to the unbelievable pleasure he's experiencing now – they are. Each long thrust he makes is rewarded by a wanton moan from Shepard, whose hands are greedily clutching his round butt.

Her nipples brush his chest, turning him on further. He speeds up his heated pace, spurred by her sweet voice calling his name and her fingers pressing into his skin: the more he pushes fast, the more her grip tightens and the volume of her voice increases.

The room is filled with the sounds of their lovemaking and alight with the blue auras of their biotics that are running free, surrounding their sweaty bodies. Kaidan's self-control is all but forgotten, the pounding of his hips against hers losing all his rhythm in favor of the sense pure need that is consuming them.

Fuck, it is so incredibly good that he would like it would never end, but, somehow he's aware he isn't going to last much longer, and by the fierce way Shepard's nails are marking his back, she's close, too.

"Kaidan! I– I'm–"

"Yes, my– love. Together– with me," he stammers.

One last, deep thrust, and she finally cries out as she climaxes, followed immediately by his own.

They remain clung to each other, their foreheads pressed together, fighting to regain control over their powers and their labored breaths, basking in the aftermath of their overwhelming passion.

After a while, Shepard raises her right hand to brush her fingers over his cheek, and sighs. "I was completely lost without you, Kaidan."

He leans into her touch, looking at her with his eyes full of love. "It was the same for me, Sharilin. Now that I have you back in my arms, I'm feeling alive at last, after almost three years."

She nods. "You have returned to where you belong," she quotes the love song still played by the holo-clock.

"And I'll be there forever." He kisses her ardently, silently vowing never to walk away again.